Thursday, February 28, 2019
How would you direct act 1 scene 3 of Macbeth? Essay
done this essay, I draw to present my ideas as to how I would direct b away 1 context 7 of Macbeth. I go forth also analyse the text and rationalise what I think it means.In my conform to, the two characters of Macbeth and peeress Macbeth would be c atomic number 18 nonhing before. Throughtaboo the play, the characters would distinctly change in fact Macbeth and Lady Macbeth would practicall(a)y take turns rolls. For lesson, to begin with, Macbeth is soft, weak of approximation, and it is Lady Macbeth who leads him and pushes him forward. Through this prognosis, she should come in to be wicked, even evil, and this should especially stand unwrap in this scene. The get going in the scene were I would make this actually app arnt, atomic number 18 betwixt the lines 54 59.Here, lady Macbeth states her loyalty for Macbeth, when she says I pack riposten immerse and know how t annuler tis to love the babe that milks me I would, while it was gay in my face, fetch v agabonded my nipple from his b nonp atomic number 18illess gums and flutter the brains out, had I so sworn as you exhaust d hotshot to this. The way I would direct the prole through this is as follows. I would pick up her good luck between the voice communication smiling and in to orient that the truly ideal of her childs face really does have an effect on her, and that she is not all evil, although the insight into this side of LM would be so short the audition should wonder if they even saw it.Then, the phrase dash the brains out she would mime a moment, as if she was performing the act. This is just one example of how I want LM co come crosswise in the play a wicked, scary and evil, provided you should have the tactile property that she isnt all bad or perhaps, so wasnt incessantly this evil. Later though, when Macbeth pull d take ins the major berth he suddenly changes from weak one, to evil one, it should approximately appear that LM and M switched characters a s at that principal LM breaks down, and becomes the weak one of the two.In sixteenth c, women had a very dissimilar role to the one they have today. My research describes this through several ways, exclusively the major one is that if a small-arm considered a woman to be a potentional trouble maker, he would accuse her of world a witch, at that frame by having her era invited. This meant that women couldnt stand out in any way, sledding the responsibilities of gaining honour and power to the men. Through the play I want to present this sortly. I volition do so by having LM fast-growing(a) while it is only she and M. hardly as soon as they are in other(a) company, she is quiet and submissive only reminding M by shooting him glare after glare. The way people acted in the sixteenth c. should show through the play. For instance, honour in the sixteenth c. was a major let out of society. This will show through M character in the play, especially at the beginning of act 1 scene 7, when M is qualification his soliloquy and telling LM of his decision (to not fine-tune the king).I would direct the actor to strain his voice while making it appear as if he was laborious to protect his honour when he says hes here, in double up trust and I am his kins man and his issuing therefore as his entertain I should against his murder shut the door. He should emphasize on the words host, against and kins man. By doing this, the actor is showing that if he were to kill the king, thus his honour would be tarnished. At the time the play was written, king pile 1 was in power. For this designer I think the play, was written as it would greatly appeal to the king. The man who killed his fellow king, define how his life is destroyed I would want this to show through my play, as I want to keep the play as true to the original as possible in this respect, as it would give the play another layer of depth and therefore make it more interesting.My mutation of t his scene would be set in a 16th c. urban center, during a large feast hosted by the Macbeths in the city centre. M is down a side ally when LM joins him part way through the scene. give the axe-to-end the scene M and LM are some(prenominal) tense as they are nervous about anyone walking in on them. The reason I would set it in the 16th c. is because honour was a major part of society which is one of my primary(prenominal) themes of the play, along with King James being in power at the time. Also in the 16th c. community events involving the entire town/city were not uncommon, making my version of act 1 scene 7 perfectly viable. The reason Ive chosen to set it in a city is to fit in with the story but to make it only unique.It would allow for everyone to get drunk including Duncans guard, which intern allows the murder to examine cast in a unique way, with LM and M travailing out doors to reach the kings quarters. The way this would work is as follows the king would be do wn stairs in one of the houses bordering the city centre, with one other man (his guard). While everyone else is asleep, slumped oer benches and of the a same(p)(p) LM and M would silently make their way over the bodies to the city centre. I would ca-ca tension by the music which I would entrust in place and having some of the people stirring in and out of sleep as the Macbeths pass.Then when they lastly reach the kings quarters, a man is lying across the front door causing M to enter through the window. Then when M climbs through the window into the elbow room where Duncan is asleep, the wakings will dim leaving, a candle lit glow enlightening the room. When the murder takes place the dim orange glow would dramatically switch to a vibrant blood red. Simultaneously a white light will illuminate both of the Macbeths faces showing clearly their expressions. M has a faint grin on his face as he takes strength from the act, while LM shrivels and becomes by far the weaker of the t wo. This is the point in the play where their characters switch.I would want my play to stand out from the rest, and to do that I would update the language. I think this would help younger students, catch the play resulting in a far wider consultation. all the same I wouldnt want a very young reference, as it is not suitable. However to keep it in theme with the 16th c. ideas I would not be able to update all the language in the play. An example of this would be in act 1 scene 7 where LM states he has about supped, why have you left the chamber? this would translate into the repast has almost finished, why have you left the feast? This stable holds very much of the original center but it is far easier to understand making it more enjoyable for some people. Apart from this, I wouldnt change anything else in the play, as I think it would throw out of kilter from the main story because I would be more focused on the alterations than the story line, thus distracting from the me aning of the play.Shakespeare uses this scene to explore several themes. The counterbalance of these is honour. I would display this blottoly through M before he kills the king, and hence after when he has no honour everything falls apart in his life. (What happens to him was written as a warning, to please the king). I would display the transition from honour to blast as draw earlier. I would also have LM atrocious when she realises that she and her husband have do a terrible mistake. This shows that honour is very all important(p) and without it you have nothing. The 2nd theme is the concept of people being two faced. This would radiate from LM in this scene. I have chosen this as one of my themes as I think I could get a lot across passim the play based on this. It tallies easily with LMs character- evil (even though she reveals it to M alone).Through act 1 scene 7 I would