Saturday, August 31, 2019
Automobile? The Main Source of Pollution? Essay
Innovation and creativity, these are the very benchmarks that pave the way in producing new technology that governs the very lives of our future. But the question is, is it doing more harm than good to society? To verify the nature and essence of this query, I will be inquiring and delving into the world of automobiles and motorcycles. On one hand, I balance the modern wonders that craft the very definitions of convenience and comfort. While on the other, I hold the unfathomable realities that draw the line between useful and harmful. Therefore, let it be stated that I have come to an understanding that both automobiles and motorcycles pose a substantial threat the world is constantly ignoring.            In probing this discussion, I will begin by first illustrating the statistics on ownership of automobiles and motorcycles made in the United States. Then, I shall be focusing on the comparison between the subjects and issues that society deals with regard to automobiles and motorcycles by citing some examples in Southeast Asia. Lastly, I will emphasize the known facts and matters that give impact on the current view of automobiles in the society.            To start with, it is acknowledged that present ownership of the automobiles is increasing day by day. According to the US Bureau of Transit Statistics for 2004 there are a total of 243,023,485 registered passenger vehicles in the U.S. of which 136,430,651 (56.13%) are classified as cars. While 91,845,327 (37.79%) are classified under 2 axles and 4 tire vehicles, presumably SUV’s and pick-up trucks. Yet another 6,161,028 (2.53%) are classified as vehicles with 2 axles and 6 tires and 2,010,335 (0.82%) are classified as trucks in combination. In addition to that, there are approximately 5,780,870 motorcycles in the U.S. in 2004, which accounts for 2.37% of all registered passenger vehicles. With the increasing number of automobiles yearly, there is a plan to see an effective way of reducing the emissions from cars through hybrids, diesel and other form of technology.            Recent studies show that automobile emissions are not as bad as motorcycles emissions. Usually, motorcycles are not the major form of transportations in developed countries. Astonishingly, the American Chemical Society reports that motorcycles collectively emit 16 times more hydrocarbons, three times more carbon monoxide and a â€Å"disproportionately high†amount of other air pollutants compared to passenger cars (Science Daily, 2008). The study, by the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, has found both two- and four-cycle motorcycle engines emitted significantly more of these pollutants than automobile engines. Given this data, we can now see the ineffectiveness of motorcycles. Given the sitting capacity of a car compared to a motorcycle, a car is able to hold twice as much sitting capacity compared to motorcycles. In developing countries such as Indonesia, the number of motorcycles is overwhelming compared to the number of automobiles. Being born in Surabaya, Indonesia, I have witnessed some of the worst air pollution that I have ever encountered. It has been so bad to an extent that I can see dust on my front porch every ten minutes upon mopping it clean            Although, there have been seen steps taken to reduce the emissions in automobiles, regulations has been a bit late for motorcycles. This does not take into account the other subjects related to pollution such as air contamination, water contamination, soil contamination, and solid waste mishandling ( L. Gari, 475 – 488).Unlike automobile emissions that have been regulated only after 1970s, the motorcycle emissions have only been regulated only after 1999. This technological advancement has made motorcycles less harmful to the environment. Thus, future bikes may have emissions from new motorcycles at a same level of emissions as cars. For example, the 1000cc Suzuki V-Strom produced in 2002, equipped with a regulated catalyzer, oxygen sensor and fuel injection, complies with 2003 emissions limits and is very close to the 2006 ones (Motorcycle Emission, 2008). It is also said that they have reduced 60% of the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons emissions of new four-stroke bikes produced from the 1st April 2003 and reinforcing it on 1st January 2006. This will in turn apply a further 50% reduction compared to the 2003 limits. Two-stroke engines will see their emissions output reduce by 30% for carbon oxide and 70% for hydrocarbons. Hopefully, motorcycles will have low level of oxides of nitrogen and limits will remain the same for 2003 giving the time for the industry to achieve more drastic nitrogen oxide measures for 2006. With this at hand, Indonesia air pollution would be drastically reduced.            Automobiles and motorcycles affect our environment and push them into critical conditions. There are even unusual emissions that are produced in the atmosphere (Beychok, 29 – 36). Pollutants from automobiles are the major causes for green house effects and other environmental pollutions. Although Bangkok is praised with their three-wheeled vehicles whose name comes from the sputtering sound produced by their horribly polluting two-stroke engines, â€Å"tuk-tuks†look like beat-up golf carts with roofs and backseats and function as inner-city taxis (Hertsgaard, 1999). Unfortunately, â€Å"tuk-tuks†and motorbikes, in terms of mobility, are undercut by their abnormal tailpipe exhaust that burn a fuel that is part gasoline, part benzene. Benzene of course causes cancer and each flick of a driver’s wrist sends thick puffs of bluish-white smoke into the already soup like air (Hertsgaard, 1999). Though the presence of â€Å"tuk-tuks†created many jobs as a â€Å"tuk-tuk†driver for the people in Bangkok, it also cost them their health as prolong breathing of benzene causes cancer.            Nowadays, diesel cars are cleaner than the petrol cars. Modern technologies have been applied in order to reduce the level of emission from cars. For example, carbon dioxide emissions are directly proportional to fuel consumption, and as diesel cars use 30 to 40% less fuel and they emit 30 to 40% less carbon dioxide than petrol cars (Vasic and Weilenmann, 149 – 154).  On the other hand, natural gas and LPG cars are actually quite fuel inefficient, if otherwise cleaner burning, and so produce more CO2 than diesel. Diesel engines produce virtually no carbon monoxide.  Emissions of nitrous oxides can be effectively reduced in both petrol and diesel cars by use of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR).  EGR reduces the combustion temperature to below the point where nitrogen effectively burns. Hydrocarbon emissions are contained in petrol engine emissions much more than in diesel engine emissions.  Benzene is also present in the fumes which can be smelt when filling up with petrol at a service station; however this is not a problem with diesel.            Personally, I strongly feel that it is necessary for everyone to get a car since it has a viable use in the lives of ordinary men and women. Moreover, cars have been viewed as a twentieth-century technology (Hertsgaard, 1999). Since the invention of automobiles, more and more industries associated with it have begun to expand. This in turn provides enormous employment opportunities to the people. With that, countries such as Thailand, China and Bangkok have soon started to welcome foreign automobile industries to invest in order to boost their economic progress. One great example of this particular event is the success story of Thailand. Over the past two decades, Thailand’s per capita income in 1991 was U.S$ 1,570â€â€a stunning six fold increase over the 1971 figure of U.S$271 making Thailand an apparent economic success story (Hertsgaard, 1999). With a sudden massive economic growth in an automobile industry as have been seen, there comes a price that everyone has to pay.            In conclusion, not only automobile’s emissions is held scapegoat to many people around the world for global warming and the increase of greenhouse gases, certain factors such as the massive motorcycles emissions are also partly to blame. Both the automobile and motorcycles affect our environment and push them into critical conditions such as the green house effects and other environmental pollutions. Overall, I agree with Hertsgaard when he made a strong point that â€Å"proponents of the car like to point out, as the Mobil Corporation did in a 1995 advertisement in the New York Times, that the cars and skies in the United States are much cleaner now than they were a quarter of a century ago†(Hertsgaard, 1999). This statement he makes inspires the entire environmentalist out there that their efforts have not gone too waste. WORKS CITED ScienceDaily.Amounts of Air Pollutants. March 21, 2008 /releases/2006/01/060101155000.htm U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. â€Å"Automobile Emissions: An Overview.†August, 1994 1-5. 21 March, 2008 Beychok, Milton R. (January 1987). â€Å"A Database for Dioxin and Furan Emissions from Refuse Incineratorsâ€Å". Atmospheric Environment 21 (1): 29-36 Christi, â€Å"The Truth About Diesel Emissions†Fred’s Tdi Forum 21 March, 2008 Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). â€Å"Estimated National Average Vehicle Emissions Rates per Vehicle by Vehicle Type using Reformulated Gasoline and Diesel.†U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) Nov. 29, 2007. 21 March, 2008 . Hertsgaard , Mark . Earth Odyssey: Around the World in Search of Our Environmental Future . New York: Broadway Books, 1999. Gari. â€Å"Arabic Treatises on Environmental Pollution up to the End of the Thirteenth Centuryâ€Å", Environment and History 8 (4), 2002, pp. 475-488 â€Å"Motorcycle Emissions – Bikes Go Greener.†British Motorcyclists Federation 30 Sep, 2004. 21 March, 2008 â€Å"Passenger Vehicles in the United States.†Wikipedia 27 February 2008 21 March, 2008 . Vasic, Ana -Marija and Martin Weilenmann. â€Å"Comparison of Real-World Emissions.†Environmental Science&Technology 402006 149-154. 21 March, 2008 . Self-evaluation            Upon starting this essay, I experienced several setbacks and challenges. It took me a total of 3 days of researching and 2 days to complete the essay. The first thing which I did in this essay was the search for good source information for this research. This was hard as I have to be able to find data which preferably have a range of 10 years. Secondly, I read the Top Ten Tips on the transition and brilliant beginnings and I really can see myself being a better writer with it. The last and final step was for me to put all the information down and start writing followed by proofreading. For this research only managed to do a single draft and I did not get the help of any body except the tools of Microsoft words such as its thesaurus and dictionary. I believe that my strong and insightful data on the emission outputs of automobiles and motorcycles are the strengths of my essay. In addition to that I believe that my essay is weak because of proofreading problems. One of the primary problems that I have with this essay was that I have to retype everything again due to a computer problem. The essay was supposed to be done on my lap top. However, it crashed and I am unable to backup my data causing me to lose come information that can help me with this essay. One thing that I would do next time is definitely to start earlier and have a visit to Dr Lankford office to ask him on his views on my current ideas for the essay. I would definitely rewrite this essay for the second time in hope to have at least a B+/- for this course as it depended on this essay. References Vehicle ratios since 1990 Year Motor vehicles Increase in vehicles % Growth  1990 189 2 +1.01  1991 188 -1 -0.52  1992 190 2 +1.06  1993 194 4 +2.10  1994 198 4 +2.06  1995 202 4 +2.02  1996 206 4 +1.98  1997 208 4 +1.94  1998 208 0 +/-0  1999 216 8 +3.84  2000 218 2 +0.92  2001 226 8 +3.66  2002 230 4 +1.76  2003 231 1 +0.43  All numbers in millions; SOURCE: US Department of Transportation  Estimated National Average Vehicle Emissions Rates per Vehicle by Vehicle Type using Reformulated Gasoline and Diesel (Grams per mile)    1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 RFG (assuming 100% RFG)              Light-duty vehicles              Exhaust HC 1.45 1.28 1.15 1.04 0.97 0.84 0.76 0.68 0.62 0.55 0.47 0.41 0.38 Nonexhaust HC 0.89 0.87 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.64 0.63 0.61 0.59 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.47 Total HC 2.34 2.15 2.01 1.88 1.78 1.48 1.39 1.29 1.21 1.12 1.02 0.921 0.852 Exhaust CO 22.78 20.84 19.43 18.25 17.21 15.36 14.68 13.88 13.17 12.49 11.44 9.81 9.29 Exhaust NOx 1.78 1.64 1.55 1.46 1.35 1.24 1.19 1.12 1.06 1.00 0.90 0.77 0.72 DIESEL              Light-duty vehicles              Exhaust HC 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.73 0.60 0.58 0.48 0.36 Exhaust CO 1.69 1.73 1.76 1.78 1.79 1.78 1.75 1.73 1.74 1.59 1.57 1.41 1.21 Exhaust NOx 1.89 1.89 1.88 1.86 1.85 1.81 1.72 1.62 1.54 1.43 1.32 1.11 0.85 KEY: CO = carbon monoxide; HC = hydrocarbon; NOx = nitrogen oxide; RFG = reformulated gasoline. SOURCE:U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory, personal communication, Nov. 29, 2007.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Bonuses can backfire Essay
