Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Decision to drop atomic bomb Essay
The decision was made from the president that they were going to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 6, 1945. They chose to drop the bomb because if they didn’t there would have been more casualties than necessary in the continued fighting in the Asian theater of the war . Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, the president at that time, Harry S. Truman, made the right choice. The atomic bomb was definitely a political conflict for the United States and Japan. The event which initiated the ultimate bombing began with Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, according to When the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, instantly â€Å"Little boy†destroyed 90% of the city, even though it exploded at an altitude of 580 meters. Since the city of Hiroshima only had 298 doctors and 270 of them died, this was rough for the citizens in Hiroshima since the people had no medical help. When they were looking for food and clothes and such it was very rare for them to find the materials they need. However in Nagasaki it was easy to get meds from the naval hospitals out there. Well in September in Hiroshima it was very hard for the people to heal faster because it was so cold and rainy outside for them to fully recover. According to Cacpeaceday. Before dropping the bombs, Japan was refusing to surrender, their emperor insisted on fighting on. Everyone thought that japan had lost but they didn’t know that they refused to surrender and kept fighting. So more and more American’s were dying. The US felt like if they don’t defeat japan soon that they will gain more advantage over Asia or even in japan. Japan ended up shortly surrendering after US dropped two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan was occupied by allied powers under the American general, MacArthur. Reference According to pg. 24. U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey: The Effects of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki June 1946
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Feminism in Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre was written in a time where the Bildungsroman was a common form of literature. The importance was that the mid-nineteenth century was, â€Å"the age in which women were, for the first time, ranked equally with men as writers within a major genre†(Sussman 1). In many of these novels, the themes were the same; the protagonist dealt with the same issues, â€Å"search for autonomy and selfhood in opposition to the social constraints placed upon the female, including the demand for marriage†(Sussman). Jane Eyre fits this mould perfectly. Throughout the novel, the reader follows Jane Eyre on a journey of development from adolescence to maturity to show that a desire for freedom and change motivates people to search for their own identity. Jane begins to form her identity with the aid of many characters she encounters at Lowood, Thornfield, and Marsh End. Miss Maria Temple, who was Jane's first significant female encounter at Lowood, functions as a role model and an influence for Jane. Miss Temple's character displays the breakdown of the Great Chain of Being, but in a more gentle way than Rochester or Jane herself. She defies Mr. Brocklehurst and his hypocritical ways only as far as she will still retain shelter and her place as a teacher. To Jane, Miss Temple embodies all of the qualities that a woman should. Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar write, â€Å"Miss Temple, for instance, with her marble pallor, is a shrine of ladylike virtues: magnanimity, cultivation, courtesy – and repression†(Gilbert 344). While Miss Temple seems to show Jane what she should become, she also introduces her to control over her emotions. Unlike Jane, whose self-assertiveness permits her to give in to passionate confrontations, Miss Temple would â€Å"never allow `something' to speak through her, no wings will rush in her head, no fantasies of fiery heath disturb her equanimity, but she will feel sympathetic anger†(Gilbert 345). Her influence in Jane's adolescence and early adulthood teach her to have harmonious thoughts, and to give â€Å"allegiance to duty and order†(Gilbert 347). Here, Miss Temple teaches Jane to suppress her wild emotions and become compliant under the â€Å"superior†male, but still maintain an inward anger that can never be expressed. Jane, however, cannot conform to the lesson being taught to her; through Miss Temple, she learns that her journey into maturity and freedom requires her to be more independent and passionate than Miss Temple instructs. Miss Temple is not only like a mother figure to Jane, but she is also â€Å"encouraging of intellectual growth†(Rich 466). Temple's impact on Jane's education allows her to become stronger in character, which will eventually bring her to complete independence. Kathleen Tillotson finds in Miss Temple a sign of hope for Jane: â€Å"the warm fire and the cake from the cupboard in Miss Temple's room are assertions of individual loving-kindness, though also of it's limited power†(Tillotson 60) In spite of this, Tillotson writes that Jane at Thornfield is â€Å"submitting to virtue in lovable form, as she had once submitted to Miss Temple†(Tillotson 60). In other words, Tillotson argues that although Miss Temple may have positively influenced Jane in certain ways, ultimately her call for repression and submission instigates Jane's realization that she must discover her own place in life, and no one can dictate it for her. While Jane attends Lowood, she encounters another character that will help her to shape her identity. When Helen Burns is introduced to the novel, she brings with her a kind of warmth and spiritual light that touches Jane and Helen aids her in developing into the woman that she will soon become. She has a devout faith in Christ, and using this, Helen is able to function as Jane's main guide in building a strong character who is filled with forgiveness, hope and a strong sense of self. Helen allows Jane to peer into a world where â€Å"the values of endurance and obedience†(Singleton, 70) are visible. Jane often relies on Helen because she â€Å"is strong of will, awkward and blundering in the practical world yet intellectually and spiritually mature beyond her years . . . ithout pettiness, hysteria, or self-repudiation†(Rich 466). These qualities will help Helen in leading Jane down a path that will indefinitely make her shine amongst those who surround her. A sympathetic Helen Burns is seen lavishing emotions upon Jane that she has never felt before, let alone imagined. Helen assists Jane by being a mentor and a friend, a companion that Jane can confide in. â€Å"Helen and Miss Temple together represent two key facets of the feminist community: the need for companionship and mentors. These necessities are what the Reeds denied Jane†(Singleton 66). By showing Jane love and encouragement she teaches Jane that â€Å"primary importance is taming her rage and learning to forgive . . . that this is the model that Christ has set forth in the New Testament  to love one's enemies†(Singleton 73). As Helen encourages Jane to strive to be her best, she acts a â€Å"moral and ethical force†(Rich 467), she provides Jane with â€Å"a sense of her own worth and of ethical choice†(Rich 467). Bronte introduces Helen Buns into the novel to aid Jane and to be a guiding light in the ethical and moral world by showing Helen to be a character who is strong and true to herself, even until the end of her life; by using Helen as an example, when Jane leaves Lowood, she finds herself and she is ready to face to world with her head held high, face shining in the light. Another representation of religion, and also a strong male influence in Jane's life is that of St. John Rivers. The character of St. John is one of the final obstacles to Jane's maturation and understanding of her role as an independent and free woman. St. John represents, like the character of Brocklehurst before him, the hypocrisy and unwavering patriarchy of organized religion and its many hypocritical keepers, but unlike Brocklehurst, St. John's piety is more real and his misogyny somewhat more subtle, and, following his proposal, Jane comes to a better understanding of who she is and where her life is headed. St. John asks for Jane's hand in marriage, but not out of love; rather, he intends Jane to be a missionary wife, someone who will be of use to him in the service of God. According to Adrienne Rich, there is a certain virtue in this kind of offer, especially for Jane: â€Å"What St. John offers Jane is perhaps the deepest lure for a spiritual woman, that of adopting a man's cause or career and making it her own†(Rich 473). In this proposed marriage, there is the attraction of some of the things she has been searching for, namely a life of service and principle, and a way of overcoming the obstacles of patriarchy she has struggled with her entire life, by adopting a life in service to â€Å"male†cause. Therein lies a part of the problem, however, as service and principle are only part of what she desires in life, and, as she ultimately discovers, even beyond the attraction of taking on a more male role, that this will not fulfill her need for a life that is more complete. In the essay by Gilbert and Gubar, they explain, â€Å"In fact, as St. John's wife †¦ she will be entering into a union even more unequal than that proposed by Rochester, a marriage reflecting, once again, her absolute exclusion from the life of wholeness toward which her pilgrimage has been directed†(Gilbert 366). With St. John's proposal of marriage, Jane begins to comprehend more about herself and where her life is headed. She discovers that she cannot devote her energy and ambition towards fulfilling just a part of her life, such as the desire for service, but rather, she discovers that her life needs to be a life of â€Å"wholeness,†something that a marriage to St. John could never provide, because St. John, like Brocklehurst, is a â€Å"pillar of patriarchy†(Gilbert 366), a misogynist who is bent, consciously or unconsciously, on restraining Jane spiritually and emotionally. Rich points out in her essay that St. John's offer of marriage is a means in which â€Å"he will use her†(Rich 473), and fortunately, Jane sees through the superficial benefits of a union with the patriarchal St. John, and that her for her to be content, she needs a life of wholeness. Armed with these realizations, Jane is now able to return to her true love, Rochester, on her own terms. The character of Mr. Edward Rochester influences the spiritual and personal growth of Jane through his relationship with her as the master at Thornfield and later, as her husband. His self-proclamation as being equal to Jane shows the breakdown of the Great Chain of Being. Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar write that while in â€Å"one sense Jane and Rochester begin their relationship as master and servant, prince and Cinderella, Mr. B and Pamela, in another they begin as spiritual equals†(Gilbert 352). In his allowance of Jane to be his equal, he encourages her progression to a strong sense of her own identity and independence. In a more sexual light, Rochester is the one who will eventually awaken Jane to her own sexuality. This occasion exhibits Jane's journey into adult maturation: â€Å"it is he who will initiate her into the mysteries of the flesh†(Gilbert 355). Adrienne Rich states that the episodes at Thornfield encompass three defining aspects: the house, Rochester, and Bertha. Rich writes, â€Å"Jane comes to womanhood and to certain definitive choices about what it means to be a woman†(Rich 468). In other words, during her stay at Thornfield and due to her interactions with its inhabitants, namely Rochester, Jane realizes what being a woman suggests. The break down of the Great Chain of Being is shown through Rochester even further, when Jane finds that he is married to another woman. As she leaves him because of her strength and of her own free will, Jane's independence is reinforced. Critic Elaine Baruch contrasts this action to Romanticism, and states, â€Å"Unlike the lady of the chivalric romance who had merely to sit still in order to find a destiny in the form of some passing knight, modern woman must seek her own hero†(Baruch 157). Here, Baruch is commenting on how Rochester's dark and haunting past results in a positive outcome for Jane, in that it strengthens her independence and desire for freedom and identity. Instead of deliberately wasting time waiting for destiny to find her, Jane seeks out the right destiny for herself. The various characters in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre provide the heroine with both role models and obstacles to her maturation into adulthood, and more importantly, womanhood. Jane's experiences with these characters, and what she takes from each, show the importance of determining for oneself his or her own morals, ethics, goals, and by not allowing others to dictate how one lives his or her life, love, wealth, and ultimately happiness can be achieved. All people have their own unique set of traits, from their morality to their spirituality, their speech, and their faults. To be a person who is happy and truly successful on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels, one must draw from the good and decent people he or she meets that which will be ultimately beneficent; for example, emulating and learning from the spirituality of a person who is truly and passionately spiritual. Unfortunately, not all the people a person meets in his or her life will have qualities which a person will want to emulate; in a way, these people become obstacles to a person's pilgrimage towards self-understanding and happiness. These people, the barriers to a person's self-development, are just as important as the people who function as positive role models. Those who are consciously or unconsciously determined to stop those on the path to happiness and self-discovery can be destructive, but they can also be unintentionally helpful. All too often, these figures are successful in breaking other another person's will and forcing their principles upon him, but when people like this, the hypocrites, the self-righteous, the misogynists, the arrogant aristocrats, and the like, fail, that previously oppressed person becomes significantly stronger by overcoming these barriers. Ultimately, nearly everyone has a life-long struggle with self-identity, and nearly everyone has encountered these influential people in his life, the role models and the obstacles. Unfortunately many become victims to the authority of those people who would force their will upon others, and ultimately, most people never complete their journey to independence; all too often they give up, and allow themselves to bent to the will of others. It is evident that this pilgrimage is a long and arduous one, a journey that few complete, and the author suggests that on top of the inherent difficulty of this journey, women have an even greater challenge before them. Because of the insidious and ubiquitous influence of patriarchy in the author's society, the journey towards independence and self-understanding becomes significantly more difficult for women; it is a truly joyous occasion when a woman does succeed in breaking free from the chains of male dominated society, becoming independent, self-aware, and, hopefully, happy.