have LM be very tense and conscience that someone could over realize their conversation. To emp hasise the evil side of her I would not only have her speak soft between the lines 48-59, but also between lines 35-44. I would have her layer her voice with malice and occasionally pausing for effect. This would create a contrast between the perfect LM and the evil wife M. the terminal theme I will have is power and the need the Macbeths have for it. To make this theme stand out in act 1 scene 7, I would have LM labour on the words wouldst thou have that which thou esteemst the ornament of life, these words state, do you not want the highest achievement? which is the highest achievement of power. This displays the greed of power and wealth that LM has and simultaneously appealing to her husbands greatest desire- power.In my version of act 1 scene 7, the two characters of M and LM will really show their true colours. At the beginning of the scene when LM hasnt yet walked in, M starts off with his soliloquy. This soliloquy is the akin to what M is thinking. He states that he doesn t really want to kill Duncan when he says not bear the knife myself it is at this point that M fully decides he will not kill Duncan. After this, all he does is give reasons why it is a good thing he is not going through with murdering him. Through the soliloquy, M talks himself out of murdering his king and kinsman. He comes up with lots of reasons for instance the king is in double trust and he is his host. This soliloquy should clearly go for the state Ms mind is in as he acts out his thoughts to the audience. The audience should clearly see that M is very inconstant and is torn between power and the right thing. But here upon this Blanc and schooltime of time, wed jump the life to come. But in these cares we still have judgement. However simply reading the words out would not convey the depth of meaning I wish to convey. So I would have the actor show unrest in the first a few(prenominal) lines.Then as the soliloquy goes on M should become slowly more genuinefooted, then when he reaches his decision not to kill the king, he finally has the courage to hold his head high. This represents the battle going on inside his mind. Once the battle is resolved however M is confident and clear minded as he knows what he thinks hell do. Throughout the soliloquy all that can be heard is M talk as the audience are effectively hearing what is inside Ms head. The way M works the issue though his mind is by coming up with lots of reasons why not to kill Duncan, while whole ignoring his greed for power, resulting in a temporary decision. For example he starts of by formulation, first as I am his kinsman and his subject strong both against the deed, then this Duncan have borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office that his virtues will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued against the deep damnation of his taking off.Then he goes on to say, and pity, like a naked immature babe striding the blast, or heavens cherub s horsed upon the slightest cou riers of the air, shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, that disunite shell drown the wind. Through these examples of M reckoning with himself, we can see an argument which first stacks his honour, first as I am his kinsman and his subject. And then how he would be effected. It says that the cherubs would blow it in every eye, and that the wind would be filled with tears. This shows that, if he does confide the deed, he will be discovered, as angelic children watch over Duncan. Which basically means he is in Gods favour, ergo, with God against him, M cannot hope to win, and would surly be found out. When LM walks in at the end of the soliloquy, M tells her that they will do no further in this problem. (That he wont kill Duncan). When he tells LM this, her agile reaction is shock, (I would direct the actor to look taken a okay when M says the line He hath honoured me of late,.It would be it that point because when M says we will hap no further in this business she isnt quite sure what he means). This would be shortly followed by anger, was the hope drunk wherein you urbane yourself? LM then very quickly rallies on M and begins to brutally persuade him again to kill Duncan. First of all, she calls him a coward by saying art thou afraid to be the same in thine own act and valour, as thou art in desire? She then goes on to say that he lacks manliness. However, the stroke that wins M back to her way of thinking is often interpreted as evil, (between lines 54 59). These lines show LM terrifying loyalty, and word wise, make her sound totally evil.These lines shock M (and the audience, especially at the time it was written) into going along with the plan. I would show this on ramification, by having M shrink away from LM, and wincing at the key words. I think that Shakespeare wanted to have the effect of totally shocking the audience, and I would want to do the same. However, I think Shakespeare think to shock his audience through the fact that the chara cter is evil, I would, however, entrust on modern society and the fact that most people would be horrified by the thought of dashing the brains out of a newborn babe. I would also have the background noise of joke and singing throughout these lines, to create an eerie silence. Lighting wise, I would have a acidulated white light shining across the stage at them to wash out all colour and create a scene of death and evil.All this should have the effect of shock and almost disbelief on the audience as I would want these lines to be burned into their memories, because they are the most poignant lines in the play. They carry so many connotations that without them being remembered, the entire purpose of the scene would be lost. As soon as LM has finished this speech, M makes one final attempt to redirect LM by saying (feebly), if we should fall? but LM sweeps the words away like the feeble attempt it was. From then on, the rest of the scene if dominated my LM as M is still in reprieve from what LM said (As the audience should be). At the end of the scene, the characters of M and LM are finally in agreement. LM has convince M to go through with murdering Duncan, his kinsman. So, at the end of the scene, LM is fully in command, but this will soon change.Throughout act 1 scene 7 are devices designed to make it stand out. The first one seen in this part of M is the soliloquy. Through this Shakespeare wanted to mesmerize the audience for the scene that would follow. I would make this device work by introducing lighting, sound, and directing the actors. Personally I would make the soliloquy work by firstly working on M. he would be wearing makeup, put on to make him look tired and drawn. M the scene on stage, with his head hanging low, He would begin speaking feverishly then as the soliloquy develops, he should become stronger and more confident, as described before. The turning point in the soliloquy is when M realises what he was homework was wrong and that it wa s doomed to fail. Ergo, he decides not to kill Duncan. At this point M lifts his head and says triumphantly he is here in double trust.At this point the lighting would become lighter and warmer, both representing the revelation in his mind. This lighting will be effective, as it will be in total contrast to the previous lighting, which was a harsh white. If this were to be made into a film, I would place a heroic, but faint tune in the background, played by a plaque band to add to the texture and connotations of the play.The second device used by Shakespeare is violent imagery. This device come through the play on several occasions, for instance, when LM displays her loyalty and depth of commitment while trying to bring her husband back on course. This device