1. Yes, I may use bonuses regularly if I become a manager. Because it is obvious that people will be motivated by bonuses. Although pay is not a key factor driving job satisfaction, bonuses will keep employee’s satisfaction level up in the most of time. Work environment will be improved when rewarded, which will make the employee improve their job performance and efficiency. Reward may be back fire but it will motivate the employees work in the positive pace. As a manager, bonuses is a good way to motivate the employees, in order to make more profits. 2. There was a tough time in my middle school. Before the final exam, my mother told me that if I get the better mark in the final exam, he would reward me a trip to japan. Due to this reward, I focused on the study day and night. I kept the studying till the midnight. The bad thing happened was that I got a sudden illness. I had a high fever lasting three weeks and had to have an operation. I not only missed the final exam but also stay in the hospital over three month. The doctor told me that the sudden illness was the result of the heavy pressure. This goal led me offer myself too heavy stress thus I engaged in unproductive behavior which was I kept myself in the anomalous daily schedule. 3. No, I think that providing group bonuses instead of individual bonuses would be less effective. Although providing group bonuses will contribute to the group spirit, providing individual bonuses is fair. Providing individual bonuses is based on the individual’s performance, every single employee will perform better in the work. While providing group bonuses, there will be someone pretend to work and not try him best to work. And the most hardworking team member will dissatisfaction with the rewarding, it is not equitable to the team star. Therefore, providing individual bonuses would be more effective. 4. I would design a reward program concerning the intrinsic interest of employee and avoiding the negative behavior. First, there will be a intrinsic rewards to let the employee recognize the programs and not lose the interest of the task. Second, the reward is based on the variable-pay programs. And in the company we will enhance the role and discipline of the enterprise, the employee may avoid the unproductive behavior. It is important to design a program.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Capstone introduction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Capstone introduction - Research Paper Example There are a number of factors which have affected Africa’s growth and caused it to remain behind. These are as follows; Education Education is the edification of one’s mind with knowledge, skills and even wisdom. In the modern world, education usually takes both formal and informal formats with formal education being the main form of education in today’s world. Despite Africa having a great number of people, most of them young, most of these are not educated. Africa has some of the highest numbers of uneducated and completely illiterate people (Bridges, 2007). Even most of multinational businesses corporations in Africa have to depend on outside countries for experts in different countries. According to Benson, Gospel and Zhu (2013), education is an integral and vital part of the development process. Africa remain the least educated continent, even after the massive missionary work in the previous hundred years which focused on delivering education, healthcare an d religions. Education in Africa is linked with economic prosperity. Only the wealthy can access useful education and only the educated can access wealth. This has left the continent being a continent of one billion extremely poor people and ten thousand billionaires. While the gap between the wealthy and the people is a major concern in almost any economy even in developed countries such as USA and United Kingdom, Africa has the greatest rift between the rich and the poor and this gap has been caused by the education Gap (Curaj, 2012). Most rich people in Africa are those whose families were lucky enough to access education in the pre-colonial era. These were mainly families which sided with colonial masters while the freedom fighters were in the forest fighting for the emancipation of their countries. Freedom fighters and their families never had an opportunity to get education and the wealth-education-wealth cycle never got to them. This has affected the continent ever since. Pol itics Political affects the way a country develops. Good democratic structures help a country to be able to take advantage of its resources and also to be able to help in overcoming its challenges. This is why politics is directly attached to leadership structures. Politicians are at the forefronts of a country’s leadership and therefore affect the way that country is going to develop, or not develop. It goes without saying that Africa is one of the youngest, or constitutes some of the youngest democracies in the world (Obiyan & Amuwo, 2012). In fact, most countries in the African continent can rarely be regarded as democracies. This lack of good political structures perpetuates the issues discussed above. Poor politics means corruption, which will prevent the poor from being able to access resources such as education (Obiyan & Amuwo, 2012). Poor political therefore has helped in maintaining the status quo, which means the maintenance or even expansion of the gap between the rich and the poor in Africa. As Faringer (1991) argues, corruption in many governments in Africa has meant that a few African leaders are prostituting African resources to other countries which mean that African resources only benefit a few already rich African people while the majority continue to suffer. These resources are then exported to other countries where they are used to benefit foreigners. Neo-colonialism Neo-colonialism is termed as a
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
JOHM'S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
JOHM'S - Essay Example This created a panic among not only individuals but also the engineers because of excessive volatility. Accordingly, the bridge was closed temporarily from June 12, 2000. (The Millennium Bridge, 2011) After investigation, it was discovered that the main reason for the swing bridge is not weakness, but people walking style. This phenomenon was known as the synchronous lateral excitationse. This meant that the natural way of walking caused by human lateral oscillations cause the bridge to swing sideways. (London Landmarks, 2011) Research and experiments led to the suggestion of introducing damping mechanisms to absorb the pressure or the vibration of people walking. Depreciation is not only beneficial to absorb pressure and oscillation, but it is not visible. This is due to damping mechanisms are mainly in the bottom of the structure. Therefore, the issue has been addressed effectively and was a signal for future structures. (Millenium Bridge,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Systematic Health Program Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Systematic Health Program Evaluation - Essay Example A health program is â€Å"an organized response to reduce or eliminate one or more problems by achieving one or more objectives, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of society.†(Shortell & Richardson, 1978 as cited by Grembowski, 2001, p.3). Program evaluation, representing the techniques and concepts of social science, is the use of social research methods to systematically investigate the effectiveness of social intervention programs and is â€Å"intended to be useful for improving programs and informing social action aimed at ameliorating social problems.†(Rossi, Lipsey & Freeman, 2003, p.28). â€Å"Evaluation research can be defined as a type of study that uses standard social research methods for evaluative purposes, as a specific research methodology, and as an assessment process that employs special techniques unique to the evaluation of social programs†(Powell, 2006). Ever since the concept of value for money in health care was introduced there has been concerted effort to develop techniques that assist decision makers to bring a balance between benefits and costs associated with each option available before them and â€Å"the early application of cost-benefit analysis were undertaken in the United States during the 1930s in connection with flood control programs.†(Robinson, 1993). Policy analysis and evaluation research received fillip at the federal government level in the year 1965 with the introduction of ‘the War on Poverty-Great Society initiative and the Executive Order establishing the Planning-Programming-Budgeting system in the U.S. Both programs initiated scholars to examine the â€Å"efficiency with which public measures allocate resources.... ed scholars to examine the "efficiency with which public measures allocate resources, their impacts on individual behavior, their effectiveness in attaining the objectives for which they were designed, and their effects" in bridging the socio-economic divide. (Rossi, Lipsey & Freeman, 2003, p. 14). Program evaluation is defined as the use of social research methods to systematically investigate the effectiveness of social intervention programs in ways that are adapted to their political and organizational environments that are designed to inform social action in ways that improve social condition. The evaluation sponsors are the person, group, or organization that requests or requires the evaluation and provides the resources to conduct it. Stakeholders include individuals, groups, or organizations having a significant interest in how well a program functions, for instance, those with decision-making authority over the program, funders and sponsors, administrators and personnel, and clients or intended beneficiaries. The findings of an evaluation may be used by decision makers and other stake holders in their day-to-day management level or at broader funding or policy levels. The health promotion cycle consists of four stages, beginning with needs assessment, leading to program planning, implementation and then to evaluation. According to Hawe, Degeling, and Hall (1990) for health promotion, evaluation involves measurement and observation and comparison with some criterion or standard. An evaluation tries to answer the differences made with the introduction of a particular health promotion program and the changes in health status it has produced. Hence, an evaluation involves observing, documenting and measuring of the actual results of the programs in relation to the