Monday, July 29, 2019
English Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
English Literature - Essay Example Antigone tells Ismene that she wants her brother given a proper burial despite Creon’s decree. For Antigone family honor and the responsibilities that go along with it are much more important than the order of the ruler, Creon. Ismene, upon hearing her sister’s plans, tells Antigone that she would not go against the edict of Creon. For Ismene family considerations are not so important, rather it is the edict of the ruler that she would rather obey. As she puts it, both of them are women and are required not only to be subservient to the ruler, but also to men; they should not try to hold their own against these two authorities. Ismene states that it is their duty as women not only to obey Creon’s edict regarding their brother, but also any other decree that might be even more oppressive. Hearing this distresses Antigone a great deal. She feels it is her responsibility, as a sister to Polyneices, to afford him a burial at least. Antigone feels that Ismene is not t rue to her familial calling, and she feels disgust at the latter’s opinion on the matter. Antigone does not believe that her status as a woman, or as a subject of Creon, should stop her from fulfilling the duty that she owes her brother. She is so repulsed upon hearing her sister’s views on this matter that she tells her that after hearing her views on the matter, she would not want Ismene to come and help her bury their brother, Polyneices, even if Ismene wanted to do it. This plainly shows how deeply ingrained the idea of familial obligation is in Antigone, and how appalled she is that her own sister would rather obey the law than fulfill the duty she owes her
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Onee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Onee - Essay Example According to him enhancing high literacy would result to independent intelligence which is a form of perversion and an anti-social stance hence the need for the restructuring of the educational system, (Dewey, 1898). As a result of such policy, education has departed from a system identified with freedom, nationalism, and work ethic. Today, education in America has become less effective for learning academic skills because it has turned into a channel infiltrated with issues affecting political and social differences. Educational policies have become more concerned to the evolution of the society inculcating the modern knowledge that the primary purpose of education is to obtain a good paying job in the labour force economy. This results to the failure of educational policies to address the various problems inherent within the system such as huge hike increases in school tuition, increase in costs of research, decreasing numbers of teachers, cheating among students, ineffective grading system, lack of school supplies and textbooks and other school related issues. Moreover, there has been an appalling failure to improve critical thinking and enhance leadership among students because schools were transformed into training grounds to produce compliant labour force. With these various problems, educational policies must focus on transforming schools into dynamic and self-motivated organizations to help the students learn basic skills such as reading and writing, improve critical thinking and problem-solving, acquire new knowledge, and enhance competitive attitudes and behaviours. Today’s education should not depart from enhancing academic knowledge rather in addition to fundamental core subjects, must also develop creativity, innovation, and social and managerial skills. To implement such policies schools must also introduce new methods in delivering
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Read the following excerpt from Aristotle's Poetics and discuss the Essay
Read the following excerpt from Aristotle's Poetics and discuss the respects in which the Medea adheres to his guidelines and - Essay Example *** The Third Episode of Medea contains all the elements necessary, from Aristotle’s point of view, for a play to be called a tragedy. Among others these include, Jason’s mimesis, dialogues, structure of the plot, peripeteia. Another evidence of tragedian character of Euripides’ play is a scene of pain. In the Third Episode we can see the mimesis when Medea repeats Jason’s wrong doings in burning desire to revenge on him and make him suffer. She makes a plan how to force Jason to suffer as much as Medea did felt when he has broken his oath. So here we can observe one of the main elements of a tragedy according to Aristotle. Another key element of a classical tragedy is dialogue, which Medea uses when speaking to Aegeus and asking him to â€Å"Swear by the Earth on which you tread/Swear by the Sun, my father’s father dread/Swear by every god and godhead†to always defend her. This utterance is a dialogue as it said in a highly poetic, elevated tone. Peripeteia of this tragedy also purely corresponds to Aristotle’s requirements stated in the Poetics. ... In Euripides' tragedy there is too much suffering, due to this reason Aristotle called Euripides the most tragic of the playwrights. Here we can observe sufferings when Jason sees his sons’ blood seeping from under the door. It was Medea’s plane to make him suffer – with this purpose she killed her children, the only part of Jason she still had. She wanted to get rid of him completely and at the same time to make him feel grief and agony. The Third Episode of the tragedy shows vividly all the elements in which Euripides’ Medea adheres to Aristotle’s guidelines. So, Medea represents a classic tragedy and can be taken as an example for analysis. In spite of the fact that Aristotle himself considered Medea to be one of the best samples of classical tragedy, Euripides’ masterpiece contains a few elements which do not satisfy Aristotle’s views. For example, Aristotle reproached Euripides for partiality to the method of "God from the machine †, which consists in the fact that the denouement does not escape from the plot, but is achieved with god’s help. Aristotle wrote: â€Å"... the denouement of the plot should follow from the plot, but not, as in Medea, through the machine.†And if the denouement of the conflict so often required the sudden appearance of supernatural forces, then it was not due to Euripides’ inability to find a more convincing composite course, but due to the fact that the poet had not seen in contemporary world solutions for many intricate human affairs. The poet is abhorrent to every theatrical convention. According to Aristotle, a real tragedy, arousing in the viewer sympathy and fear, makes discharging of these affects, directing them into
Friday, July 26, 2019
Succession Planning and Management in Governmental IT Organizations Dissertation - 1
Succession Planning and Management in Governmental IT Organizations - Dissertation Example It employed the use of three questionnaires to assess the provincial Government’s SPM structure, staff members assessment of current leaders who are products of the present SPM process and to test the applicability of the new process. Two hundred and forty participants participated in the Survey, participants included Human Resources Personnel, staff members from the different Ministries in the State and managers. Analysis of data was done using simple percentages . Survey results of the experiment indicates that even though Alberta Government has an SPM structure in place as it is uncommon with other State Governments; the structure has not really produced leaders with the desired management and leadership skills to develop the succession candidates; study also suggests that the current Alberta process is not really suited to the complexities of the IT organizations. The study therefore developed a process of SPM based on Ley 2002’s and Whittmore 2006 approach to SPM w hich includes eight elements altogether and the process tested. Results show that th
Human population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human population - Essay Example He claims in his lecture that even in 1960 when world population was 3 billion, 2 billion was made up by the developing world and 1 billion was made up by the industrialized world. This highlights the need to work on living conditions of the poorest to control population control. Jackley also stresses on the need to improve the lives of poor people to control population and poverty, both of which are very serious issues. Microfinancing is one way to do that which is about lending small amounts of money to people who are faced with really tight financial conditions. Even a little amount of capital can bring enormous changes. Jackley has witnessed herself that only an amount of $100 can change the entire business trajectory of a suffering person in a country like Kenya or Uganda. Dr. Ehrlich also comments in a video that it is impossible to have a good future without stabilizing world population. So many horrible famines have already struck countries like China and India in the 70s due to
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Architecture of renaissance and baroque Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Architecture of renaissance and baroque - Essay Example The Santa Maria Novella is the greatest basilica in Florence. Though originally built by Friars in Florence, Alberti was commissioned to design its faà §ade. He contribute a broad frieze decorated with squares, four pilasters that were white-green in color and a round window, on it a pediment of the Dominican solar emblem. He added S-curved volutes on both sides and four columns with Corinthian capitals. The pediment and the frieze were inspired by the antiquity. However, the S-curved scrolls adorning the upper part had no precedent and have inspired similar ones in churches all over Italy. His touch obviously added to the glamorous beauty of the church’s faà §ade that has attracted worshipers and tourists alike over the years. Bramante’s Tempietto (Fig. 2) was designed with an emphasis on harmonizing of proportions and the simplicity of volumes (Norberg-Schulz, 89). Shapes such as cylinders and hemispheres were combined to great effect to create the grand circular sh ape that represents the divine order and completeness. The church pays great tribute to both antique techniques and Christian values. Bramantes plan represented illusionist painting and architecture that he had perfected in his lifetime. It was inspired by the shapes of temples. However, it was more a work of art than a utility building. Only 15 feet in diameter, it could not contain a congregation and was the subject of admiration from without and within. To him it represented the purity of the martyrdom of St Peter.