has major splendour throughout the play. An example of how I would direct a section of this is between lines 54 59. I would have LM act out the phrases pluck my nipple from his boneless gums and dash the brains out. This is designed to help the audience visualise what she is saying, therefore having a larger, and deeper impact. Unlike before, even if this was made into a film, I would have no music underneath, as this might distract form the lines. The same goes for in the theatre I would not place any music underneath, as the words are powerful passableAct 1 scene 7 is a very important scene in the play Macbeth. It is during this scene that the most important decision is made. it was also during this scene that the most dramatic and most unforgettable lines throughout the play are said by LM,(her son dash his brains out).It is also the first time that M attempts to stand up to LM. In short, had this scene of the play been lost or forgotten the entire play would also have been forgotten, as this scene, is by far the most memorable scene, and makes it a classic. In my version of this scene, I would strive to make the audience pity M for his weak mind and be shocked by LM with her brutal ways. I would want this response because it would indicate that the audience had unders to a faultd the meaning, and that I had directed it well. Out of everything that is said in this scene, I think that what LM said between lines 54 and 59 are the most pivotal and provocative because is at that moment in the play, that it becomes clear this story will last for centuries.And this essay is living proof. The audience are meant to feel sorry for M at the beginning of the scene, as it should be clear, he is in a mess. However, they should shortly feel resentment towards him, when they watch how LM manipulates him, (i.e. calling him a coward and attacking his manliness). I am somewhat sure that Shakespeare wanted the same, and therefore I want to achieve the same. My views on this scene are very similar to want I have directed throughout this essay. I think that M is very unsound and up until he kills Duncan has very little confidence. He relies heavily on LM to make many of the decisions and to di splace him. I think, on the other hand that Lady Macbeth is not evil. I think that she is a strong minded woman who craved power and had t o motivate her weak husband to get it for her. (A sign of the times).Later in the play, when Duncan is killed I think that M gains confidence with his new status and the ease with which he got it. In contrast LM realised the enormous mistake they had made and began to break down. As a whole, I think the play is packed with morals and at the time was written to please the current king. (King James 1). Amazingly, I think it relates to todays society very well with one of the main themes being you cannot read people by their outward appearances. As in these days the world seems to over value and focuses too much on image. Therefore this plays still bears a powerful and very meaningful message, even today, 500 years later.
The Impact of Technology on Family Time
surname the impingement of engine room on family duration Do you think engine room has changed the modality of communication? Is engineering science slowly taking over stack live and touching their person-to-person relationship? Have we become accustom to the engineering that surrounds us universal and it has sucked us into it? Technology is a physical exercise of scientific knowledge for change the way to do things. It has been playing an burning(prenominal) role in our life. It is putting green now, umpteen developed countries ar exploitation high technology to draw and quarter their drop deads as well as many advance technologies atomic number 18 invented productively to the need of society.This potbelly be inflictn, technology has become a part of our life in stray to do our whole kit and boodle to a greater extent fast and accurate. As we know, every creative activity has it own machine which has replaced humane physical to produce more output. Techn ology brings lashings of benefits to passel alas it also brings negative effect impact to a family. In this es record, I would be discussing about how technology impacts on family. Firstly, allows dumbfound with how advanced technology has meant that family life has changed.This is meaning to say that parents and children fetch lesser interaction to separately other because they utilise to do miss their term with technology like Laptop, PSP, plump fors on the net, TV and so on. It is because children no eternal spend time playing and engaging in activities with their parents or siblings. For example, when we were young, we did non need any internet games to whereas we had our own game which is traditional games. It can actually build up a po poseive relationship amid parents and children provided these traditional games are slowly replaced by the current technology that can bring lots of fun.This example fastens it give that, advanced technology has replaced the tr aditional games which could create more interaction among family and friends. Unfortunately, children at present are likely to play with technology instead of traditional games. During the evening, when parents used to present and piffle unitedly or amuse their children, they now sit in effort of a calculator. It would seem that technology may have helped family life to drip (Johnston 2010). It is obvious that, the impact of technology could deteriorate a family because they are transmitict to the current technology.Secondly, technology is slowly changing the way we communicate with others and impact our personal relationship. It has left us with the chance to bear upon good deal in a oft easier ways. most people, both children and adults spend preferably a lot of time in texting friends and relatives, wasting money and exploitation text- babble as a way to communicate. Take Facebook as example, fashioning a friend is now on a finger click, to promote a new friend you simply click on add as friend and the other person accepts or denies you. We are in the next wave of technology, where communicating with parents or friends is all on the internet and directly done. New fond networking sites are popping up perfunctory and people are taking advantage of them. You can see their outside messages online and see what children are doing at that very instant. (Gupta 2011) When looking at this example, at that place is no doubt that it has led us to our hypothesis. If a child is weighty users of social networking sites then it will have a negative impact on their personal relationships. Thus, parents and children seem to spend less time in each others company and the time they do spend together often involves playing computer games or watching television.Most children are not getting enough exercise in todays society, generally because parents cant be bothered to contribute their children to the park, while universe afraid of letting their c hildren play outside by themselves. For many parents, creation able to get in contact with their children by phone isnt enough. Children will therefore spend most of their time hidden extraneous in their bedroom, watching DVDs or playing computer games, while their parents sit around the house doing nothing particularly formative with their time. Technology is alleged(a) to make life easier and give people more free time, only when it seems that technology has undermined family life, actually eating into peoples time and affecting family relationships in a negative way. (Wilkinson 2011) In conclusion, technology brings many benefits to people today, without technology people cant do work more productively and efficiency. However, it has negative impact to human either. Interaction between family and friends are getting lesser and lesser.Although there are also advantages to having so much technology at your fingertips families may want to weigh up pros and cons to make sure th at they achieve an even balance between a fibre family lives. In my opinion, I would use technology to go my works but I will not let technology to specify my family and friends relationship. 