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Crown of Palaces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Crown of Palaces - Essay Example The significance of Taj Mahal lies in the fact that, the building is a piece of art which has surpassed all boundaries of calligraphy and symbolic beauty. . The monument depicts the art and culture of multiple Asian ethnicity and architectural elements of it is worth exploring technically and artistically. The paper will specifically examine the structure of tomb and the architectural sophistication and elements involved in it. I will be exploring the historical value of the monument along with its constructional method, structural design planning .and the intelligence behind it. Taj Mahal is the most beautiful and extravagant construction of Mughal empire. Taj Mahal as all know is the eighth wonder of the world and the western world still look at it as a mysteriously exquisite human creation. It is said that, during day and night, Taj reflects different colors according to the brilliance of sun and moon. Taj Mahal is believed to look most stunning during the dawn and sunset time. Ea ch corner of this mausoleum has a symbolic meaning and it represented the palaces of Queens of Mughal dynasty. Taj Mahal is a part of UNESCO heritage site and invites around 2,00,000 foreigners to the country annually. This monument is not only the resting place of Mumtaz but also is the burial place of emperor Shahjahan. Taj Mahal and its architectural journey The Gateway The architecture of Taj Mahal is the finest and most charming one that the world history has seen since centuries. This building of Mughal empire has evoked, passion, mystery and inspiration among artists, architects and poets. Looking from the perspective of architectural world, Taj Mahal is a unique piece of work that gives ample space to explore and investigate regarding. The Taj Mahal is built in 42 acres of land positioning from south to north toward prestigious Indian river Yamuna. The entire Taj building consists of five constituents namely main entrance, mosque, garden, rest house, main mausoleum . Main at traction of this monument is the gateway standing at the end of water course which has Quranic calligraphy embedded on it. Apart from this, the doomed chamber of Taj Mahal which is the point of attraction was constructed in early 20th century. The gateway of sandstone has a gate constructed with pure solid silver which adds to the prowess of Mughal Empire. This door prevented the public from getting any view of the tomb until the public arrives at door itself. The main gateway of this monument is built with black stone where calligraphy of Quranic verses is sculptured. This exquisite calligraphy is the effort and skillsmanship of various artists of Shahjahan rulership.The geometrical pattern of the gate way is vertical in symmetry and depicts the elegance and extravagance of Mughal empire. The Calligraphy of Taj Mahal The calligraphy of Taj mahal is of symbolic beauty and reflects the dignity and craftsmanship of Islamic era. The Arabic inscriptions on Taj Mahal is connected to Pers ian calligrapher Amanat Khan who was resident of the Mughal court These Arabic inscription are on black marble and writings are in vertical and horizontal strokes give out grid like appearance. As per
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Role of Nursing in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Role of Nursing in Society - Essay Example Conventionally, caring is central to the benchmark nature of the nursing profession. Apparently, the general public is aware and expects that as experts in the field of caring, nurses show evidence in the application of learned, modern techniques within personalities that project an aura of healing. Normally, this should further be enhanced by the accurate execution of contemporary primary care to ensure comfort among medical care clients regardless of the medical care setting. As health care workers and civil service providers, nurse's priority concern is the public interest, while living an ideal, reserve, and humble life. Thus, nurses as professionals in the practice of their expertise embody an attitude that goes beyond personal limitations and discriminations. Nursing is a distinct vocation because, as experts in the particular field, it focuses on activities engage in extending assistance to individuals who are ill. It is in the performance of help oriented activities that nursing best contributes to the healing of the sick, which is likewise, a speedy recovery from pain and illness. Apparently, the meaning of the profession has progressed from its simple beginnings indicating a womanly task which is basic and does not have to be studied (Donahue, 1996). It was from suckling an infant to one that has become a stylish and vastly educated line of work (Donahue, 1996). Practically, this shift is manifested in the developed and enhanced role of nursing. Beginning with the 19th century developments, nursing as a profession and a work has been expanded to not only tending the sick. It also means undergoing education. This is on the best ways of nurturing the sick. It goes further to executing such responsibility under the direction of a medical doctor (Donahue, 1996). This task was promoted to include child-nursing and sick-nursing (Donahue, 1996).Child-nursing which eventually was specialized nursemaid and governess is allied to teaching and training of children (Donahue, 1996). While sick-nursing is linked to healing ability, care for the sick, the aged, the vulnerable, and the people who are in poor health, the handicapped, and the sponsorship of wellbeing (Donahue, 1996). The latter further included such factors as affection, concern, solitude, and responsibility for personal wants and desires. ConclusionVirtually, care and caring underpins nursing, despite vagueness of the phrase as sweeping statement of the realities of the profession (Daly, Speedy, Jackson, Lambert, & Lambert, 2005). This is because nursing turned out to be multi-dimensional. It is driven by sophisticated concepts assumed as attitude and at the same time discipline (Daly et al, 2005). Similarly, nurse caring is characterized as giving value to individual interactions, well-versed of the doctrine of sharing, candor, compassion, and self-discipline. Additionally nurse caring includes reverence, guarantee of individual attendance, cheerful association, expert understanding and ability, and courtesy. Moreover, affection and effort are supplementary facets to nurse caring. Reference Donahue, M. P. (1996). Nursing, the Finest Art: An Illustrated History. St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Daly, J., Speedy, S., Jackson, D., Lambert, V. A., & Lambert, C.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
GCSS-MC Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
GCSS-MC - Article Example If well developed and strategically applied, GCSS ensures accurate, timely and perfect provision of logistical information for all concerned parties. This means that the Marine Corps would effectively receive the logistical support that they need in varied operations, in their line of duty. Despite all the positive aspects targeted, it is sad to note that the DOD is yet to realize and enjoy the fruits of the acquisition of GCSS. This is because the department is still highly riddled with weaknesses in its programs and procedures. The weaknesses observed have created bottlenecks in line with observed management control. The entire acquisition process has not been justified. This means that many of the expected benefits cannot be observed from the acquisition of GCSS. All the design specification and all the accompanying documents cannot be traced (GAO, 2006). This could be equated to mean that the DOD does not understand the overall importance and significance of the purchase. In orde r for GCSS to attain its overall advantages, the DOD has to make varied adjustments. They have to ensure that the system undergoes concept refinement, which can be acquired through high system and technology development. All the concerned parties have to undergo a system demonstration to ensure that they comprehend its set demands and practices. This is the only way that GCSS would ultimately contribute to product deployment and operations support (GAO,
Friday, August 23, 2019
Employment Law In UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Employment Law In UK - Essay Example The research paper â€Å"title†highlights the employment law as an integral part of the legal statutes that runs a country. The interest of employees is a vital issue that should not be left in the hands of the employers. It is for this reason that many countries have implemented laws that protect the interests of the employees as compared to theory independent or self-employed counterparts. In UK, several statutes have been realized all in an aim to represent the interests of the employees actively and conclusively. Employee protection statutes are a significant item in UK law. Over time, there has been radical criticism about the constituents of these statutes and the definition that they give about who is an employee. Apparently, it has been said that independent workers who are sometimes referred to as self-employed people should be subjected to the protection and general provisions that are stated in employee protection statutes. This has however been subjected to a diff erent school of thought that argues the indifference between workers working under a contractual agreement and those that are independent or rather self employed. Self-employed workers are in no manner offered any form of protection under the provisions of employment law. The issue about who â€Å"self employed†an â€Å"employed†was contentious and it could not be clearly pointed out the differences that stands between the two. (Rose 2003, p.512). A test table that has been used to differentiate ideally between these two categories of workforce in UK was devised by the courts systems and assumed the shown model: Table 1: Tests differentiating employed &self employed Test Factors Control – defines the person who holds control over task, including the mode, timing and means of performing a task Obligated to obey orders, discretion made supervisory mode of working or hours of work. Integration - this shows the integration of work to the business There should exis t a grievance/disciplinary procedure to be followed which should be included in occupational benefit schemes. Economic Reality – Financial risk involved Method of payment to be used, investing in own business, tax and national insurance payment methods, and coverage of holiday/sick pay Mutuality of Obligation: evidence showing formal subordination to contract terms This includes the duration of engagement, terms of engagement, right to refuse work, custom in the trade. Based on Burchell et al (1999, p.11) According to the table, the courts attempted to identify the dependency level of the person to the employer. This was deemed important in identifying the individuals that were reliable for the provisions that are as stated in the employment law statutes. However, the degree at which the factors in question are considered was
What is diabetes and treatment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What is diabetes and treatment - Research Paper Example The statistic from the Centers for Disease Control and prevention shows that approximately 29.1 million of population in the United States has diabetes that is 9.3%. Among them are 21.0 million of diagnosed diabetes cases and 8.1 million of undiagnosed cases. As of 2013, worldwide was fixed on average 382 million patients with diabetes. The second type of the diabetes has the highest prevalence and it is 90% of all cases. During the period of 2012-2013 years diabetes caused 1.5 -5.1 million of deaths per year all over the world. Nowadays this disease takes 8th place among the diseases that cause the highest level of mortality worldwide. Therefore, investigations of effective and safe treatment for diabetes are one of the most important challenges for scientists. In this paper I want to describe the biological overview of the diabetes, view all main types of the diabetes and characterize all possible treatment option for patients with diabetes. (CDC,2014) Diabetes associated with increased level of sugars in the blood that caused by abnormal function of the pancreas. Normally, hormone-producing cells called beta cells of the healthy pancreas that are situated in the islet of Langerhans release such important metabolic hormone as insulin. Insulin related to the peptide hormones and it plays a crucial role in the carbohydrates and fat metabolism. The main function of insulin is glucose absorption from the blood into the liver, muscles and adipose tissue. There are three main sources of glucose releasing inside our body. They contain gluconeogenesis that characterized by receiving the glucose from non-carbohydrates sources such as lipids and proteins; intestinal absorption of the meal and splitting of glycogen the form of glucose storage in the liver. Insulin plays an important role in all this processes as it can inhibit or stimulate the process of glycogen splitting or gluconeogenesis. Mainly insulin is responses