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Information Systems Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Information Systems - Coursework Example 3. Firstly the patient submits a request for X-ray application which is denoted by the data flow â€Å"Submits X-Ray request form†to the process â€Å"Make X-Ray appointment†and subsequently makes an appointment denoted by â€Å"Makes an appointment†. The primary reasons for having an information system is to understand in detail the various cost drivers which make sure that a certain amount of money is drained in the process and an organization is benefited in the long run. For example, QuickShop Inc enveloped information system in the form of an ERP product which failed because of the lack of enough management belief in the system, lack of turnover ratio, not taking care of the system requirements and functions. The information system processes are the ones which are mentioned in the SRS document which needs to be adhered by the software vendor. Often the customer is not clear or confused about the ideas and the requirements. Total failure relates to either the concept has never been implemented or after implementation the system was abandoned. The concept building phase would have taken so much time that the very idea was quite complex at the end. The feasibility factors were studied in so detail that there was always some probability of not proceeding with the further implementation stages. The other case which was highlighted is that just after the system is implemented it was found to be not satisfying the business requirements or it did not envelope the business workflow and had to be abandoned so that the business does not suffer losses if it cannot make profit. The partial failure of the system can be attributed for either the system does not fulfill the system requirements or there are significant undesirable outcomes. If a particular set of requirements are not fulfilled or if a department is not aligned in sharing information then it may result in failure of the system. Other types
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Sales of bonds backed by riskier US corporate loans have surged to Essay
Sales of bonds backed by riskier US corporate loans have surged to their highest level in seven years, helping to fuel a leveraged lending boom that is concerning regulators - Essay Example Furthermore, the low-interest-rate environment, more credit spreads, and promising laws have bolstered many performance metrics to better than pre-crisis levels. It is predicted that the asset class will experience growths stemming from the attractive returns offered by the CLOs in comparison to similar collaterals. A collateralized loan obligation can be argued to be the entire structured financial transactions where several degrees of equity and debt are delivered via special service vehicles that are primarily composed of commercial loans. Specifically, a distinction exists between a Collateralized loan obligation and bond obligations or mortgage obligations in that CLO in that they are debt securities that are collateralized by commercial loans. The Collateralized Loan Obligations work on a purchase basis. Typically, the degree and extent of the investment in the Collateralized Loan Obligations depends on the risk tolerance level of the investor, such that, risk tolerant investors receive more returns on their investment relative to risk averse investors. Comparatively, a case of a default on loans leads to the risk averse investors reaping the most (Westerfeld, & Weber, 2010, p. 75) Throughout the third quarter of 2008, the market experienced one of the worst financial crisis ever experienced in the twenty-first century. The crisis was characterized by the failure of major business and reduction in consumer wealth by huge margins (Westerfeld, & Weber, 2010, p. 70). Nevertheless, experts argue that the bursting of the housing bubble in 2006 led to the plummeting of the pricing in the real estate business, an issue that damaged most financial institutions. Key among the players in the causes was the Collateralized Loan Obligations that acted a substantial part in the sub-prime of the housing boom. With the continued growth of the CLO throughout 2005, more focus shifted to the use of subprime mortgages as collateral against
Monday, July 22, 2019
Report on Sir Isaac Newton Essay Example for Free
Report on Sir Isaac Newton Essay Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist. He was considered one of the greatest scientists in history. Newton was also the culminating figure in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. Newton was best known for his discovery that the force called gravity affects all objects in space and on earth. .Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642, in the hamlet of Wollsthorpe, Lincolnshire (R.S.W. 17) His Father died only three months before he was born (Sir Isaac Newton 1). When he was three years old Isaacs mother, Hanna, placed him with his grandmother so that she could remarry a man named Barnabas Smith, a wealthy man from North Witham (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 1). When his mother returned to Woolsthorpe in 1653, Newton was withdrawn from school to fulfill his birthright as a farmer. Newton failed at farming, and returned to Kings School at Grantham to prepare for entrance to Trinity College, Cambridge. A turning point in Newtons life was when he left Woolsthorpe for Cambridge University in June of 1661 (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 1). Although Cambridge was a marvelous center of learning, the spirit of the scientific revolution had yet to enter its curriculum. In 1665 Isaac Newton took his bachelors degree at Cambridge without honors or distinction (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 2). In 1665 the university was closed because of the plague. At this time Newton returned to Woolsthorpe. There, in the following 18 months, he began revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy (J. A. Schuster 1). During the plague years, Isaac Newton laid the foundation for elementary differential and integral Calculus. He invented the method of fluxions which was based on his crucial insight that finding the area under its curve is the inverse procedure to finding the slope of the curve at any point (J. A. Schuster 1). Also during the plague years he made remarkable discoveries in optics. He had reached the conclusion that white light is not a simple, homogeneous entity. He proved this by passing a thin beam of sunlight through a glass prism which created a spectrum of colors on the wall opposite. Isaac argued that white light is a mixture of many different types of rays, that the different types of rays are refracted at slightly different angles, and that each type of ray is responsible for producing a given color (J. A. Schuster 2). Newtons greatest work was in physics and celestial mechanics. In 1666, Newton had formulated early visions of his three laws of motion (J.A. Schuster 3). Also during these years he examined the elements of circular motion and, applying his analysis to the moon and the planets, found the inverse square relation that the radially directed force acting on a planet decreases with the square of its distance from the sun. This was later crucial to the law of universal gravitation (Sir Isaac Newton 3). When the University of Cambridge reopened after the plague in 1667, Newton put himself forward as a candidate for a fellowship (Sir Isaac Newton 3). He was elected to a minor fellowship at Trinity College but, after being awarded his Masters Degree, he was elected to a senior fellowship in 1668. Before he had reached his 27th birthday, he succeeded Isaac Barrow as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 2). In 1672, shortly after his election to the Royal Society, he communicated his first public paper, a controversial study on the nature of color (Sir Isaac Newton 4). The paper was generally well received but Hooke and Huygens objected to Newtons attempt to prove, by experiment alone, that light consists of the motion of small particles rather than waves. Although his hypotheses was not convincing, his ideas about scientific method won universal assent along with his corpuscular theory. These reigned until the wave theory was revived in the early 19th century (Newton, Sir Isaac 2). Newtons relations with Hooke soured. Newton withdrew from public discussion for about a decade. After 1675, he devoted himself to chemical and alchemical researches. He postponed the publication of a full account of his optical researches until after the death of Hooke in 1703. Newtons Opticks appeared in 1704. Newtons Opticks dealt with the theory of light and color and with Newtons investigations of the colors of thin sheets. It also contained Newtons Rings and the phenomenon of diffraction of light (Newton, Sir Isaac 2). In 1689, Newton was elected to represent Cambridge in Parliament. During his stay in London he became acquainted with John Locke, the famous philosopher, and Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, a brilliant young mathematician who became a friend. In 1693, however, Newton suffered a severe nervous disorder (Dr. Robert A Hatch 4). There are many interpretations to the cause of this disorder. Some of these interpretations include overworked, the stress of controversy, and perhaps mercury poisoning the result of nearly three decades of alchemical research. After his recovery Newton sought a new position in London. In 1696 Newton was appointed Warden and then Master of the Mint (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 4). In 1703, Newton was elected president of the Royal Society and was annually reelected until his death (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 5). In 1705 Isaac Newton was knighted (Margret C. Jacob 390). His time as president has been described as cruel, and his control over the lives and careers of younger disciples was all but absolute. Newton could not stand for contradiction or controversy; his quarrels with Hooke provided a single example. Later disputes, as president of the Royal Society, Newton used all the forces he could muster. An example of this is when he published Flamsteeds astronomical observations without the authors permission. In the end, the actions of the Society were extensions of Newtons will. Until his death Newton dominated the landscape of science without rival (Dr. Robert A. Hatch 5). Issac Newton died in London on March 20, 1727 (R.S.W. 20). In conclusion, Sir Issac Newton was one of the greatest scientists in history. Newton was also the culminating figure in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. Many of his theories have become foundations for many areas of science.