0104896 (Jonathan Kuek SzeGuan) Title the impact of technology on family time Do you think technology has changed the way of communication? Is technology slowly taking over people live and affecting their personal relationship?Have we become addicted to the technology that surrounds us everyday and it has sucked us into it? Technology is a use of scientific knowledge for improving the way to do things. It has been playing an important role in our life. It is common today, many developed countries are using high technology to run their works as well as many advance technologies are invented productively to the need of society. This can be seen, technology has become a part of our life in order to do our works more fast and accurate. As we know, every institution has it own machine which has re placed human physical to produce more output.Technology brings lots of benefits to people unfortunately it also brings negative effect impact to a family. In this essay, I would be discussing about how technology impacts on family. Firstly, lets begin with how advanced technology has meant that family life has changed. This is meaning to say that parents and children have lesser interaction to each other because they used to do spend their time with technology like Laptop, PSP, games on the internet, TV and so on. It is because children no longer spend time playing and engaging in activities with their parents or siblings.For example, when we were young, we did not need any internet games to whereas we had our own game which is traditional games. It can actually build up a decreed relationship between parents and children but these traditional games are slowly replaced by the current technology that can bring lots of fun. This example makes it clear that, advanced technology has re placed the traditional games which could create more interaction among family and friends. Unfortunately, children today are likely to play with technology instead of traditional games. During the evening, when parents used to sit and talk together or amuse their children, they now sit in front of a computer. It would seem that technology may have helped family life to deteriorate (Johnston 2010). It is obvious that, the impact of technology could deteriorate a family because they are addicted to the current technology. Secondly, technology is slowly changing the way we communicate with others and affecting our personal relationship. It has left us with the chance to meet people in a much easier ways.Most people, both children and adults spend quite a lot of time in texting friends and relatives, wasting money and using text- speak as a way to communicate. Take Facebook as example, making a friend is now on a finger click, to gain a new friend you simply click on add as friend and the other person accepts or denies you. We are in the next wave of technology, where communicating with parents or friends is all on the internet and instantly done. New social networking sites are popping up everyday and people are taking advantage of them. You can see their away messages online and see what children are doing at that very instant. (Gupta 2011) When looking at this example, there is no doubt that it has led us to our hypothesis. If a child is heavy users of social networking sites then it will have a negative impact on their personal relationships. Thus, parents and children seem to spend less time in each others company and the time they do spend together often involves playing computer games or watching television. Most children are not getting enough exercise in todays society, generally because parents cant be bothered to take their children to the park, while being afraid of letting their children play outside by themselves.For many parents, being able to get in contact with their children by phone isnt enough. Children will therefore spend most of their time hidden away in their bedroom, watching DVDs or playing computer games, while their parents sit around the house doing nothing particularly constructive with their time. Technology is supposed to make life easier and give people more free time, but it seems that technology has undermined family life, actually eating into peoples time and affecting family relationships in a negative way. (Wilkinson 2011)In conclusion, technology brings many benefits to people today, without technology people cant do work more productively and efficiency. However, it has negative impact to human either. Interaction between family and friends are getting lesser and lesser. Although there are also advantages to having so much technology at your fingertips families may want to weigh up pros and cons to make sure that they achieve an even balance between a quality family lives. In my opinion, I would use technology to go my works but I will not let technology to influence my family and friends relationship.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Our School Exhibition
Our school held a very interesting exhibition of students cunning and craft work last year. Itwas surprising to see the various pieces of handwork of such high standards. Theseexhibits were attractive and colourful for they had been prepared and designed swell up bythe students with guidance from the Art afternoon teachers. The students were obviouslyenthusiastic about their work for each item was rendered carefully and lovingly withoutthe slightest trace of sloppinessThere were many sections to interest parents and friends who came to see the work of their children. The painting of nature, Malaysian scenes, flowers and fruits was of anexceptionally high standard. Other items such as puppets, dolls and articles of embroiderywere valued, too.In the geography section, there were clay models of physical features like hills, messs and plateaus set in a natural environment of greenlandscape with rivers meanderingthrough the land.Some articles like flowers made from silk were for bargain and ladies readily bought theseitems. Our school exhibition was appreciated by all. Cameron Highlands a Malaysian Hill ResortAfter living in the busy city of Kuala Lumpur with its noise and hustle traffic, it is a pleasure to go up to Cameron Highlands, a cool mountain resort, for relaxation.Enrouteyou will enjoy the scenic countryside as you drive up unsmooth roads amidst jungletrees, waterfalls and small villages. Then, you feast your eyes each time you transgress a flower nursery or a vegetable farm. The cool, spanking air at Tanah Rata makes you feel invigorated.At the same time, you are able to admire the quaint-looking English-style cottages alongthe way. Roses creeping up and clinging to the walls of the cottages remind you of England and the scenery is enchantingif you happen to be a nature-lover. Usually, avisitor gets quite hungry as hegoes up the highlands and he is able to enjoy the piping hotmeals served in the restaurants.As the sun goes down, temperature drops and it becomes quite chilly. You nooky then sit bythe fireside with your favourite story book and slog around in a sweater or a summit as it isquite a contrast to the warm and sunny weather on the plains in your hometown.A visit to the famous Boh Tea plantation is interesting and worthy for have you ever wondered how you get you cup of tea? It comes mainly from the tea plantations onCameron Highlands. Jungle walks are also a good way of pass your time while youare there. Cameron is indeed an ideal holiday resort.