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Principles of Environmental Science Essay Example for Free
Principles of Environmental Science Essay Principals of Environmental Science Joshua Hammack ENV/100 February 4, 2013 Christopher Bertram Principals of Environmental Science Environmental science is the relationship between the earth and all living things and organisms that use the earth’s resources to sustain life. Environmental science is also the ongoing study of the environment and all of its interconnected systems. The style of research performed by environmental scientists is very diverse. Also, environmental science is composed of many components such as geology, physics, social science, meteorology, and biology. Social science looks more at how humans and animals interact within the environment and the effects they have on one another. â€Å"Environmental scientists try to establish general principles about how the natural world functions. They use these principles to develop viable solutions to environmental problemsâ€â€solutions that are based as much as possible on scientific knowledge†(M. C. , 2009). Technology and science affect the problems and solutions of today’s society both positively and negatively. Take for instance the invention of the car by Karl Friedrich Benz in 1885, (Bruno, 1997) while there was a demand for better transportation as people became more sophisticated and wanted to travel further than possible on a horse it created a demon for the environment to fight. Today, worldwide there are more than 1 billion passenger vehicles on the roadways, (Tencer, 2011) and with an increase in automobiles comes added pollution from oil, grease, petroleum, and rubber, but not only the cars produce pollution. The manufacturing does equal amounts of damage from steel mills, rubber plants and stamping plants. With growing population these numbers will begin to rise. At the same time the technologies that are contributing to the Worlds pollution problems are also being used to help solve the problem by creating means necessary to obtain valuable data to aid in the solution. For example studying marine life in the depths of the ocean would not be possible without using motorboats to reach these remote locations. The double edge sword being that the boat itself pollutes the water. Finding a balance between the neccessity of technology and the over consumption of technology is a slippery slope, but it is crucial to the sustainability of the environment. â€Å"Ecologist Garrett Hardin (1915–2003) is best known for his 1968 essay â€Å"The Tragedy of the Commons. †In it he contended that our inability to solve complex environmental problems is the result of a struggle between short-term individual welfare and long-term environmental sustainability, the ability to meet humanitys current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs†(M. C. , 2009). It is essential that society studies the sustainability of our resources not only so they can be preserved, but to aid in the prediction of growth and evolution. Some countries like the US, Canada, Japan, and Europe are highly developed countries that are consuming the majority of the worlds sustainable consumption. As the under developed countries such as Haiti, yemen, and Sudan begin to grow they will take on a larger share of the sustainable consumption. Without monitoring the development from an environmental point of view the worlds population could literally eat themselves out of house and home. â€Å"Those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it. †–Edmund Burke. Looking back through history the United States has not always been the best stewards to the land. In fact, through many mistakes the lessons of Mother Nature have been ingrained into our culture. The concept of conservation and preservation was brought about by a group of men in the mid 1800’s through the early 1900’s. Benjamin Harrison (1833–1901), Grover Cleveland (1837–1908), William McKinley (1843–1901), and Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919) were all the first to use the Forest Reserve Act, this act was put into affect in 1881 which gave the president the authority to establish forest reserves on public, federally owned land (M. C. , 2009). Before this the lands in the western United States were falling victim to deforestation with 160 billion board foot of lumber being cut from 1860, just after the Civil War to 1900. Throughout history the government has been very proactive in establishing programs to help preserve and protect the natural resources. Until 1970, the voice of the environmentalist was nothing but a whisper that was only heard through two organizations, the Sierra Club and the National Wildlife Federation (M. C. , 2009). When Denis Hays, a Harvard graduate student was influenced by a former Wisconsin senator to organize the first recognized Earth Day it bacame a gateway for informing the public on sustainability, consumption and what we needed to do to preserve our environment. Eventually Earth Day became a way to show people that their little contribution to reducing their carbon footprint as much as possible was magnified greatly when coupled with others efforts. â€Å"By Earth Day 1990, the movement had spread around the world, signaling the rapid growth in environmental consciousness†(M. C. , 2009). In conclusion, it is inevitable that the world as a whole will continue to grow, the population will increase, and resources will be exhuasted. It is for that reason the human race must be aware of what is coming.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Case Study Career Aspirations Analysis Education Essay
Case Study Career Aspirations Analysis Education Essay A career is a job market as well as of the individual career seekers interest and skill. By examining the job market, those interested in careers can learn what jobs are available and in demand now and what jobs will be available and in demand in the future. Career in essence is a series of related jobs towards the fulfillment of a set of individual goals that provide a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. My career aspiration is be to be a General Manager. To fulfill my needs, I have to do a lot of thing to get it. There are four general individual characteristics affect how people make career choices, which is Interest where they believe match their interest, Self-image where an extension of a persons self image as well as molder of it, Personality which is personal orientation and personal needs and lastly Social backgrounds which is social economic status, educational and occupation level of a persons parents. Yes I choose my career from this characteristic. I believe in myself that one day Ill be general manager. This is because my believed is really matched what I want to be in future. The type of company that I would like to work is in a international company. It because by working there I can challenge myself to achieved my goals. This has been a aspiration for me since Im small to be general manager. This is because most of my family members are working in high post in a big c ompany. So I said to myself that one day I also want to be like them. I knew something about this high post general manager from my family members, they told me and teach me some important. I have choose this because I want my personal looks to be formal, in a very standard way. By working in this area I can gain more knowledge because of the rapid change and growth in the business where most business is going global now days. In that, I also can gain more profit faster if the business that Im doing is successful. According to John Hollands theories, the personality types and working environment has been divided into six types which is realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. Investigative gives more interest in intellectual activities where it must be a idea and theories for someone who does a work. Enterprising is a type concerned with action and with achieving result through other people, enjoy leading and persuading for an entrepreneur and representative. This both theories really suits me because I have the criteria in it. Besides that, Career Anchors by Edger Schein function also had suits me. This career wants a person perception about his or her own talents, motive and values tended to evolve into a relatively stable pattern. Identifying ones area of contribution in the long run, this has inspire my career in working in a managerial role. I also like to learn more than one thing after fully understanding the first thing. I like to move forward every ti me and gain extra knowledge in new field. I strongly decided that this field that Im choosing for my career is well suits with my personality test. In that test my result is ENFJ. I really concern about myself when Im out with people because Im harmonious. Im very respect person, harmony, and loyal to thing that I do. I will take a risk to do job, because I want to achieve my goal and I know I have to take a risk. If I really cannot take it something that has fail my success I will regret it and will ignore it. I know by doing that I can try for second time. But it will be a bit had for the first time to hear the truth. I will be happy if I get to create something new where it can give me a lot of profit in my life. Im also ready to hear about others problem because I have the ability to solve problem. Sometimes I will confused whether which decision shall I take, but after reading all the thing carefully I will take my decision, and I wont follows others in that. 1.2 Skill Required When choosing an occupation it is very important to be skillful. Skill can be divided into basic skills and related skills. When talking about related skills we can discuss on the skills that are related to the specific job. Basic skills that are needed to be in a job can be similar to one another but will different when it comes to carrying out a specific task. The basic skills that have in myself is athletics. I can do coaching, team sport and individual sport. I have a football skill. I start coaching long time ago by helping my school teacher to train his team. Other than that, my communication skill is very good. My grammar, speaking style, listening and writing is also good. I practice my listening from other people talk and talking on phone and also talk good English to all my friends. This is how I practice my communication skills. A outdoors activities skills like farming and animal care is my aspiration skill. I learn farming from my dad, in he will always do farming and I will help him and from here I got the skill. The related skill that I have choose to be General Manager is organizing, making decision, managing time, solving problem, leading and owing or operating a business. I used to make own decision at times at college. Its like a group of my friends planning something and I will make a decision and they will listen to me. I will be on time if I go out. I want to be a good time making if I go out. This will practice me when I start my work in future. Solving a problem is my main concern, because I used to solve many of mime and my friend problem very well. I dont this to be happened very often in life. Sometimes I will lead my brothers business, he will tell me what to do and not. Im creative in making idea and very imaginative. A skill of a General Manager can be more diverse and be more general in nature to classify in any area of management or administration. The other skill that may see of a General Manager is personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. In some organizations, the duties of general and operations managers may overlap the duties of chief executive officers. By looking at these related skills of being General Manager it is seen that I have to improve and develop myself so I could achieve my career development goal and aims in future. When being a General manger it is very important for an individual to be knowledgeable and wide thinking so in any consequence the companys growth will not decline. 