Transforming Leadership Analysis Essay Example for Free
Transforming Leadership Analysis Essay Introduction â€Å"The strategic environment, national guidance, and operational requirements demand that todays US Army forces conduct operations of a type, tempo, and duration that differ significantly from those of the past. The late 20th century required a force able to execute a fixed number of deliberate war plans and prepared to provide small forces for infrequent contingencies. The 21st century requires a force able to conduct sustained operations against several ongoing contingencies while remaining prepared to execute a number of deliberate war plans. Sustained operations and readiness to meet both old and new threats will be normal for the foreseeable future. This situation requires changes in both structure and mindset. The Army is rapidly transforming itself to meet both requirements. The War on Terrorism has given the Army a strategic opportunity to reshape itself. It is leveraging its wartime focus to build campaign quality Army forces with joint and expeditionary capabilities. It is shedding inefficient processes and procedures designed for peacetime and re-examining institutional assumptions, organizational structures, paradigms, policies, and procedures. (Kane Tremble 1994) This ongoing transformation is producing a better balance of capabilities. When complete. Army forces will be able to deploy more promptly and sustain operations longer to exercise decisive land power across the range of military operations. The Armys goal is to transform itself into a more responsive, effective expeditionary force capable of sustained campaigning any where in the world. Meanwhile, it continues to sustain operational support to combatant commanders and maintain the quality of the all-volunteer force†. (Our Army at War Relevant and Ready) Within the last century, the scale of war has made necessary a different type of leader. We no longer fight for our farms, villages, and hunting lands. Our interests have shifted from straits and mountain passes. In our current world, as a result of technological revolutions and ever growing political instability, we live in the threat of a global war. Actions have the potential to resonate in many continents subsequently influencing the economies, policies, and war strategies of nations worldwide. For these reasons, leaders must study the past and integrate historys lessons learned with the new challenges of leading within a heightened threat. Military leaders must maintain their grasp and focus on the technical mastery of war fighting, personal courage, and the ability to inspire men to fight for a common cause. Victory will lend itself to the commander who can master the terrain and find new or creative ways to employ his weapons and men. Leaders must be technically proficient with the arms they use to wage war. In a broad example, the Spartans studied the natural tendency of phalanx formations to shift right and employed special tactics to break off part of their formation and bring it upon the flank of their enemy. Even here with similar weapons and tactics, the Spartans pursued the mastery of their war fighting system and stood victorious on the field of battle. (Bass 1990) For a more detailed analysis, in 480 BC, during the Greco-Persian wars, a Spartan leader named Leonidas used terrain to his advantage to inflict incredible damage upon his Persian enemy. The Persian army numbering between 200,000 and 250,000 men marched towards the northwest pass into Greece. Leonidas moved his forces to block the vital passage at Thermopylae, a narrow passage with high walls. Though he reinforced his army along the way, Leonidas could muster only 7,000 men. He immediately began building a wall between the pass to further narrow it and channel his enemy. Overwhelmed, the Spartans lost the pass but managed to kill 20,000 Persians to their 1,000 lost. Several centuries later in the US civil war, General Lee used his mastery of terrain at the Maryes Heights during the battle of Fredericksburg, Maryland. Mid-November in 1862, union forces under General Burnside began to occupy positions outside Falmouth near Fredericksburg to meet Lee. In response, Lee entrenched his forces at Maryes Heights, a higher ground outside the town. In addition, the armies were now separated by the Rappahannock River. In December Burnside began his assault. Lee allowed the union forces to cross the river and then instructed his entire army to open fire, which pinned Burnside between the Heights and the Rappahannock River. Lee managed to inflict 3 to 1 casualties upon the northern armies during several futile, uphill charges and Burnside is forced to call off his offensive. He would try again in January 1863, but would be repulsed by Lees army in their superior position. (Kane Tremble 1994) Army Transformation â€Å"Transformation describes the process by which the current force is becoming the future force. It occurs as the Army incorporates new capabilities into its force structure and trains soldiers to use them. The future force is what the Army continuously seeks to become. It will be strategically responsive and joint interdependent. It will be capable of precision maneuver and able to dominate adversaries and situations across the range of military operations envisioned in the future security environment. The future force will be lighter, more lethal and agile, and optimized for versatility. It will be capable of seamlessly transitioning among the different types of military operations. Army transformation is more than materiel solutions. Adaptive and determined leadership, innovative concept development and experimentation, and lessons learned from recent operations produce corresponding changes to doctrine, organizations, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF). DOTMLPF is a problem-solving construct for assessing current capabilities and managing change. Change is achieved through a continuous cycle of adaptive innovation, experimentation, and experience. Change deliberately executed across DOTMLPF elements enables the Army to improve its capabilities to provide dominant land power to the joint force. Authoritative basis that sets into action the Armys transformation strategies, It provides specific objectives, assigns responsibilities for execution, and synchronizes resources. It directs the planning, preparation, and execution of Army operations and Army transformation within the context of the nations ongoing strategic commitments. These commitments and resource availability dictate the synchronization and pace of change. The Army Campaign Plan also sustains operational support to combatant commanders and maintains the quality of the all-volunteer force†. (FM 1) In contrast, when in history a leader has demonstrated cowardice, it has stripped them men of their warrior spirit, unity, and willingness to fight. When Antony fled the battle at Actium, his unit became disorganized and confused and subsequently lost the battle. The same result occurred when Napoleon abandoned his army at Waterloo. (Kane Tremble 1994) These characteristics of valor and moral courage are illustrated in the battles of General Washington. He sat with the remnants of the Continental Army at Valley Forge starving, inadequately sheltered, and with their only clothing rotting off their backs. Though he had been successful earlier on, Washington now found his army suffering through one of the worst American winters and troubled by low morale and desertion. In response to his pleas for additional funds and supplies the American congress suggested he quarter his troops in the nearby towns. Quartering was an acceptable practice and certainly expected given his circumstances, but Washington feared the impression his troops would have upon the American public and how it would affect the support for the war and the resulting government. After much moral deliberation, he gathered his troops and spoke to them. His decision to stay in the blistering cold and suffer the winter was unpopular at first, but his men began to understand his reasons and responded to his exemplary leadership. Washingtons personal actions and moral courage renewed his mens faith, convinced them to stay the course, and above all to do the right thing. In the combat action of the Revolutionary war Washington had a dozen mounts shot out beneath him, and was once missed by a round that struck through his overcoat and he narrowly escaped injury. His morality was accompanied by his physical courage in battle inspiring his men to fight on despite their hardships. (Tremble 1992) Literature Review Nearly a century later, the moral courage and personal character of its commanding general held together an undersupplied, undermanned, yet confident Confederate army. In the final battle of the Civil War, Lee demonstrated his dedication to his men and willingness to sacrifice himself over his command. The opposing armies were prepared for battle in a field near the town of Appomattox. Near the beginning of the assault Lees lines began to give way forcing him into a moral dilemma that affected the overall course of the war. In this moment Lee replaced his personal drive for victory with the sobering realization of defeat. Understanding the futility of further efforts against his enemy, Lee sent a flag of truce to his counterpart, despite the war cries and urging of his men to return to battle. He sacrificed personal pride and commitment to victory for his duty and loyalty to his men. General Lees character and obligation to do the right thing tied together and motivated the armies of the south and his soldiers understood that Lee acted for the benefit of the Confederacy and not for personal gain. In WWII, 80 yrs after Lees surrender, the US was at the height of submarine patrols against Japan in WWII, and Commander Howard Gilmore set a course from Brisbane, Australia into Japanese waters to interrupt their shipping lanes in the USS Growler. While surfaced to charge the submarines batteries, Gilmore was engaged and rammed by a Japanese ship. Attacking the crippled and idle Growler, enemy gunners quickly sprayed the bridge of the submarine killing the Assistant Officer of the Deck, lookout, and wounding Gilmore. The submarine remained under still heavy fire from the enemy machine gunners. Aware that the Growler would be sunk in the time needed for him to crawl below decks, Gilmore made the supreme sacrifice for his shipmates. Commander Gilmore put his command before himself and through his selfless and courageous act saved his crew at the cost of his own life. His ordered his crew to, Take her down! and then perished at sea. Perhaps the most decisive aspect of moral leadership is the ability to inspire a fire within people to fight for a common goal or unit objective. Moral courage and technical expertise and skill are the enabling devices for which a leader may instill confidence and trust among his troops, but it is the ability to produce a common objective that will inspire men to fight. A free and voluntary army requires an indisputable cause. (Tremble 1992) For example, General Washington was able to contain the rivaling factions of the American Revolution and then unite and direct them towards a common purpose. Unable to agree amongst them as to an appropriate course of action, it was Washingtons decisive and assertive leadership that unified their purpose. Despite their conflicting ideas, the Americans believed unanimously in the ability of Washington. In much the same way, Robert E. Lee fused and gave purpose to the Confederate states in the Civil War and Winston Churchill unified the rivaling factions of the British government during WWII. One of the better examples of inspirational leadership is from recent history. Al-Qaeda forces draw their strength and morally rationalize their terrorist attacks through their fanatical belief in the justness of their cause. The terrorist leaders harness the energy created by this fanaticism in their culture and focus it towards a common goal. This leadership style establishes a purpose and allows for a transition into active fighting spirit. These leadership traits are fundamental and remain at the foundation of successful military leadership. They remain a leadership challenge for all fighting men in the worlds militaries and occur at all levels within the military force. Those who master and arm themselves with these concepts are positioned to succeed while those who ignore them are destined to fail. Transformational Leadership and Subordinate Outcomes on Army a Case Study Basss (1985a, 1985b) ideas have enthused à ° substantial amount of study. The mass of this study has investigated the foundation line or à ° circuitous effect of transformational behaviors on à ° leader or unit recital and effectiveness. Research on the hypothesized straight effects of ordinate outcomes: admiration, respect, and à ° trust of the leader, motivation and commitment to à ° shared goals and visions; innovative and creative approaches; and growth reflecting the unique needs and desires of à ° individual followers. According to Bass, à ° follower outcomes promoted by transformational behaviors result in à ° levels of organizational attempt and recital over and further than what are possible by à ° transactional behavior. These effects of à ° transformational leadership on à ° subordinate outcomes defines the augmentation hypothesis, which has à °, guided empirical testing of Basss ideas about transformational leadership.  