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics psyche 1 The Dow Jones Travel Index inform what business travelers pay for hotel rooms per night in major U. S. cities (The breakwater Street Journal, January 16,2004). The average hotel room rates for 20 cities argon as follows Atlanta $163 Minneapolis $125 Boston 177 unseasoned Orleans 169 Chicago 166 New York 245 Cleveland 126 Orlando 146 Dallas 123 Phoenix 139 Denver 120 Pittsburgh 134 Detroit 144 San Francisco 167 Houston 173 Seattle 162 Los Angeles 160 St. Louis 145 Miami 192 upper-case letter D. C. 207 a.What is the sozzled hotel room rate? b. What is the median hotel room rate? c. What is the panache? d. What is the beginning(a) quartile? e. What is the third quartile? motion 2 The National standstill of montage and Employers compiled information about annual commencement salaries for college graduates by major. The mean start salary for business administration graduates was $39,850 (CNNM Money. com, February 15, 2006). Samples with annu al starting data for divvy up major league and accounting majors follow (data are in thousands) marketing Majors 34. 2 45 39. 5 28. 37. 7 35. 8 30. 6 35. 2 34. 2 42. 4 Accounting Majors 33. 5 57. 1 49. 7 40. 2 44. 2 45. 2 47. 8 38 53. 9 41. 1 41. 7 40. 8 55. 5 43. 5 49. 1 49. 9 a. account the mean, median, and elbow room of the annual starting salary for both majors. b. lick the first and third quartiles for both majors. c. Business administration students with accounting majors generally obtain the highest annual salary after graduation. What do the attempt data indicate about the difference between the annual starting salaries for marketing and accounting majors?Question 3 The American Association of Individual Investors conducted an annual survey of discount brokers (AAII Journal, January 2003). The commissions charged by 24 discount brokers for two types of trades, a broker-assisted trade of ampere-second shares at $50 per share and an online trade of 500 shares at $50 per share. a. visualise the mean, median, and mode for the commission charged on a broker-assisted trade of 100 shares at $50 per share. b. Compute the mean, media, and mode for the commission charged on an online trade of 500 shares at $50 per share. c.Which costs more, a broker-assisted trade of 100 shares at $50 per share or an online trade of 500 shares at $50 per share? d. Is the cost of a transaction related to the measurement of the transaction? TABLE COMMISSIONS CHARGED BY DISCOUNT BROKERS Question 4 A type of 10 NCAA college basketball game stacks provided the followers data (USA Today, January 26, 2004) Winning Team Points Losing Team Points Winning Margin azimuth 90 Oregon 66 24 Duke 85 Georgetown 66 19 Florida State 75 Wake Forest 70 5 Kansas 78 Colorado 57 21Kentucky 71 Notre Dame 63 8 Louisville 65 Tennessee 62 3 Oklahoma State 72 Texas 66 6 Purdue 76 Michigan State 70 6 Stanford 77 Southern Cal 67 10 Wisconsin 76 Illinois 56 20 a. Compute the mean and st andard deviation for the points scored by the pleasing team. b. Assume that the points by the winning teams for all NCAA games follow a bell-shaped distribution. Using the mean and standard deviation found in part (a), estimate the plowshare of all NCAA games in which the winning team scores 84 or more points. Estimate the percentage ofNCAA games in which the winning team scores more than 90 points. c. Compute the mean and standard deviation for the winning margin. Question 5 Consumer Review posts reviews and rating of a variety of products on the Internet. The following is a sample of 20 speaker systems and their ratings (www. audioreview. com). The ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being best. Speaker rate Speaker Rating Infinity Kappa 4. 00 ACI Sapphire III 4. 67 Allison virtuoso 4. 12 Bose 501 Series 2. 14 Cambridge Ensemble II 3. 82 DCM KX-212 4. 09Dynaudio abidance 1. 3 4. 00 Eosone RSR1000 4. 17 Hsu Rsch. HRSW12V 4. 56 Joseph audio frequency RM7si 4. 88 Legacy Audio Focus 4. 32 Martin Logan Aerius 4. 26 Mission 73li 4. 33 Omni Audio SA 12. 3 2. 32 PSB 400i 4. 50 Polk Audio RT12 4. 50 Snell Acoustics DIV 4. 64 Sunfire True Subwoofer 4. 17 Thiel CS 1. 5 4. 20 Yamaha NS-A636 2. 17 a. Compute the mean and the median. b. Compute the first and third quartiles. c. Compute the standard deviation. d. The skewness of this data is 1. 67. ca callrie on the shape of the distribution. Question 6According to the 2003 Annual Consumer disbursement Survey, the average monthly Bank of America Visa conviction card charge was $1838 (U. S. Airways Attache Magazine, December 2003). A sample of monthly credit card charges provides the following data. 236 1710 1351 825 7450 316 4135 1333 1584 387 991 3396 170 1428 1688 a. Compute the mean and median. b. Compute the first and third quartiles. c. Compute the range and interquartile range. d. Compute the variance and standard deviation. Question 7 Small business owners often look to payroll religious service c ompanies to handle their employee payroll.Reasons are that small business owners face complicated revenue regulations and penalties for employment assess errors are costly. According to the Internal Revenue Service, 26% of all small business employment tax returns contained errors that resulted in tax penalty to the owner (The Wall Street Journal, January 30, 2006). The tax penalty for a sample of 20 small business owners follows 820 270 450 1010 890 700 1350 350 300 1200 390 730 2040 230 640 350 420 270 370 620 a. What is the mean tax penalty for improperly filed employment tax returns? b.What is the standard deviation? c. Is the highest penalty, $2040, an outlier? d. What are some of the advantages of a small business owner hiring a payroll service company to handle employee payroll services, including the employment tax returns? Question 8 The National Association of Realtors reported the median household toll in the United States and the increase in median mansion set ove r a five-year period (The Wall Street, Journal, January 16, 2006). Use the sample understructure harms shown here to answer the following questions. 995. 9 48. 8 175. 0 263. 50 298. 0 218. 9 209. 628. 3 111. 0 212. 9 92. 6 2325. 0 958. 0 212. 5 a. What is the sample median home price? b. In January 2001, the National Association of Realtors reported a median home price of $139,300 in the United States. What was the percentage increase in the median home price over the five-year period? c. What are the first quartile and the third quartile for the sample data? d. Provide a five-number summary for the home prices. e. What is the mean home price for the sample? Why does the National Association of Realtors prefer to use the median home price in its reports?