1.3(a) Strength Looking at my strong educational background, I have completed my Foundation Studies in Business 1 year ago and now Im doing my degree in International Business. From here I have the knowledge of the theories which I have studied for foundation. I can contribute my knowledge to others because I have the strength to do so. Below is my strength: Very punctual Creative Able to do something without anyone help Understanding in everything Friendly to everyone Very hardworking Good listener Good in creating Ideas Brave in doing anything Good in resolving problem Good in handling problem Good in giving Counseling Maintain thing well Managing time Tolerant Being a good group leader Looking at all my Strength, I have done everything at above and I know that I can do that. this is because being a good group leader can bring me to the top of leader board for a management. I can handle and solve complains, diversify works to my members, being patience and also calm down any serious situation. This is the most important characteristics needed by a good group leader. I know from here becoming a group leader will bring me to success when I become General Manager. A General Manager also will have all kind of this job working together and gain more things from it. In college, a task I given to us by our lecture and we need to choose 1 group leader. They had selected me as group leader because I have the ability to work hard, to things together, and also can solve problem if my members dont know. Other than that, I can be a good listener, member will talk and I will listen to them. Punctual is the key word, I used to be very early and will push my friends to reach at col lege early to start our work, and they listen to me. This is because Im the group leader so I feel proud and this will happen when I become a General Manager. 1.3(b) My Weakness Like to do things very fast without knowing it Language Problem Do work at last minute Take things easily My main weakness is my language problem. At college when I talk to Chinese student from China, they wont really understand English. They can only speak in Chinese language. This is what my main problem, because it might give an effect to me in future when Im dealing with customer. To solve this problem, I have to start learn English. In order for me to communicate with them, I must take sometimes to get to know them well. Section 2 Experience 1: Working After finish my SPM (secondary educational level), I worked at my uncle office as admin officer. I worked there for almost 4months before joining Stamford College. My work at first is to check all the old report and then have to clean it up. It was fun working at that way. After that I has given a task to work out with 1 employee regarding about his work. From here I really gain a lot of profit knowledge. Although I dont have knowledge about the work Im doing, but I had been guided by my uncle. Microsoft word and excel is the main subject for my working period. I have to list down the company rough account with guides from my uncle. I learn how to improve language while working, my computer skill been improve and also has solve a problem without telling to my uncle. It really gave me the exposure of office life where it increases more interest to remain in this particular field where I can actually prosper. During my working period I learn a lot of thing and it has gave me a working life style. Dress code everyday must be formal and its like a practice for me in future. When we study we dont exactly get the picture of working life. I learn to be more responsible where it really help me to organize myself. By learning all this skills I can always improve my skills because it is very important at least to have this basic requirement. For my working experience, this has gave me roughly idea how to manage myself and this can help me to my future career aspiration as a General Manager. Experience 2: Student As a student I have learn how to do my assignment without others help, exam, presentation and group project. Every subject at college has a task of assignment to do. This is given to student is because, they want student to learn doing things together and in group. For assignment, I will do research in web and find details about the task. Exam is where we will train our self to see how far we have learnt something during a certain period. From here will really push our self to achieve a good goals of mark. Presentation will be done in a group in my college. We will communicate between friends to do a work. Group project is where all members will sit together and complete a task together. This work as student is testing how far we can do something with individual and with friends. Exam we get to learnt how to write, think, how to organize something and how to manage our time management by reaching before the exam start. For assignment I learnt how to do research on net, analysis and do work in computer. Presentation I learnt oral studies with my group members about how to do, complete and research for the work. Group project is to see our team work. I was the group leader and I see that team work in my group is very well going. Experience 3: Society/Activity Final experience that I want to share is when I became a captain for my futsal team in college. From here I learnt a lot of thing about how to manage things carefully. Im a vice president of badminton club in my college. Being a team captain for my futsal team is very hard task. I learnt how to make strategies and manage my team while playing on field. Vice president works is enjoyable because I been very friendly to everyone who just join the club, get to give my experience to the junior who dont really know how to play and manage my work with arranging all the student info in details. Section 3: Objective 1 The first objective that I want to set is to find part time job on my semester break. To gain more knowledge of working style is my main target and how to solve things easily. The action that I have to take is to search job in internet and newspaper. I will do this in this 2years time because I have 2 more years to go to complete my degree. Objective 2 My second objective is I would like to set to learn Mandarin. This is because I want to improve my listening and speaking skills in this language. The actions I have taken to improve in this language is by attending for the language classes. Other than that, even to improve faster, I will start to mix around with those who have knowledge about this language. I will attend for this class during my semester break. The class will be on every weekend only for 2hours. I want to do in weekend because I will be busy on weekdays because I have classes to attend. Objective 3 My final objectives is to learn about computer programming which is basically gives more importance to internet usage. I want to learn this because computer programming is very important in today s world. To do so, I have to attend for classes in order to get the specific knowledge about using the internet. I will ask any of my friends to recommend for me a better centre that offer this program or else I will ask my brother to teach me because he is good and have experience in computer programming. I will tell my brother to give me a class for this computer programming every day for 1hour because Im staying with him. Curriculum Vitae Ravinder Singh Toor Current Address: Main Address: 88, Jalan 14/15, Section 14 958, Lorong Anggerik Kanan 3,58000 Petaling Jaya, Bandar Sunggala, 71050PD,Selangor Darul Ehsan. Negeri Sembilan. Tel: 016-6560217 DOB: 4 APRIL 1989 E-Mail: [emailprotected] To fulfill all the needs that a company want and will come up with great ideas to bring the company into a upper level of successfulness. Education 2008-2011 Currently doing my Degree in BA(Hons)International Business Average point for Year1: 66% Module: Introduction to Economics, Governing Business Activities, Accounting and Its Regulatory Framework, People Organizations Management, Marketing Principle and Practice, International Entrepreneurship. 2006-2008 Foundation Studies in Business(FSB) at Stamford College. 2002-2006 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM) at Sekolah Tinggi Port Dickson. Experience 2005 Work part time as Waiter. 2006 Work at Damai Jaya Shipping Trading as admin. Academy/Society Sport- Football captain (2008-2009) Badminton- Vice President (2009) Toast Masters member Interest Like working in a area where I can develop my experience and learn new thing. Skills Good in Microsoft Office, Excel and Power Point. Good in handling and solving problem. Language- Excellent English and Bahasa Malaysia.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Malaysian Ministry Of Education Introducing The Literature Component Education Essay
Malaysian Ministry Of Education Introducing The Literature Component Education Essay In the case of second or foreign language teaching and learning, literature has been widely accepted as a motivating material, a medium of accessing other cultural background, a resource for language acquisition and a medium to expand learners language awareness (Abdullah Et al, 2007). According to Elliot (1991) over the last few years there are positive feedbacks to using literature in a language context or at least has been a medium to expose language learners to a new world.. It is different from previous perceptions towards literature whereby literature was thought to embody archaic language which had no place in the world of audiolingualism where linguists believed in the primacy of speech, thus considering the written form somewhat static, (Elliot, 1991) In Malaysia, the Ministry of Education had decided to introduce Literature Component as a part of English syllabus in schools in the year of 2000. Hence, students from primary and secondary schools are required to learn literature together with other existing subjects in schools. The Ministry of Education has come out with a list of literary texts which cover Malaysian, British, European, Australian, American and African works. After ten years using the same texts, the government has changed the list of literary text with a complete new list for KBSM in 2010. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY. Teachers play important role in assuring all the objectives that are stated in the Curriculum Specification can be achieved by all students. The learning outcomes provided by the Ministry of Education to be the guidelines in teaching. However, it would be difficult to suddenly expose students to literary studies without any form of prior preparation (Talif, 1992). The success of this implementation is very much depending on how the lessons are carried out. Teachers play an important role in the teaching process of developing students ability to learn literature. Therefore, teachers have to be wise in selecting the suitable approaches to be used in classrooms, according to students background as well as the literary texts. There are a number of approaches which are believed to help teachers in delivering the messages conveyed in each literature piece. According to Bottino, the teaching of literature is often seen in the framework of the three models which are the Cultural Model, Language Model, and the Personal Growth Model. As for trainee teachers, these approaches assist them in preparing their lessons. Before going to the real teaching world during the practicum session, they have been exposed to micro and macro-teaching which are part of their methodology courses. This mock-teaching includes their lesson plan preparation and expectations in teaching literature. The problem here is, the audience for their micro or macro teaching are not real school students. Their audiences are their classmates and friends, who have studied and analyzed the literary texts, therefore, there is a big different between teaching school students who might not read the literary texts before hand and people who have prior knowledge on the texts taught.. In fact, their behaviour/attitude in class is completely different from the real school kids. Hence, trainee teachers feel that they have a lot of inadequacy in teaching literature in ESL classroom as the objectives set were not achieved. 