Basss (1985a, 1985b) ideas are particularly striking to organizations, like todays military, in which à ° success depends on the participation and à ° active participation of all organizational members. U.S. Army doctrine, for instance, mentions leadership as the most essential component of combat power or the ability to fight and win. This doctrine more envisions that leaders add to effectual unit recital by inspiring à ° purpose, direction, and à ° will to win. Basss ideas for the expansion of successful army leaders have been so striking that the U.S. military in recent times published à ° volume discussing issues and insinuations raised by the distinction among transformational and transactional behaviors (Bass, 1996). Study in U.S. Army units has à ° supported these doctrinal views relating to the significance of the interactions between leadership, soldier circumstances, and unit performance. Siebold (1994), for instance, measured the work enthusiasm of soldiers 2 to 4 weeks earlier to their units contribution in replicated battle exercises. Strong, optimistic correlations were obtained among pre-exercise modes of soldier enthusiasm and rated success of units throughout the exercises. In adding, the motivation-unit-performance association was moderated by leader efficiency. So as to, when units were grouped by discernments of leader efficiency, strong, optimistic correlations were obtained for units with the uppermost leadership ratings but not for units with à ° lowest ratings. Savell, Teague, and Tremble tested the connection among leader-follower characteristics. They reported that à ° positive association existed among the enthusiasm levels of leaders and followers and that the force of that association augmented as followers reports of à ° Leader’s overall ability also increased. (Tremble 1992) Organizational Level and Transformational Behaviors Bass (1990) argued that the principles of à ° transformational leadership apply to all organizational levels. Consistent with à ° argument, transformational research has à ° examined samples ranging from cadets at military institutes to executives and à ° world leaders. Potentially inconsistent with Basss (1985b) quarrel, though, is the deviation in results obtained across organizational settings. For example, Spangler and Braiotta (1990) reported that transactional scope was slightly more strongly correlated with audit committee efficiency than were transformational features. In this framework, monitoring mistakes and satisfying accuracy may have been essential for leader recital. As such, lively management by omission and dependent reward predicted recital as powerfully as did transformational actions. Spangler and Braiotta as well found that active, management by omission was as powerfully connected with the transformational scales as those scales were connected between one another. In difference, Howell and Avolio reported that active management by omission was unconstructively connected with unit recital and transformational leadership in monetary institutions.  (Bass 1986) How to report for these unreliable effects is not overall clear. Relationships among leaders and followers vary crosswise organizations. As leaders move on in organizations, they grow carefulness and authority, use less time intimately supervising followers, and take on broadened responsibilities. Crossways levels, followers frequently vary in status, carefulness, independence, and promise. In adding, the progressive understanding and training conventional by organizational personnel might generate diverse expectations between junior leaders, more senior leaders, and followers about actions that comprise suitable leadership actions. Therefore, the unreliable effects obtained for transformational and transactional behaviors could reproduce a number of issues, together with the suitability of a single-form device, for instance the MLQ, for recitation variations across levels in leadership roles, in function relationships, or in contexts. (Bass 1986) Though the connotation of leader actions and of follower prospect concerning that behavior might modify crosswise organizational levels, the regularity of precise types of behavior might also vary. Kuhnert and Lewis explained that adults are extra liable to connect in transformational behaviors after they have attained advanced stages of ethical growth. Behind this outlook, increased transformational behavior (but not essentially transactional behavior) was originated for other senior Army leaders (Bass et al., 1987b). On the contrary, transactional behavior was originated to typify victorious cadets all through their pre-commissioning preparation and learning at a state military college. Contrary proof was obtainable by Lowe et al. (1996), who completed in their meta-analysis that transformational leadership did not considerably vary as a purpose of organizational level. (Bass 1996) Our current National Security Strategy (NSS), National Military Strategy (NMS) and existing Army force structure were ill conceived for the future of the Army. As a result of the Bottom-Up Review (BUR), the Army was right sized and structured to meet the requirements to fight and win two major theater wars (MTWs). However, this force structure was never intended to support current deployment levels for military operations other than war (MOOTW). In fact, the BUR warned that, Protracted commitments to peace operations could lower the overall readiness of US active duty forces over time, and in turn, reduce our ability to fulfill our strategy to be able to win two nearly simultaneous major regional conflicts. Increased MOOTW deployments such as Somalia, Haiti and Bosnia have driven the Armys operational tempo (OPTEMPO) to historically high levels. As prophesied by the BUR, the Armys overall readiness is declining. Moreover, given our current NSS, a turbulent international community ripe with MOOTW opportunities and continuing fiscal pressures, it is unlikely the Army can expect a reduction to OPTEMPO in the near future. In short, the Army is faced with a strategy and force structure mismatch. To compound this mismatch, the Army faces another pressing problem in its responsibilities to support joint war fighting. As joint war fighting doctrine continues to evolve and improve, deficiencies concerning critical missions such as rear area protection of the joint logistics and sustain base and the need for a war-termination force have surfaced (US Department of Defense, 1995, pp.1-9). These unique Army missions pose a difficult challenge. How can the Army correct these joint war fighting deficiencies in an environment that already overtaxes its capabilities and resources? Late in the Cold War, the Armys strategy for using its Reserve Component (RC) forces was totally different from todays. Born of the joint vision of General Creighton Abrams and Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, the Total Force concept was embraced by an Army all too aware of the problems created by not using significant RC forces in either the Korean or Vietnam Wars. The Armys overall readiness is declining. Moreover, given our current National Security Strategy, a turbulent international community ripe with opportunities for military operations other than war and continuing fiscal pressures, it is unlikely the Army can expect a reduction to OPTEMPO in the near future. In short, the Army is faced with a strategy and force structure mismatch (1993). It is time to abandon the conflict between the active Army and Army National Guard (ARNG) over Guard readiness and look at ARNG maneuver unit utility from a new perspective. The search for a new paradigm properly begins by considering the connection between readiness and risks. Reserve Component (RC) units cannot attain the readiness levels of equivalent Active Component (AC) units in 39 days of yearly pre-mobilization training. Therefore, some degree of risk will always be associated with early deployment of RC units. The key question is: how much risk is acceptable? If the risk of deploying ARNG maneuver units early is within acceptable limits, the Army could benefit greatly. (Bass 1996) The decision to deploy these units meant that the Army was accepting some degree of tactical risk that units could not perform some of the missions for which they were organized. Even during the defense build-up in the mid-80s, the Army maintained its strategy of early deployment of RC maneuver forces. In a security environment of high threat and increasing resources, the Army was willing to accept the tactical risks associated with deploying these RC units (Noyes, 1995, pp.8-9). Today, the Army faces no peer competitor such as the massive Soviet Army, just a small group of ill-trained, ill-equipped regional armies. Army and joint capabilities for precision deep attack of enemy forces have revolutionized the ground combat concept of battle space. No longer must the enemy be reduced in a desperate fight by maneuver elements along the forward line of troops (FLOT). Deadly surface and air joint operational fires, many miles away, can now reduce enemy maneuver units from the FLOT. Although resource constraints have reduced the active Armys relative maneuver combat power by nearly half since the RC units cannot attain the readiness levels of comparable AC units in 39 days of yearly pre-mobilization training. Therefore, some degree of risk will always be associated with early deployment of RC units. The key question is: how much risk is acceptable? If the risk of deploying ARNG maneuver units early is within acceptable limits, the Army could benefit greatly. (Waldman et al 2001) In November 1999, US Army Chief of Staff Eric K. Shinseki directed the US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) to undertake a comprehensive review of the Army force structure. In response, the TRADOC commander, General John Abrams, began developing a brigade-sized force capable of rapid deployment, yet with the staying power of the current heavy force (1993). This force would have to be able to respond to the growing number of peacekeeping and small-scale conflicts, as well as, facing the problems of nontraditional threats and the likely hood of terrorist threats. The Army today is built on a heavy force and a light force. The heavy force has the necessary firepower and sustainability but require too much time to deploy. The light force can deploy quickly, but lack the power and sustainability to remain for extended periods of time. (Waldman et al 2001) Under this new transformational plan, there would be a combat force comprised of elements of the active Army heavy and light forces, along with, elements of the Army National Guard and Army Reserve forces. This would provide a mix of forces that could deploy fast, pack the necessary combat power, and be able to sustain contact for an extended period of time without direct support. It would also provide our part-time soldiers with the necessary additional training to sustain their combat readiness and confidence. This will bring the armed forces to the realization of an Army of one. As we can see from the events of today, that the conventional Army of the past is no longer the Army of the future. The forces have to be ready to react to any possible action or conflict that may arise. Terrorism is an entity that has a broad hand. The multitude of the armed forces has had to come together to provide the necessary force to not only fight abroad, but to secure to home front from attack. The part-time soldier has stepped up in this new transformational Army to take to job of homeland protectors while the specialized forces have taken on the challenge of rooting out the evil. Did the US Army Chief of Staff Eric K. Shinseki have a premonition of the events that unfolded over the last few months? He may or may not, but the fact is that he new that the Army of old could not fight the battles of the future. Transformation was inevitable, and he was the man to see the emerging trend of modern day warfare. Present The observations illustrated above show how far the Army has come in the past 15 years concerning civilians in the Total Army. The new FM 22-100 is the latest indicator that the Total Army must depend on all its components in performing todays missions.  