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Jane Eyre Essay
How does Charlotte Bronte engage the commentators sympathy for Jane Eyre in the opening two chapters of the novel? Charlotte Bronte the thirdly daughter of Patrick and Maria Bronte, who was born in 1816 at Thornton, a moor village near Bradford and was almost four when the family moved to Haworth. There, she, like the remainder of her family was to spend almost only her life story. The family liked privacy and since Mr. Bronte was busy with hunt down and their mother was ill with cancer and died afterwards only 18 months at Haworth, the children spent all their time together and were extremely close. The nurse who looked after Mrs.Bronte said that they were different from any children she had ever catch up withn because they seemed so quiet and serious. When Charlotte was eight, Mr. Bronte move her, with Maria, Elizabeth and later Emily, to a school for the daughters of clergy at Cowan Bridge. He thought command would be useful to his girls in the future, further their expe riences were all too identical to those Charlotte Bronte gives Jane Eyre at Lowood. Maria and Elizabeth both died of tuberculosis, after less than a year, and Charlotte and Emily were taken away from the school and returned to studying at home with their father.Charlotte con aspectred herself to be in truth plain, even ugly, and did not really hope for marriage, although she received three proposals. the like Jane Eyre, she was always sad that she was not more obviously attractive. Beauty was something she look up to and longed for. At Roe Head, she worked hard, was successful and made several long life friends. She hated the job and when she was not teaching or sucker books she had to work at mending the pupils clothes. She became so depressed and ill that she had to leave. The adjoining idea was that the girls should set up a school of their own.In browse to finish training for this, Charlotte and Emily went to study in Brussels. As well as learning much, however, she fel l in love with Monsieur Heger, the husband of the head of her school. No real relationship could ever develop, apart from friendship, and she left Brussels broken- teachted. This draw provided the ideas for two of her books The Professor and Villette. At the age of 38, Charlotte agreed to marry Arthur ships bell Nicholls, a curate who assisted her father for many years and who had love her for a very long time.She had rejected his affection in the past, but their marriage was successful and they developed a felicitous companionship so it was all the more tragic that she enjoyed it for only one year. She died in 1855 of complications arising from pregnancy. Her father, who had outlived all her children, had said that she was not strong enough/for marriage. Bronte engages sympathy towards Jane because of the habit of the first person by the narrator. I was glad of it I neer liked long walks. By using I the writer en surelys that we see things and feel things from Janes point of v iew.We have empathy for her. Jane is made to feel unaffectionate when the beating-reed instruments sit together and exclude her. The said Eliza, antic, and Georgiana were now clustered bust their mama in the drawing-room. Also, we feel compassion when Aunt Reed talks to her and tells her that she does not want her to be in with her own children since she was very barbarian when she was near her elders. Sympathy is engaged again when Jane goes to the breakfast-room alone because she was told to sit someplace else and be silent until she could speak pleasantly. In the Breakfast room Jane finds a bookcase.Soon she was possessed by a volume which she made sure should be one stored with pictures. As she looked the book she describes the landscapes in the book argon and the places where they may be found. The reader is completely on Janes side when John Reed verbally and physically abuses her. The volume was flung, it hit me, and I fell, striking my head against the door and cuttin g it I felt him bag my hair and my shoulder. The reason for this is because of the brutality described. Jane tries to fight back but Miss Abbot and the nurse pull her away from John, and they hold her down.My pulse rate was to rise from it like a spring their two pairs of hands arrested me instantly. Although John is bigger physically she still wants to attack him, because he said, she was less than a servant to him. subdue How is he my master? Am I a servant? No you are less than a servant. Nobody is on Janes side, not even the servants. They all came to rescue John Reed from Jane. Again, our sympathy for Jane is reinforced. The sheer injustice of Janes circumstances gets our sympathy. Nobody accepts her adaption of events, even though Mrs. Reed is aware that John has been bullying Jane.He bullied and punished me not two or three times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but continually. Every typeface I had feared him, and every morsel of flesh in my body shrank wh en he came near. the servants did not like to offend their young master by winning my part against him and Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf in the subject she never saw him strike or taked him abuse me.. . Again, the readers sympathy is engaged when we hear that Bessie will tie Jane to a take in the Red Room. If you dont sit still, you must be tied down, said Bessie. This is a complete over-reaction. Abbot and Bessie talked about their opinions of Jane in front of her which is very rude. And you ought not to think yourself an equality with the Misses Reed and Master Reed, because Missis kindly allows you to be brought up with them. Jane describes the Red Room as being very grand but cold. She also states that it is not frequented by people much because Mr. Reed had died there nine years ago. single the housemaid went there by herself on Saturdays, to wipe from the mirrors and furniture a weeks quiet dust and Mrs.Reed herself, at far intervals, visited it to canvass the contents of a certain secret drawer in the wardrobe, where were stored diverse parchments, her jewel-casket, and a miniature of her diseased husband and in those last course lies the secret of the red-room the spell which kept it so lonely in antagonism of its grandeur. Janes childish imagination is engaged when she realises she has been locked into this forbidding room. She sees herself in the mirror ghostly as she remembered Bessies stories about phantoms. Superstition is with Jane.We now hear Janes opinion about her unfortunate situation. Our compassion is with her as we hear her side of the story. John Reeds violent tyrannies, all his sisters soaring indifference, all his mothers aversion, all the servants partiality, turned up in my disturbed mind like a dark deposit in a turbid well. She talks about Johns conduct and tells us that he has mentally affected her and this indicates that she would be more that happy to run away just for his sake. Georgiana, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged.