1.2 STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM Since Literature component has been implemented as a part of English subject in schools, certain issues arise. Based on my own experience and that of my friends, we faced a lot of difficulties in carrying out literature lessons when we were sent to school to teach. We were equipped with all the theoretical, content, and pedagogical knowledge from our Methodology of Teaching Literature class. However, we found out that it was difficult to apply the knowledge to real classroom teaching and how our expectations differ before and after teaching literature in the real classroom. Hence, these difficulties we encountered during our practicum have created the interest in conducting this research. This study, therefore, would be looking at the problematic aspects with regard to the teaching of literature as experienced by trainee teachers. The first one is trainee teachers readiness and expectations in teaching literature before entering classrooms. The second aspect would be the experience of teaching gained during the practicum session, and the third aspect would be other important trainings or exposure they might need in order to improve their literature teaching in the future. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives for this study are crucial in determining its success. Through the objectives, researcher is able to classify explicitly what to examine for the research. The objectives of this study are: To identify trainee teachers readiness and expectations of teaching Literature in ESL classroom before leaving for practicum. To identify issues faced in teaching literature during their practicum To find out trainee teachers memorable/good experience in teaching literature. To identify trainee teachers needs and demands in order to improve their literature teaching in ESL classroom RESEARCH QUESTION This study attempts to answer four main questions on the perception of TESL students with regard to the teaching literature. 1.5.1 What are the TESL trainee teachers expectations in teaching literature before leaving for practicum? Are they prepared and equipped with relevant knowledge? 1.5.2 While doing the practicum did they experience difficulties in teaching literature components? What kind of experiences that trainees faced during literature lessons? 1.5.3 What are the memorable or good experiences that they gained from teaching literature in ESL classroom? 1.5.4 What do trainee teachers feel that they need in order to improve literature teaching? DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms will be used throughout this future research: 1.5.1 Teacher: The definition of a teacher is someone who embodies all those qualities that exude the ability to transfer knowledge and skills from master to student, (Larzelere). In this context it refers to the TESL students who are going to be a future teacher. 1.5.2 Trainee: is someone who is being trained for a job. In this context it refers to the TESL students who had gone trough the learning and practicum process while they were students in UiTM. The meaning is taken from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: The Living Dictionary. 1.5.3 TESL: a term which referring to a course of Teaching English as Second Language. 1.5.4 Practicum: The practical part of a study or course, as opposed to the theoretical parts. 1.5.5 Literature: The collective body of literary of productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also the whole body of literary productions or writings upon a given subject or in reference to a particular science or branch of knowledge, or of knowledge, or of a given country or period. LIMITATIONS There are a few limitations which is inherent in the present study. The first limitation is time constraint. Due to limited time, this study will only involve twenty percent of Semester 7 and 8 students whom I can get easy access to gather the data. The second limitation is budget constraint. As a student, I have limited financial support in completing this study. Therefore, I could not carry out a large scale study, but had to be content with a small scale study instead. 1.7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This is a small scale study whereby the data collected would involve TESL students from UiTM Shah Alam who had undergone their teaching practicum, as the requirement to complete their bachelor in education course. Therefore, the findings of this study cannot be generalized to other situations. However, it is sufficient as an exploratory research by a novice researcher. 1.8 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The result of this study can be utilized by various parties who are involved in deciding the course contents of literature subjects in Faculty of Education, UiTM Seksyen 17. The study would create changes in literature course contents/syllabus in the faculty in producing better quality English teachers especially in teaching literature in ESL classroom. 1.9 CONCLUSION
Monday, August 19, 2019
Russia Essay -- European Politics, Bilateral Relations
The change witnessed in modern day society can be traced back to the period of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is in this period that Western Europe achieved rapid economic growth and development. This was through the Agrarian and Industrial revolutions that swept across Europe, mostly Western Europe, causing in its wake rapid development and changing gender roles and lifestyles in general (Collins, 2006). It is also in Western Europe that events such as the French revolution brought about massive changes in society, completely altering the lifestyles of its citizens. However, the change did not end in Western Europe, but spread to other countries of the Eastern bloc, such as Russia. This was mostly through the influence brought about by bilateral relations. The changes thus brought forth cut across all spheres of peoples lifestyles including legal rights, access to education and positions of power, family size, fashion and ways of socialization. The society during this time was male dominated. Men enjoyed positions of power and responsibility and made all the decisions regarding the family. Access to education was also a preserve of the male child. Rights such as those of inheritance and land were allocation bestowed on the male offspring because of the continuity of the family. However, with the changes in the Western society, women started enjoying some of these rights, though initially in minimal ways. In France, the French revolution caused changes in the French educational system (Tuminez, 2000). The French government was committed to creating an educational system that would produce engineers, medical doctors and economists that would help the country achieve economic power. In changing the educational system, the Fren... ...ovell, 2010). Finally, the world continually celebrates women. In western countries, the Valentines Day, which is observed on the 14th day of February, celebrates lovers in a union but places emphasis on the woman as men traditionally buy flowers and gifts to please their women. This day was special even before the 19th century. This must have inspired the International women’s day in Russia, which is marked on the 8th day of March every year. The society values the role of women together with their contributions, in the community. Men buy their women flowers or even send cards to female colleagues and friends to appreciate them. The changes that took place in the West in the 18th and 19th centuries played a key role in influencing women in Russia and their roles in society with regard to fashion, education, religion, family and occupation have greatly changed.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essays --
Quanisea Moses February 11, 2014 Dr. Yousuf Article Review Reconstructing the "Problem" of Race By: Edmund Fong Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Dec., 2008), pp. 660-670â€Æ' Central Thesis In Reconstructing the â€Å"Problem†of Race an article written by Edmond Fong, he uses W.E.B Dubose’s The Souls of Black Folks, Woodrow Wilson’s 1913 Gettysburg Reunion Speech, Louis Harz’s The Liberal Tradition in America, and Rogers M. Smith’s Civic Ideas to help support his main points. The main point in this article understands the problem of race in American politics by examining its productive function by grounding the meaning of American liberalism. In the article the author sates that many doubt that there is still a problem with race in American politics, and even fewer doubt that it was a productive role in American History. Fong says that this article tries to show the economy of absence of and presence that connects racial discourse to American liberal national identity, by putting together its ongoing productivity as a criticism mask for American politics. In Rogers M. Smit...
The Impostor Syndrome :: Gender Women Papers
The Impostor Syndrome Professor Martine Haas, Organizational Behavior, Cornell University, gave an example of a woman named Vignette who was giving presentations and had to monitor herself in a male dominated setting. She avoided raising her voice at certain times in order not to sound too assertive because she is a woman. Vignette hasn't been the only female or woman who has been faced with this situation. Aside from this type of impression management, there have been many circumstances where many successful women hesitate to take full credit for their success and accomplishments. They often feel insecure, attribute their accomplishments to something other than their own efforts such as luck and often get thrown into a state of paranoia that people will doubt their competency. This is known as the "imposter syndrome." Susan Schenkel, author of â€Å"Giving Away Success†says â€Å"there are many ways we discount ourselves. Three of the most common patterns are: 1) emphasizing the negative 2) automatically attributing success to something other than ability, and 3) automatically blaming failure on lack of ability†(Schenkel, 6). Schenkel explains how women also end up being susceptible to falling into helplessness as a result of uncontrollability, which is the belief that nothing can be done to rectify their current state of misfortunes. As a result they end up withdrawing, for example, stopping, quitting or escaping from making ardent efforts to deal with their existing problems. A second thing they tend to do is to avoid getting into tough situations. They do this by shying away from confrontation with the difficulty they feel unable or unwilling to handle (Schenkel, 19). As a result of this helplessness disrupts behavior such as undermining motivation, interfering with ability to l earn and creating emotional distress (Schenkel, p. 24). Another aspect of this imposter syndrome is fear of failure, where women sometimes get terrified of being judged and found unqualified (Schenkel, 55). When the fear of failure is combined with other behavioral patterns, a resulting consequence is anxiety. This is where women tend to have â€Å"split self-image†which is â€Å"an ongoing battle between positive and negative views of our ability†(Schenkel, 63). Secondly there is a superfluous desire and concern to win approval of others. Lastly, they tend to evaluate themselves and their experiences as either good or bad and with nothing in between (Schenkel, 65). In an attempt to prevent experiencing failure, women make cumbersome efforts to establish extremely high standards and goals for themselves and work indefatigably to meet them (Schenkel, 66).