The Army is smaller today than at any time since before World War II and it continues to downsize. In less than a decade, the Army reduced its ranks by more than 630,000 people, closed more than 700 installations and changed from à ° forward-deployed force to a Continental United States-based, power-projection force. The number of deployments in that same period increased by 300 percent accordingly, missions were realigned and force structures changed. The bottom line is that DACs have assumed responsibilities in the Total Army that were not even envisioned a couple of decades ago. The Army simply cannot mobilize, deploy or sustain itself without its civilian component. The old ways of doing business do not work anymore. The outdated paradigms that endure about DACs should be revisited. DACs roles, responsibilities and leader challenges are in constant flux. Emphasizing the need to develop civilian leaders for positions of greater responsibility, Reimer stated, We cannot leave the development of our civilian leaders to chance. The development of civilian leaders starts with the accession and training of interns. We must hire the best and train them to meet the challenge,; of the 21st century . It is important that we continue the emphasis on professional development for all civilians through the executive level. (Waldman et al 2001) It was only a little more than a decade ago that the Army began providing progressive and sequential competency-based leadership training for civilians through the Center for Army Leadership (CAL), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and the Army Management Staff College, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Before the mid-1980s, a career track comparable to those for officers and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) did not exist for DACs. Historically, the career program functional chiefs for about 25 percent of DACs who were in career programs determined their technical requirements. Supervisors determined the appropriate training for those not in career programs. Not enough attention was given to identifying civilians with potential for advancement or systematically determining the skills needed to prepare high-caliber individuals for progressively more responsible leadership roles. In essence, leader development for DACs was not a consideration. (Tremble et al 1997) The difficulty of creating a civilian training program was compounded by the fact that civilians enter the federal work force at various levels based on their qualifications for specific jobs, rather than at a single point as officers and enlisted personnel do at the start of their careers. An individual is hired with a presumption of having the training needed for the position he is to occupy. Additional training is provided only after finding that the person needs to enhance the skills required by the job. Bringing such a person to a high-performing level in a reasonable amount of time is a tremendous challenge for any commander or leader. Historically civilian training does not compete with military training for resources. The Army has made considerable progress in the past 15 years in modernizing civilian personnel management. Programs such as the Army Civilian Training, Education and Development System (ACTEDS) and the Total Army Performance Evaluation System (TAPES) have eliminated many of the earlier systems complexities, resulting in some civilian developmental programs more closely resembling those for officers and enlisted personnel. ACTEDS provides a career progression road map for developing and training civilians from entry to senior level. The development of civilian leaders, like that of their uniformed colleagues, is a blend of institutional training, operational assignments and self-development. The Civilian Leader Development Action Plan provides similar frames of reference as plans developed for officers, warrant officers and NCOs. ACTEDS specifies training in two areas: professional technical career training and leadership and training. There are some underlying concepts that are common to all three courses. The content in each course is embedded in the Armys leadership doctrine and values. Participants experience leadership in its purest formexperience being the operative word. Experiential learning permeates the course from the moment class begins and continues until the participants depart. CLTD courses are the only ones the Army offers that employ experiential learning. Adults learn better if they experience a situation rather than simply hearing about it from others. In experiential learning, everyone in a situation has his own personal experience. Human nature being what it is, no two experiences are exactly the same because of individual backgrounds, prior experiences, biases, values, beliefs and attitudes. Once the common experience is complete, participants examine the varied perspectives in the group and look at why those different views exist. Through discussion, participants begin to discover the factors that came together to create the behaviors others saw. They consider the lessons they can take away from the experience and then examine possible new courses of action. Through this process, greater and deeper understanding develops, trust grows and teams build. (Kane Tremble 1994) The focus is on how people work together, as contrasted to what they may be working on. Participants examine how the group made decisions and how those decisions affected members commitment to the final product, how conflicts were resolved, how people communicated with one another and how groups dealt with common issues or problems. In doing this, the participants learn more about themselves and others. Many opportunities arise throughout each course for participants to discover how influential they can be with other members. They live the Armys values and come away with a real understanding of those valuesnot merely slogans that are little more than bumper stickers. They polish influential communication skills and gain a better understanding of their individual strengths and the areas where they may want to change. Opportunities abound for those who desire to practice new behaviors and receive feedback from others in the group. They also examine the choices they have in their lives, which often yield surprises. If individuals see that they are empowered to influence their own behavior, then they can do a better job of influencing and motivating others. Leaders also learn how to diagnose the culture in their organizations, develop visions for their organizations and lead change. Class participants learn what works for them personally and do not simply take home cookie-cutter recipes for leadership. Condition: Peace and War The previous debate was concerned mainly with serving leaders comprehend how the leadership equation develop as à ° leader moves from strategic leadership to superior levels. As à ° general rule, the wartime mission is more serious and à ° result of breakdown takes on à ° potentially disastrous consequences. Therefore, the arrow under the assignment column is considerably bigger than the other arrows. A unit that breakdowns to convene its peacetime tasking might ruined an operational readiness inspection (ORI) or acquire a commander fired. Over time of à ° war, the mental state of followers takes on superior meaning since terror complicates their aptitude to execute. Leaders have to take this aspect into reflection when transitioning from tranquility to war. To recompense for fear and the superior significance of mission achievement, leaders might understandably turn out to be more demanding.  In case we deduce too much from the above case, we would propose that a demanding style is not à ° routine response to a battle environment. Under usual conditions, a leaders style wont transform simply as the bullets are flying. It depends on the circumstances and the leader. If one has never individually practiced combat, one cannot recognize in what the difficulties continuously mentioned actually consist, nor why a commander should need any brilliancy and outstanding skill. . . . Everything in war is straightforward, but the simplest thing is not easy. The difficulties build up and end by producing à ° kind of resistance that is unthinkable if one has experienced war, à ° last war versus peace related issue should be addressed at the present. As we change to a more follower-oriented, empowering leadership model in peace for example TQM, there are possible pitfalls for us when busy in battle operations. The basic principle of essential training over the years has been to smash down the individuals civilian mind-set that is obviously opposed to subsequent potentially life-threatening battleground orders. In place of the inhabitant mind-set, we replacement military discipline throughout fundamental training, an automatic compliance to à ° strict leadership style. The objective of à ° QAF is just the contradictory. It seeks to move authority from the leader to subordinates and to à ° solicit ideas and insights from followers in a very friendly, benign atmosphere. How will the methodically indoctrinated and empowered QAF follower react if the units control takes on a more despotic style during battle? This is a matter that prospect leaders, mainly at the unit level, need to address. (Spangler Braiotta 2000) Condition: Combined Leadership One more difference in the leadership equation that will turn out to be more and more significant in todays atmosphere involves the mixture of friendly forces. A single-service process is comparatively simple to organize since like-minded persons are concerned in accomplishing the task. Their communication is facilitated by an ordinary dictionary and a ordinary orientation to their exacting way of combating. One time we comprise members of an additional service, though, additional considerations and sensitivities require to be addressed. Differences in service doctrine and operational methods not merely aggravate working jointly but can have a harmful, even deadly consequence on operations. Additionally, inter service rivalries have intricate and will carry on to confuse mission achievement. The rivalry between Gen Douglas MacArthur and a admirals Ernest J. King/Chester W. Nimitz in the World War II Pacific Theater led to a less than best harmonization of operations. Alternatively, Army general Omar Bradley and an Air Force general Elwood R. Quesada worked fine jointly. The circumstances become especially multifaceted when allies are drawn in. Additionally to doctrinal and service mismatching, cultural and chronological differences complex efforts to organize joint operations. In an Airpower Journal article The Staff Experience and Leadership Development, Gen John Shaud noted that a likelihood of your contribution in a joint alliance staff in this post-cold war world has augmented by an order of magnitude. He served as a chief of staff for the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) until lately and as of that skill made the following observation: On the alliance staff, as is the case with some new management position . . . my main assignment was to organize the activities of the workforce. . . . Additionally to what you might usually wait for that to entail, I originate that I also had to be a negotiator, diplomat, taskmaster, and cheerleader. I learned also that on the SHAPE staff (as well as on most coalition staffs), some of the most significant factors to be measured were appreciating intrinsic differences in culture and speech and possessing a solid intellect of history. Future Operating Environment Challenges and Recommendations â€Å"The Army is preparing today to meet the four types of challenges: Traditional, Irregular, Catastrophic, and Disruptive. To address traditional challenges, the Army is extending its mastery of major combat operations. It is maintaining the ability to counter todays conventional threats while preparing for tomorrows anti-access environments. The ability to prevail in major combat operations is a crucial responsibility and primary driver of capabilities development. Many capabilities required for major combat operations apply across the range of military operations. Those capabilities include: Strategic and operational mobility; Advanced information systems to support command, control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; Precision weaponry; Force protection: and Sustain. The Army is broadening and deepening its ability to counter irregular challenges. However, because the Nation cannot afford two armies, the Army is meeting this requirement by increasing the versatility and agility of the same forces that conduct conventional operations. In many situations, the combination of traditional and irregular threats presents the most demanding challenges to military effectiveness. This combination requires soldiers and units able to transition between the operations required to counter conventional and irregular threats. Preempting catastrophic threats includes deterring the use of, or destroying weapons of mass destruction. It is increasing its ability to rapidly project forces and decisively maneuver them over both global and theatre distances. It is seeking minimal reliance on predictable, vulnerable deployment transition points (intermediate staging bases) or ports of entry. To prepare for disruptive challenges, the Army is maintaining and improving a range of capabilities, minimizing the potential for single point strategic surprise and failure. It is also developing intellectual capital to power a culture of innovation and adaptability, the Armys most potent response to disruptive threats. While preparing for irregular, disruptive, and catastrophic challenges, the Army is retaining its ability to dominate land operations in traditional conflicts. American land forces clearly occupy a commanding position in the world with respect to defeating traditional military challenges. The Army must retain a superior position, particularly in the face of modernizing armies that might challenge US partners and interests. Failure to maintain a qualitative edge over these traditional threats would promote instability and create vulnerabilities that adversaries might attempt to exploit. While technology will be crucial to achieving greater operational agility and precision lethality, the human dimension will continue to be the critical element of war. The soldier will remain the centerpiece of Army organizations. As the complexity of operations increases, well-trained, innovative, and disciplined soldiers and leaders will become more important than ever. Recruiting, training, educating, and retaining of soldiers is vital to maintaining land power dominance in all forms of conflict†.  (FM 1) Conclusion The research of Bà ss, Burns, Kà ®uzà ¥s and Pà ®snà ¥ had one major preliminary task, then, was to assemble a list of behaviors that seemed to be critical. That list would be used in surveys and discussions with the study participants. While this study focused on division commanders, the requisite behaviors were typically relevant to any level of the organization, and discussions with participants, who ranged in grade from captain to lieutenant general, went beyond the exclusive behavior of division commanders. (As one indicator of the relative universal applicability of basic leader behaviors, an Army Research Institute study a few years ago on leader effectiveness in light infantry platoons showed many critical behaviors at that level were similar to those seen important for division commanders.) An interesting but not surprising finding from that exploration of previous studies was that certain behaviors kept surfacing as crucial to good leadership. There is no doubt that Army officers over the years have had a solid feel for what good looks like. While there are some differences of opinion on the relative importance among behaviors, there is remarkable agreement across grades and branches on which set of behaviors really make a difference. It is also important to note that in distinguishing good leaders from others, the distinction did not fall between leaders on one side, who focused on mission, and leaders on the other, who focused on people. Rather, it was how leaders approached mission and people that accounted for the perceived differences in the quality of their leadership. The team that created the study also recognized that operations in Iraq present an environment that epitomizes two fundamental challenges for leaders of all organizations: the need to attain immediate tactical success while maintaining the long-term health of the force; and establish the necessary centralized control to ensure integration of operating systems while encouraging and supporting the required initiative at subordinate levels. The study team eventually isolated 29 behaviors, derived from current leadership doctrine and the synthesis of prior studies. That preliminary list was further reviewed by a number of active duty and retired officers who had extensive leadership experience. An Army War College class and some scientists familiar with Army leadership principles and methods also helped to refine the list. The final list became one of the survey instruments used in the study. These 29 behaviors were seen as relevant and comprehensive by the 77 officers from the four divisions, who eventually participated in the study at their home stations within a few weeks of returning from OIF. To gain an external view of division mission accomplishment, two corps commanders and a deputy corps commander were queried about the combat performance of the divisions and the styles of the division commanders (individual or unit data was not specified in the report; subordinate participants provided survey input anonymously). In each division, the division commander, the assistant division commanders (when available), the chief of staff, eight members of the division staff, and from six to ten subordinate commanders completed survey instruments and participated in lengthy and wide-ranged discussions with study team members. These participants had observed the division commander during most or all of the divisions deployment to OIF. (Waldman et al 2001) The study report provided a number of conclusions and recommendations. The study concluded that we have a lot of impressive people in todays very busy Army! The study further concluded that we still have some development and selection work to do. In particular, we must have the interpersonal skills to gain trust and build the essential horizontal and vertical teams needed to take full advantage of the high level of tactical and technical competence that typically exists in our Army. Twelve behaviors, validated by officers returning from a combat theater, were selected as the most important factors in creating a command climate that supports operational excellence and motivating competent people to continue their military service. These behaviors, referred to in the study as the Big 12, also best differentiate between good and poor leaders. Note that the criterion included both short- and long-term mission requirements: tactical success today; a strong Army tomorrow. Army doctrine should explicitly acknowledge that being a good manager is not the same as being a good leader. FM 22-100 and related publications ought to provide all officers and NCOs with textual resources to clearly articulate the differences between supervising, administering and creating leadership within their units, and they should suggest ways in which the skills and aptitudes that contribute to each of these complementary, but distinct, competencies can be independently trained and appraised. The Officer Evaluation Report and Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report and their governing regulations must also be modified to reflect leadership-management distinctions and provide means to separately evaluate performances in each of these areas. To determine pure leadership competency, in particular, serious thought should be given to incorporating nontraditional forms of assessment such as 360-degree evaluations into the rating process. Here, the observations of peers and subordinates are factored into the rated soldiers performance review. When properly interpreted, such data can be useful in matching the right person to the right job, as well as helping to focus leaders attention on truly serving their teams and organization, rather than just pleasing their boss. Impressive gains in performance and productivity are being reported by civilian companies such as Frito Lay and Intel, which have successfully merged 360-degree and similar assessment methods into their human resource systems (Champy). Armed with such tools and an expanded accent upon critical self-evaluation, those in command or other positions of responsibility can then more accurately identify strengths and weaknesses in their own personal inventory of people skills, as well as in the collective inventory of their staff, and make appropriate adjustments. Finally, the importance of participative, emotionally engaged followers in the leadership process can hardly be overstated. Because all military leaders are also followers in some context, leadership doctrine must explicitly consider the characteristics of effective followers and instruct leaders how best to forge and encourage them at all levelsfrom the fire team on up. Creating wide parameters within which followers may exercise judgment and make decisions, exploring/aligning the personal goals and values of soldiers with those of the organization and providing meaningful, responsive incentives to excel must be stressed as critical leadership tasks. When effectively executed, these musts will combine to create teams with genuinely shared vision and commitment, operating via an influence connection between leaders and followers that transcends the tacitly coercive nature of military relationships. In this way, authentic leadership will underpin effective command in our Army, attracting and retaining the high-quality soldiers so vital to future operations. (Waldman et al 2001) References Bass, B. M. (1985a). Leadership and performance beyond expectations: New York: Free Press. Bass, B. M. (1985b). Leadership: Good, better, best Organizational Dynamics, 3(3), 26-40. Bass, B. M. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 18(3), 19-31. Bass, B. M. (1996). A new paradigm of leadership: An inquiry into transformational leadership. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. FM 1 Accessed, May 22, 2007 Kane, T. D., Tremble, T. R., Jr. (1994) the impact of leader competence and platoon conditions on platoon performance in simulated combat exercises (Tech. Rep. No. 1001). Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. Our Army at War Relevant and Ready Accessed, May 22, 2007 Spangler, W. D., Braiotta, L., Jr. (2000) Leadership and corporate audit committee effectiveness: Group and Organization Studies, 15, 134-157. Tremble, T. R., Jr. (1992) Relationships of leadership competence with leader and unit performance effectiveness (Res. Rep. No. 1625). Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social: Sciences. Tremble, T. R., Jr., Kane, T. D., Stewart, S. R. (1997). A note on organizational leadership as problem solving (Res. Note No. 97-03) Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. Waldman, D. A., Bass, B. M., Yammarino, F. J. (2001). Adding to contingent reward behavior: The augmenting effect of charismatic leadership: Group and Organization Studies, 15, 381-394.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysing Principles Of Self Defense In Law Philosophy Essay
Analysing Principles Of Self Defense In Law Philosophy Essay All the defenses only have an evidential burden i.e. the defendant (D) has the burden of raising the defense with evidence in order to make it a live issue but the prosecution has burden to negative the defense. (2) Origin All the defenses have their origins in common law and are common law defenses. (3) Full Defense All the defenses offer a complete defense i.e. if the defense is accepted D is acquitted. (4) Intoxication In the application of all the defenses, any evidence of voluntary intoxication is irrelevant since D has made himself incapable of assessing e.g. the reasonable use of force, threats etc in the defenses hence he is culpable. II. Contrast (1) Generality There is no general defense of necessity but self-defense, duress by threats and duress of circumstances are general defenses. (2) Application Self-defense is defense to all crimes while duress by threats and duress of circumstances apply to all crimes except murder, attempted murder and some forms of treason. The defense of necessity operates on a piecemeal basis but it can never be a defense to a charge of murder. (3) Statutory backing Some statutes expressly provide for the defense of necessity while there is no statutory backing for the remaining defenses. (4) Defendants characteristics The defendants characteristics are irrelevant in self-defense and the defense of necessity but in duress by threats and duress of circumstances the jury in deciding whether a reasonable person in such a condition might have been impelled to do what D did could consider Ds age, sex, pregnancy or any recognized mental illness. (5) Test The test of self-defense is a subjective one in that D must be treated according to the facts D actually believed them to be regardless of whether or not it was objectively reasonable. However, the reasonableness of the belief was material to the question of whether it was actually held or not. For duress by threats and duress of circumstances, there is both a subjective and objective element. The first limb (subjective) asks whether D was compelled to act as he did because of the circumstances he honestly believed he would die or be seriously physically injured. The second