Newell Company †Corporate Strategy Essay
How does the integrated office contribute towards Newels movement or in other words what value does the corporate office add?Newell had adopted to develop its product line through with(predicate) key acquisitions rather than internal growth. All acquisitions argon taken bursting charge at the corporate level so that the divisions are not divert from their core function of generating profit.Potential target firms undergo an intense cover charge process. They have to be par with companys existing performance criteriaThey bring up acquired companies by developing them to become cost efficient through operational strategies and creating profits within a period of 18 months. Some are done with a period of 6 months of time. Newell excessively have strict control for the time the customers pay, this is within 30-45 days incarnate tightly controls the finances, yet it allows brand and division president autonomy to ask the performance of the business.Corporate office does a good jo b of circular-knit linking of its structure, system & processes (SSP) with its businesses and resources.The company attaches great importance to customer relations ofttimes inviting buyers for plant visits.The companies Newell acquires have potential but undervalued. These companies are suffering because they do not have major clients and there overhead costs are high.Newell focused on good communication within the company and had many meetings throughout the year in order for leadership roles to remain sure about other aspects of the company. Division leaders convened several times a year for presidents meetings as well as the ability for regular encounters at trade shows throughout the year.Other forms of communication were bracket meetings and the monthly appeal of operating figures. Bracket meetings were implemented if there were too many variances within the budget.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Evaluation of Different Pricing Strategies
The standards are based on the median(a) toll nestle to expense setting but differ slightly In detail. The paper Initi all toldy examines the pretendings from an analytical pose of view. The paper therefore describes a disguise object lesson utilise to evaluate the effect of some(prenominal) finish approaches over time. While the models are analytically similar the theoretical account results constitute that the long run behavior of the immobile is significantly different under each approach. This work is part of the authors PhD research and represents ongoing rather than undefiled work. Please do not quote without prior permission. IntroductionThis paper continues the authors question of fuddled harvest-time using analytical and simulation modeling methods and which has already been discussed in Brady (1999 AAA, b and c 2001). This paper specifically examines firm growth under dickens different managerial policies both of which use the average cost including d emand pricing assumption discussed in Brady (2001). Methodology dickens models identical in all respects but atomic number 53 were used in this research. Both models used the average cost including demand approach IEEE. Firms produce return at a certain cost and thusly set out to sell that product at a mark up price.The models defer in the policy adopted by the firm when production exceeds demand for their product. The firm in model A sells any(prenominal) beat it can at Its label up price as documented In Brady (2001). The firm In model B sells the quantity It produces at the price the market will bear e. It sells at the price determined by the firms demand abridge. beat A Is more existent In that firms Immediately realism that they have exceeded their demand curve In that they are unable to sell product at the marked up price and either they Increase Inventory or goods perish.Model B Is slight realistic In that firms cannot determine price with certainty from the demand curve (they do not know their demand curve with certainty) in put on firms must determine this price by some kind of reconciliation mechanism. Note Tanat tons osculation does not model ten placation process itself instead it determines the new price directly from the demand curve. In summary, when production exceeds demand, under model A the firm sells less product than it anticipates but holds its price whereas under model B the firm sells all it produces but at a lower price.Specifically model B differs from model A as follows the demand function (P = a BC) used is the antonym function to that used in model A (Q = a BP) these two expressions are functionally equivalent. The models also differ in that in model A units sold were equal to the units produced or units demanded, whichever is the lower in model B the price at which goods are sold is equal to the marked up price or the demand price (e. The price granted by the demand function), whichever is the lower. In all other respects, including the values of all parameters, the models are identical.In the case of both models demand is held constant throughout the simulation e. The demand curve does not shift upwards or down during the simulation. Also, depreciation has been set to zero during the simulation and fixed costs breathe constant throughout the simulation (IEEE. There is no step append in fixed costs as described in Brady, 2001). Results The results of the simulation for model A are shown in figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. Examining firstly firm size, as measured by capital, we see in figure 1 that the firm increases in size until approximately distributor point 50 and then firm size remains more or sees constant.To see why this is so we examine firm retained earnings as shown in figure 2. present we see retained earnings increase monotonically until period 42 and then decrease asymptotically to zero. Figure 3 shows both revenue and total cost and clearly demonstrates this turn away in permissive ness. Here we see the firm maintaining its margin percentage until period 42 margin then declines dramatically until approximately period 60 margin continues declining asymptotically to zero. 01 2 0 1 Capital Accumulated_ redness 125021002 Time Figure 1. Model A Capital Retained_earnings 0050100 Figure 2.Model A retained earnings This decline in earnings is due to the fact that production exceeded demand in period 42 as shown in figure 4. From that period forrard the firm incurred an increasing cost of overproduction and gradually its margin crumble completely. Although the change in period 42 is abrupt the firm comes smoothly to an equilibrium state (although unfortunately for the firm this equilibrium state is one of zero profitability). On the positive side, the firm never makes a loss as it stops increasing production at a point before its price drops below cost.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
The Importance of Technology
The technology has greatly improved our lives by providing mevery lento services without the interference of any kind physical activity. It improves levels of education and developing world nations to foster economic development. It has do lifespan easier by providing its better(p) and rapid solution across every(prenominal) the organizations such as school, Bank, settle of worship, and up to now the kick upstairsite places to shop. Technology makes lives easier than before nowadays we can travel by with each early(a) from anywhere in the globe. At the same succession technology can create a slightly negative govern because it can make us lazy and take things for granted.Wireless technology and ICT (Information and communication theory Technology) infrastructure development is likewise essential for entrepreneurship and small business development. calculator technology has leveled the competitive playing field, allowing home-based businesses to look and act as quee n-size as their corporate competitors. Broadband Internet connections, smart phones such as the BlackBerry and the iPhone, and other technologies atomic number 18 so affordable that setting up a business takes a much smaller initial enthronisation than it once did (Understanding Business, ten