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Tyrone Galimore Professor Tania J Quinn 100 las Experience, Learning and Identity January 4, 2011 Malcolm x, self-educated his self in prison, and gained self confidence in reading and writing. I see myself in the same position. My whole life I felt I was in prison in the labor work force. `I am attempting to self educate myself at the college of New Rochelle. In an attempt to get a degree, so I can improve my finical situation. I am my biggest mentor at this point in my life, and you (Professor Quinn) seem to have a great influence on my education.Your energy and your personal stories inspire me to believe in myself. Like the tutor in educating Rita; he believed in Rita’s ability that she could learn and change her life around. My goal is to be a better writer and receive my under graduate Degree, and eventually getting my master degree in teaching, and one day becoming a teacher. The thing that held me back from achieving a College degree in the past was family. I was just l ike Rita’s husband who wanted a family, but in my situation I was thinking with the wrong head.I had a son, and had to support my family, so I got a second job to make more money, and dropout of school. â€Å"The allegory of the cave†According to those living inside the cave, their perception was their reality, and these people who stayed inside the cave could not see the light and were not open to new ideas, but those who left outside the cave had a greater understanding of the light’s reality and realized there was more to life. It would have been hard to return after finding this new knowledge. Galimore 2 Malcolm X wrote to the minister Elijah Muhammad at least twenty-five times.He must have written that first one-page letter to him, over and over. Malcolm was trying to make it both legible and understandable. He practically couldn’t read his own handwriting; it shamed him to even remember this. Malcolm’s spelling and his grammar was as bad, if not worse. Anyway, as well as he could express it, he said, Malcolm had been told about Elijah Muhammad by his brothers and sisters, and Malcolm apologized for his poor letter written. (Alex Haley p. 173) My whole life I felt entrapped to the life style I was living.A blue collar worker just barely able to pay the rent and feed my family. On the job I felt like a professional worker receiving migrant workers pay. My professional skills were fine tuned to perfection, and my bosses and co-workers always gave me the highest compliments when it came to my work performance. Promotions on the job came up frequently, and these positions would be posted publicly next to the staff’s mail boxes where I could see them daily. The frustrating thing was I could not apply for any of these positions because I was unqualified.Most of these positions required a College Degree, something I did not have. Galimore 3 It was because of Malcolm letters that he happened to stumble upon starting to a cquire some kind of a homemade education. Malcolm was increasingly frustrated at not being able to express what he wanted to convey in letters that Malcolm wrote, especially those to Mr. Elijah Muhammad. In the streets, Malcolm had commanded attention when he said something. But now, trying to write simple English, he not only wasn’t articulate, Malcolm wasn’t even functional.How would he sound writing in slang, the way he would say it, something such as, â€Å"look, daddy, let me pull your coat about a cat, Elijah Muhammadâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"Many who today hear Malcolm somewhere in person, or on television, or those who read something he said, will think Malcolm went to school far beyond the eighth grade. This impression is due entirely to Malcolm’s prison studies. (Alex Haley p. 174) I realized by not have a degree my finical situation would not change. Sure I could get another job, but that’s what led to the breakup of my family.Working to many hours and n ot spending quality time with them (workaholic). I also felt like I had no real respect given to me in the position I was in, and felt I was afraid to go back to college because I did not want anyone to know I was a college dropout. My handwriting, spelling, and grammar need improvement also. The college of New Rochelle is giving me the confidence to take charge my future. Galimore 4 Rita faced many obstacles in her academic progression. She had two main obstructions, one was her working class background and the second was her husband Denny.Denny’s views are very traditional when it comes to the role of a woman. He failed to support her education and tried his best to distract her whenever he could. In the end the marriage failed because of Rita’s pursuit of her studies. Socially Rita was confused, around her family she felt that she can be better and do something better with her life than just have children and be a support system to her husband, but in the other hand when around her peers she felt inferior to her fellow students for they were so knowledgeable and she had nothing to talk about.Even with her not being certain where exactly she fit in Rita still maintained enough confidence to push forward and accomplish her goals. I faced many of the same obstacles in my academic progressions as Rita did. My work background was always in a blue collar capacity, always missing out on job advancement opportunities which meant better salaries of me. Letting my finical responsibility to my family first instead for going back to college and completing my degree requirements. This would have put me in a better position to spend more time raising my kids.Don’t look at this in a negative way, my kids are doing fine and turned out to be great young men, but if I had it to do over. Money and Quality time is a good recipe for a successful relationship. Today I maintained enough confidences to push forward and accomplish my goals just like Rita. Galim ore 5 â€Å"The allegory of the cave†According to those living inside the cave, their perception was their reality, and these people who stayed inside the cave could not see the light and were not open to new ideas, but those who left outside the cave had a greater understanding of the light’s reality and realized there was more to life.It would have been hard to return after finding this new knowledge. Growing up in the community I grow up in, seems to me know like the inside of a cave. My perception of reality was of the perception of those around me. A product of my environment, a person always chasing the money and not allowing the money to chase me. I was a person who would not venture to for from my community, but always wonder what it was like on the other side. Now that I am at the College of New Rochelle, I have a greater understanding and realize that I can accomplish more in life if I try.Going back to feeling like I am just a blue collar worker is unaccept able, for I see the torch and I am going to light it one day. Failure is not an option at this point in my life, so whatever it takes to accomplish this goal consider this goal accomplished. Professor Quinn I will see you at the finish line. Writing Assignment #4 Education is Liberating Tyrone Galimore LAS 100 – Experience, Learning and Identity Professor Tania J Quinn December 1, 2010
Friday, August 16, 2019
Ethan Frome Vs. The Awakening Essay
Is independence an intangible dream? Are people truly individuals, or merely products of their environment? Edith Wharton and Kate Chopin explore the question in Ethan Frome and The Awakening, in which the protagonists are led by outside forces to challenge societal conventions. Employing the use of characterization, symbolism, and metaphor, the authors demonstrate that attempting to do so can lead to one’s destruction. The main characters in Frome and Awakening fill necessary roles and share similar attributes. Ethan is described as a loner, quiet, and uncomfortable interacting with people in town, even with Mattie, the woman he loves. He cowers in the formidable presence of his bitter wife, unwilling to defend himself against her wrath. Similarly, Edna feels out of place in both the relaxed Creole environment and stiff Victorian society. In many instances, she does not even understand herself and can’t explain her behavior to family or friends. Both characters struggle to escape their surroundings. Ethan dreams desperately of leaving Starkfield behind for the West while Edna builds her own dream house in favor of the â€Å"gilded cage†in which her husband placed her. The â€Å"villainess†of Wharton’s novelette is Zenobia Frome, Ethan’s wife. She is characterized repeatedly as embittered, inscrutable, and sickly. Her marriage to Ethan is loveless and she prefers nursing her many illnesses than keeping the company of her husband. Leonce Pontellier is Edna’s controlling partner, intent on molding her into his ideal wife. He despairs over Edna’s abandonment of convention, the absence of proper adulation toward him and lack of motherly devotion. To Leonce, Edna is a possession, an expensive commodity â€Å"‘You are burnt beyond recognition,’ he added, looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage.†Mattie Silver in Frome and Robert Lebrun in Awakening play crucial roles in their respected stories. They are interlopers in unhappy marriages and possess all the qualities that Ethan and Edna long for. Mattie is the teasing, laughing cousin of Zeena. Her sparkling personality stands in sharp contrast against the Fromes’. She is associated with light and brings happiness into Ethan’s bleak world. Robert Lebrun is the flirtatious Creole Edna falls in love with. His appeal is his careless sensuality and his careful attention of Edna and her whims. Although neither relationship is consummated, Mattie and Robert are symbols of life without constraint, of what could be if the chains of society were cast off. Symbolism is found in many every day occurrences and items within Ethan Frome and The Awakening. Edith Wharton’s use of snow and dreariness underlies the repeated symbol of death and decay. Most of the story takes place in the depths of winter, when life drains from plants and trees, when water stops flowing, and when living creatures hibernate. Even people, to escape winter, bury themselves inside small huts and houses. Although performing the basic functions of one alive, Zeena has cut herself off from the world. Figuratively, she is dead. After the smash-up, Mattie and Ethan entomb themselves with her in their small, meager shack. Another repetitive symbol is the color red. It constantly is in conjunction with Mattie; a ribbon in her hair, a scarf about her neck. â€Å"† ¦through her hair she had run a streak of crimson ribbon. This tribute† ¦transformed and glorified her. She seemed† ¦more womanly† ¦Ã¢â‚¬ The bold color often appears when Ethan is feeling particularly passionate about his love for Mattie. It is a signature of her vitality and youthful energy. The antique pickle dish of Zeena’s becomes an important symbol after it breaks. The fragile glass represents the Fromes shattered marriage, carelessly handled by Mattie. Ethan attempts to conceal the ruined dish by carefully placing the pieces next to each other, hiding it back on the shelf as if nothing is wrong. Zeena, with her discovery, places more value on a material object than on the relationships disintegrating around her. She mourns the destruction of an antique rather than her true loss: her marriage. Symbolism within The Awakening is a constant reminder of society. Madame AdÃÆ' ¨le Ratignolle is often described as the perfect society woman. She is beautiful, a loving mother, an adoring wife, and completely subservient to her husband’s opinion. Madame Ratignolle would do anything for her children. In contrast, Edna claims that she would sacrifice her life for her children, but she would not sacrifice herself for them. While AdÃÆ' ¨le is the symbol for ev erything Edna should strive to be, she also serves as a figure of what Edna hopes to break free of as the story progresses. The Awakening opens with a parrot shrieking in two different languages. It is explained that the parrot possesses knowledge of a little French â€Å"a little Spanish, and also a language which nobody understood.†The parrot symbolizes Edna and her life; forever caged in a role that does not suit her strong willed character. She acts (or â€Å"sings†), in ways that bewilder her peers. When Mademoiselle Reisz put her arms around Edna and felt her shoulder blades to see if her â€Å"wings were strong†she said â€Å"the bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth.†This serves emphasize the â€Å"caged bird†theme as well as foreshadow Edna’s eventual fate. The most important piece of symbolism is the sea. The water simultaneously draws and repels Edna; she fears it, yet is seduced by its’ hypnotic flow. Edna was unable to swim because she was afraid of abandoning herself to the sea. For her, learning to swim was a symbol of her sexual awakening and her desire to rebel against social conventions. She wants to swim â€Å"where no woman had swum before†but in her daring, swims further out than she intends and fear seizes her once again. Sledding is an activity in which the rider may submit to gravity and the elements, or steer to alter course. This winter sport serves as an extended metaphor in Ethan Frome. In agreeing with Mattie’s suicide plan, Ethan decides to steer and drive into the elm. As an endeavor fraught with danger, the sleigh ride serves as metaphorical sexual encounter. The structure is such that it imitates the intimate act. However, the end has unforeseeable and tragic consequences when the intended suicide goes wrong. Clothing during the Victorian era was restricting, binding: like cages. Throughout The Awakening Edna sheds more and more clothing through each scene, metaphorically removing herself little by little from society. In the beginning she is fully clothed but slowly trades the confining cloth for â€Å"simple muslin†dresses open at the throat, â€Å"light, commodious wrappers†and, finally, at the end, she stands naked upon the seashore. Rejected by Robert, who refuses to enter an affair with her, Edna enters the foaming waves to find liberation in suicide. Before the salty water closes over her, she spots a bird with a broken wing sinking into the surf. The bird symbolized Edna’s failure to achieve the goal that had driven her throughout the novel. Freedom in death is the only choice society will allow her to make. The inability to reconcile their desire for individual happiness to their need for social acceptance ultimately led Ethan and Edna to seek happiness through death, answering Edith Wharton and Kate Chopin’s question of whether people can disentangle themselves from the confining clutches of their environment. None can truly escape societal expectations. One is pressured to concede their individuality for conformity. Defiance leads to a life of ostracism and unhappiness.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