limb (objective) questions whether a person of reasonable firmness sharing Ds characteristics would have responded in the same way to the threats/circumstances. In order to apply the defense of necessity, the court needs to be satisfied that D acted reasonably and proportionately in order to avert the greater evil. (6) Mistake With respect to self defense, duress by threats, duress of circumstances and necessity the question is what the defendant actually believed even if he was mistaken. But the belief must nonetheless be a reasonable belief in the case of duress by threats, duress of circumstances and necessity. For self defense, the belief does not have to be a reasonable one but the more unreasonable the belief the less likely it is that it was actually held. (7) Limitations Self-defense can only be used as a defense for the purpose of defending D himself/herself, his/her property or another persons while in duress by threats and duress of circumstances both must have an immediate threat/harm of death or serious physical injury and the threat/harm must be directed towards the commission of the particular offense. Moreover, the threat/harm can be directed against D, his/her immediate family or someone close. Although the defense of necessity has not been completely rejected yet its application appears in the most trying circumstances and there must be pressure from an extraneous event. In order to successfully plead the defense of self-defense, the force used must be in response to an immediate and particular threat, not in relation to a future time. In determining the reasonableness of force, the court will consider its proportionality, whether D demonstrated an unwillingness to use force and whether the force was used in the heat of the moment. In duress by threats, the defense will fail if D voluntarily exposed itself to the threat. While in duress by circumstances, the defense will not apply if the commission of an offense is merely the result of Ds own subjective thought processes and emotions. Question 2 I. Introduction Although only of academic concern, Walker LJ in Re A (Children) made it clear that these defenses were actually either regarded as justifications or excuses in Criminal law. II. Analysis Self-defense and necessity is viewed in the eyes of the law as conduct which is justified. The circumstances are such that the court recognizes that it was fitting and right for the defendant (D) to act as he did thus he is not criminally liable. Duress, by threats or circumstances, is normally viewed as providing D with an excuse for what is, on the face of it, criminal conduct. From a legal perspective, even though D has committed an offense but since D only did so because of a forceful external influence, human or non-human, D was left with no other alternative but to act as required. Ds action is not applauded yet the law understands thus such an act is excused. The main difference between justifications and excuses is the evaluation of Ds act from a moral point of view. A justified act e.g. use of reasonable force in a lawful arrest is morally correct but robbing a bank in response to a threat of death, for example, which is prima facie against the law nonetheless Ds act is excused, taking into account the threat, allowing him to avoid criminal liability. At the micro level, a number of finer distinctions are also seen. Firstly, an excusable act may be resisted by another but in relation to justifiable conduct the person threatened may not do so. Secondly, excused conduct causes harm to society and unlike an act which is justified parties other than the excused D remain guilty. Lastly, with regards to an excusatory act all the facts must be known but in a justified conduct D ought to be allowed to rely on facts although he was unaware of at the time of conduct. III. Conclusion Although from a theoretical point of view it is not right to describe these concepts as defenses yet in practicality it makes little difference whether D is excused or justified since the end result of both is the same i.e. D is acquitted. Question 3 I. Duress of circumstances and Necessity Duress of circumstances is a defence of necessity in all but name. The judiciary is fearful in the abuse of the defence recognizing that defendants could simply use the defence of necessity as a veil to cover their true criminal intentions, claiming that the lesser evil was chosen and on that basis they should be exonerated. The application of the defence of necessity has generally been restricted by the courts throughout common law jurisdictions. In fact the English courts have essentially used duress of circumstances as a means to cover cases that would otherwise come within the scope of necessity. Though it is argued that the defense of necessity is necessary in certain exceptional cases e.g. medical cases yet asserting a defense which operates on a cases by case basis and whose exact boundaries are indefinable it beings a degree of uncertainty into the law. Moreover, the defence of duress of circumstances is capable of dealing with exceptional and difficult cases in a way that necessity may not be and by allowing necessity to co-exist with duress of circumstances it may in fact inhibit the development of a broader defence of necessity. Thus, I propose that the defense of necessity should be subsumed under the defense of duress of circumstances. II. Duress Murder The murder exception rule in the defence of duress is inconsistent both with the human instinct of self preservation and the underlying rationale for the defence which acts as a concession to human frailty. Moreover, the ability of jurors to assess adequately a defence of duress in cases of murder particularly in the light of the strict definition of the defence only makes the case stronger for removing the exception. The defense acts as an excuse not a justification so although heroic behavior is met with great merit in Criminal law yet the failure to achieve should not be met with punishment from the state. Threat Duress ought to be available even for threats of a lesser harm than death or serious physical injury provided that the harm threatened exceeds the harm resulting from the commission of the offense i.e. balance of harms. This is because a number of threats although not of a physical nature are still sufficient to overcome the powers of human resistance and the law should recognize that. But this reform can only be properly considered along with the question of shifting the burden of proving duress presently lying on the prosecution onto the defendant since it would become too easy for the defendant to escape liability.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Name: Come live with me and be my love Essay -- English Literature
Name Come live with me and be my love Focus: Marlowe’s use of words in communicating the meaning of the poem and how his poem is a memorable one. The poem â€Å"come live with me and be my love†is a love poem written by Christopher Marlowe, persuading his love to come and spend some time with him. It is a poem full of romantic and passionate words that form natural imagery to convey the poet’s feelings and what he means. By the way the poet uses words to persuade his love, makes the poem similar to the poem, â€Å"To his coy mistress†. In the first stanza, the poet says, â€Å"Come live with me and be my love†. He just says â€Å"come†and does not add â€Å"please†to show her a bit of urgency but in a polite or calm tone. He stresses on the fact that he wants her to come and have a romantic time by saying, â€Å"and be my love†. In the next sentence, â€Å"And we will all the pleasures prove†. Already, he has started saying â€Å"we†to show that he really wants to be with her. He also wants to inform his love that he will give her a nice time when he says, â€Å"All the pleasures prove†. He then continues his sentence with, â€Å"that valleys, groves, hills, and fields woods or steepy mountains yields,†He says this to tell her where he wants them to go which is basically nature places. He uses the nature words to create natural imagery to show a wider imagination. Also he uses nature because already he can feel a sense of freshness and beauty for the two of them. â€Å"And we will sit upon the rocks†. He says it to tell her what he really wants then to do. He uses the word, â€Å"sit†and not â€Å"stand†to show to his love that he wants to spend a long and comfortable time with her. He also shows that he wants them to have a relaxing time as he says,... ... these pleasures may thee move, come live with me and be my love†. In this, persona goes straight to the point telling his love that if all that he has told her is good enough she should just come and stay with him. There is also a feeling of him being desperate when he says in the last line that, â€Å"come live with me and be my love†I think that the poem is made memorable by the way the persona uses natural imagery to relate to his feelings and by the way he uses a very convincing and gentle tone to persuade his love to come and be his love . This twenty line poem is also made memorable by the way the poet uses rhymes to catch the attention of the reader and the way he uses some old fashioned English to draw attention to the reader such as, â€Å"flocks†. That is how the poem, â€Å"come live with me and be my love†written by Christopher Marlowe is made memorable.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Intern Essay -- essays research papers
HSBC- we are the world's local bank The Business/Organization The HSBC Group is named after its founding member, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between Europe, India and China. The inspiration behind the founding of the bank was Thomas Sutherland, a Scot who was then working for the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. He realized that there was considerable demand for local banking facilities in Hong Kong and on the China coast and he helped to establish the bank which opened in Hong Kong in March 1865 and in Shanghai a month later. Soon after its formation the bank opened agencies and branches around the world. Although that network reached as far as Europe and North America, the emphasis was on building up representation in China and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. HSBC was a pioneer of modern banking practices in a number of countries. In Japan, where a branch was established in 1866, the bank acted as adviser to the government on banking and currency. In 1888, it was the first bank to be established in Thailand, where it printed the country ¡Ã‚ ¦s first banknotes. From the outset trade finance was a strong feature of the local and international business of the bank, an expertise that has been recognized throughout its history. Bullion, exchange, merchant banking and note issuing also played an important part. By the 1880s, the bank was acting as banker to the Hong Kong government and also participated in the management of British government accounts in China, Japan, Penang and Singapore. In 1874 the bank handled China ¡Ã‚ ¦s first public loan and thereafter issued most of China ¡Ã‚ ¦s public loans. By the end of the century, after a strong period of growth and success under the leadership of Thomas Jackson (chief manager for most of that period from 1876 to 1902), the bank was the foremost financial institution in Asia. Today with its headquarters in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial service organizations in the world. HSBC's international network comprises over 9,800 offices in 77 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. With listings on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings are held by nearly 200,000 shareholders in some 10... ... learning experience for me and I have enjoyed every minute of it. What I liked most probably were the people that I worked with. Without a fun group of people at work, work is not going to be an enjoyable place to go for you. The people here have been great and have helped me out in every way that I needed. What I liked the least was probably having do to a lot of the same everyday. After a while it got kind of repetitious but I didn ¡Ã‚ ¦t mind it that much, just would have liked to do some various things here and there.      This experience in a way has affected my career choice. I would love to continue to work for a company such as HSBC and they are giving me every opportunity to as I have applied for about 5-6 positions already within the company ranging from Chicago down to Charlotte. This internship has made me more focused on my career now and it has showed me that I can do much more. I graduate from college in December and would love to have a job locked up by the time I get out. I know through hard work and having patience, I will be able to do so. I am glad that I was able to work here and would love to continue my young career here at HSBC.
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