How Laughter Works Essay
The essay that I chose from the book was the one by Marshall Brain â€Å"How Laughter Works†. I chose to write about this essay because this one is more in depth of where laughter actually comes from how its more than just jokes that people laugh at every day. Start off with a dash of sarcasm and a dash of vulgarity. At least that’s what my friends and I do. Laughter is a form of enjoyment towards one another. Means we are remotely comfortable to be openly laughing at something. Laughter is defined as â€Å"A voluntary reaction to certain external or internal stimuli.†It is also most commonly considered a visual expression of a number of positive emotional states such as joy, mirth, happiness, relief etc. Laughter usually occurs when one is comfortable to be around another person. Researchers believe that the purpose of laughter is related to making and strengthening human connections. A psychological study showed that laughter has its own name – gelotolo gy. Gelotology is from the Greek word â€Å"gelos†meaning laughter. Brain mentions people that are ticklish often wonder â€Å"Why can’t I tickle myself?†In order for tickling to work the brain needs tension and surprise. Obviously when you try to tickle yourself you know its coming so the brain does not react to you tickling yourself. But if someone starts to tickle you, your brain has that surprise and then you tense up. This made sense to me but not completely. Laughter also benefits one’s health and fight disease. The purpose of laughter is to relieve ourselves from stress of everyday life and laughter also increases our white blood cells and our immune system. Laughter releases endorphin which is the body’s natural pain killer and so is a pleasant act, producing a general feeling of well-being. Mental health professionals are suggesting â€Å"laughter therapy†, which teaches the patients to laugh at things that are not usually funny. It also helps the patients cope with difficult situations. Laughter just in general makes anyone feel great about one ’s self. Laughter is considered one of the best medic ations. Laughter predates human speech by millions of years, scientists think. It likely evolved as an early form of communication to help people negotiate group dynamics and establish hierarchy. Laughter nowadays is a form of expression. We rarely laugh when we are by ourselves but when we are with other people we laugh more out loud. People usually laugh at anything that they find humorous, even other people for the most part. For instance, The Darwin awards are stories about people who Brain mentions people make careers based on laughter, like comedians. No matter where you go, what city you visit, more than likely there will be a comedy club somewhere in that town. Or you can just go to the local bar and find amusement there. Comedy is also found on television. You can watch your daily dose of Scrubs or Friends and get your endorphins flowing. Laughter always helps other people get people out of a funk that they are in, laughter is contagious. When someone laughs it triggers circuits in our brains then a grin appears which makes more laughter happen. Brain said that depending on age, we laugh about different things. Like if you were a pre-teen in your teenage years basically they laugh at anything mentioning sex, peers, and food and authority figures. As you mature our taste in what we think is funny changes. As we get into adulthood, they usually joke about something less judgmental and more on specific things like referring to movies or plays etc. Brain made me think hard about this. As I read about the pre-teens and teenage years I was thinking what I joked about during that time, and he’s right. Even as we mature we joke around but our jokes now are not like what we used to joke about as kids. I never really thought about it until I read it in this essay. Brain also mentions researchers say that people often store their negative emotions of anger and sadness and fear rather than talking about it someone. Laughter releases all of that built up stress of keeping all of those emotions in. If we start to laugh too much or too hard we start to burst out into tears. Not in a bad way but a good way. This triggers our emotions and the tears are just squeezed out because we scrunch our face when we laugh. When we laugh harder it makes our body want to release some hormones, which are found in tears. The higher the hormones in the tears means the more you have stress. In this essay I believe Brain gave a lot of detailed information and actually made it an easy read. Going through I noticed Brain categorized every section so you knew what you were reading about and not confused about jumping from one subject to another. I did do some more research to verify and find something new on the subjects. Like how laughter was a form of communication 10 million years ago and how laughter is contagious, but I think everyone knows about that one. In Brains’ essay I have learned pretty much everything there is to know on laughter. Where it comes from, what we laugh at, and how it affects our health. I know we laugh about more than just jokes but I had no idea it helps our health. Basically laughter is a cure for anything nowadays. References Brain, M.(2009). How laughter works In , W.H Thelin (Ed.), Writing without Formulas (pp.428-435 ). Mason,OH ; Cengage Learning. Reflective Letter The essay I chose to do a critique on was â€Å"How Laughter Works†by Marshall Brain. This essay grabbed my attention because as I just skimmed the pages deciding which one I was going to read, this essay was very well organized and just by the titles of the sections it was very in depth. This essay was a good read in my eyes. If readers want to know basically the history of laughter or where it comes from, then I would suggest this to any reader. My main point of my essay is basically highlighting all the sections that Brain had wrote about. Brain fascinated me with all the in depth information about the brain itself and the functions of laughter. I believe the audience that would be interested in reading my paper are people who might have thought Brains’ essay was too long for them to read or basically someone who enjoys information more than just reading something to get a laugh out of it. Brains’ essay was filled with information basically over flowing, and I just highlighted some of the main points that he talked about in each section. As I read Brains’ essay, I took notes but I typed them so I could start paragraphs from them. I also did research on some of his topics that interested me , like the section of the brain where laughter or emotion comes from. At the beginning of writing my paper basically I had all these paragraphs typed but not in order, I just type what comes to mind. I then would read over all the paragraphs and try and make sense of them and put them in order. I then went through and edited the paragraphs that needed to be edited.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Style Analysis
Cassidy Carter 3/19/13 Engl 1302- Prof. Evans Style Analysis Firoozeh Dumas' essay, â€Å"The F-Word,†addresses the very relatable struggle every person with an ethnic name faces in the American culture. Her prime example being herself, Dumas humorously and realistically depicts the trauma a person endures from constantly having to educate people about your name. She also uses the names of her siblings to provide a comparison of the names' meaning in Persian versus their American mispronunciations. Dumas' seamless use of analogies, word choice and quotations assists in her goal of making the reader understand and sympathize with her frustration.The analogy used throughout â€Å"The F-Word†that assists Dumas with explaining how people's refusal to say her name correctly, involves, interestingly enough, spices. Paralleling different linguistic sounds with uncommon spices, Dums jokingly suggests that common sounds like ‘cinnamon and sumac. ‘ Dumas later retur ns to her analogy toward the end of her piece while referencing a particularly annoying parent at her children's school who refers to Dumas as â€Å"F-Word,†the title of the piece non-coincidentally.This parent eventually is transferred to another school where Dumas hopes she â€Å"might have to make some room in her spice cabinet. †This analogy connects and ends the story while making it humorous to the reader and more relatable. Dumas' word choice also relates to adding humor to the piece as she dissects the names of her family and how they are abused in American culture. Her explanations of how Farbod became ‘Farthead' amongst his peers as well as how Farshid became the abhorrent ‘Fartshit,' not only exposes the silly cruelty of children.Such instances also express a humorous exasperation with her American peers who refused to even try to pronounce their names. Further in the essay, Dumas regales the reader with a tale of an unfortunate encounter with a hematology technician that she has an appointment with. â€Å"Having been called Froozy, Frizzy, Fiorucci and Froozy and just plain ‘Uhhhh.. ‘ I am highly accommodating. I did not however respond to Fritzy because there is not in my name. †This bit of humor at her own expense makes the piece all the more personable and relatable.Dumas' use of quotations as she sarcastically impersonates her offenders also adds humor to her essay. Her references to what she believes are her offenders’ excuses for mispronouncing her name were particularly humorous as they effectively allow the user to understand her point of view. â€Å"My name, Firoozeh, chosen by my mother, means ‘Turquoise’ in Persian. In America, it means ‘Unpronounceable’ or ‘I’m Not Going to Talk to You Because I Cannot Possible Learn Your Name and I Just Don’t Want to Have to Ask You Again and Again Because You’ll Think I’m Dumb of You Mig ht Get Upset or Something. â€Å" Dumas’ word choice in choosing to explain the Persian meaning of her name aids in her use of quotations because by giving the correct meaning of the name she further ridicules the people who refuse to use her correct name. â€Å"The F-Word†is a witty essay that makes relatable the struggle of having an ethnic name in ‘this land of Joes and Marys. ’ The essay should allow the reader an opportunity to focus on their own name faux pas’ and hopefully make a change in their behavior in the future when dealing with people with names that require a little more spice in their linguistic ‘spice cabinet. ’
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