percent Edition, P.155) and this part of the article is describes how technology is essential in developing and improving of small businesses.Technology plays an enormous single-valued function in my life in many aspects. Firstly, I am going to mention the role of technology in my school which is Devry University. Honestly, I feel so homy with victimisation the cyberspace in all my classes whether onsite or online. Instead of doing my assignments, essays, researches, reciprocation and answering quizzes or exams in class, I could now do all these stuff online and even the books are electronic which is pretty much awesome. So, using technology in my school will save a manage of capital for me as I dont need to corrupt books like before. Also, it saves season and effort by doing discussion and answering exams online.Technology has made a huge progress in banking and accounting fields. Technology has a major impact on the way banking and financial services are delivered. A wide range of alternative delivery mechanism becomes available, Internet, atm these Reduces the dependence on the branch network as a warmness delivery mechanism. Technology helps me a lot every day in paying my bills online without needing to go to bank Currently, I hasten an account at bank of America and I got this info. From their official web site At your conveniencepay bills and make transfers online from home, the office, wherever you can connect. Transfer money safely and quickly in the midst of your own accounts or to your friends and family even if they have accounts at other banks. You can also schedule bills in conjure up knowing theyll be paid securely and on time. So, lucre a nd online banking makes everything clear and easy for me.Technology is always helps me in shopping. Stores hope to catch customers financial aid and improve the buying experience with interactive devices such as holographical gunstock greeters and mirrors that dispense fashion advice. While these technologies may be spunk catching, consumers could find them gimmicky. And thats what exactly happens to me I found that using the profits is very useful in shopping. I could find any store near me, also I could buy anything online like electronic devices, clothes, watches and even any huge appliance, all these stuff I could pay for it at my home which will save a lot of money, effort and time because it will shipped to me on time.Technology has a very great effect in communicating people with each other all over the world. numerous social media websites had been constructed to help in communicating friends and the community in general. loving media as Facebook, Twitter, youtube, My Space and many others do a great favor to the humanity. The world communicates, as defined by Webster as1. To exchange information 2. To convey feeling or thought 3. To understand one another.And that is in my opinion is how should the communication be? We have to communicate with each other through websites and blogs to exchangesinformation and of course it will improve and develop the spherical marketing by ads that being posted every day on these websites.Technology had helped the small business so far so great. It has freed small businesses from the restrictions of prints ads. It also helped them a lot in the advertising field. Mobile marketing is a relatively new frontier that reaches people through text messaging, E-mails and flier many other things about deals and discounts on their page at any social media websites. Technology has an essential role in manufacturing. Today many manufacturers use intermittent processes. Computers, robots, and flexible manufacturing processes allow firms to turn out tailor-make goods almost as fast as mass-produced goods were once produced.(Understanding business, Tenth Edition, P.241). Several major developments have made U.S. companies more(prenominal) competitive (1) computer-aided approach pattern and manufacturing, (2) flexible manufacturing, (3) lean manufacturing, and (4) mass customization.As it known that everything in our live has a positive aspect and a negative aspect as well. In my opinion the positive aspects of technology is pretty much greater than its negativity. As I mentioned before in my paper that technology can have a slightly negative influence because it can make us lazy and take things for granted. And that is 100% true because we will let internet do everything for us and of course it will effect on relationships between the members of family as they cannot find enough time to meet or blabber with each other. But, I think if we could overcome these all problems we could be more successful a nd more effective in our society.
A Life in the Day of Juan Ponce Enrile
A bread and besidester in the day succession of Juan paramour Enrile By Bibeth Orteza, Philippine r protrudeine Inquirer 26 February 2012 Source http//newsinfo. inquirer. net/151905/a-life-in-the-day-of-juan-ponce-enrile (Editors Note The cause set out to observe a day in the life of her husbands uncle, Senate President Juan pander Enrile, as he controls over what is one of the approximately important trials in the countrys talethe impeachment of the Supreme Court Chief Justice. Graciously welcomed by her subject into his inhabitancy and exclusivelyowed to tag along to the trial, she came away with ofttimes more than proficient the lucubrate of a daily routine.The star of the moment obliged her with a some eons tearful recollection of his life, enough material perhaps for a scriptwriter alike the author and a director like her husband Carlitos Siguion-Reyna to turn into a riveting movie. ) 815 a. m. THE MAN of the star sign is still in his bedroom. Sally Moneda, h is cook and personal assistant of 26 long time, re headlands his close-in aide, Julius Gumban, non to throng away the news newspaper as he has non read Bernas constitutionalist Fr. Joaquin Bernas, SJ, who writes an discernment column in the InquirerEd. The books under the stairs include the natural King James Version of the Holy Bible (quick reference edition) ghostlike Politics by Gor go into McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson His Excellency, George Washington by Joseph J. Ellis 1,000 Places to See Before You fall out by Patricia Schultz and The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World by Joel Krieger. Also presidential Plunder, the Quest for the Marcos Hidden Wealth and Struggle and Hope, some(prenominal) by Jovito R. Salonga, unspoilt next to five books written by Ferdinand E.Marcos during his martial right years. On the flyleaf of The Marcos Years, the former president had handwritten a dedication to the gay who would uphold his secretarial assistant of national defe nse until 1986 when a Peoples federal agency revolt, aided and abetted by the latter, toppled his dictatorship. Sept. 10, 1972, on the eve of my birthday To Johnny, who has contri scarceed to the achievements of the Marcos years in a large way. 825 a. m. Bing Rosales, sent to employment reflexology for cardinal years afterward showing aptitude for the therapy, leads her knob down the stairs. Hes good to us, so we pray that nothing bad happens to him, she says. skillful morning, good morning exclaims Juan Ponce Enrile. First, his blood pressure is checked. It is normal at 126/60, from a high of 190/90 the previous afternoon. It shoots up either like a shot and accordingly so he has to take maintenance medication. He genuinely should sleep early but just the other day, he didnt hit the sack until 4 a. m. , he says. His bedtime varies, depending on the fare of indicant he feels he has to do because, he says, he has to turn over and weigh things as well as he can. You tu rn around, I am not the court. The Senate is the court, he says. I sign the subpoenas, but I lease the permission of the court. There is equal weight among the rights of the respondents, the policy of government, the impact of the purpose on the public, on the business sector, on everybody. (If we) block disclosures on the origination of loyalties, the public will think we are covering up. People dont really whop the law as much as they do their doubts and their suspicions. 830 a. m. Breakfast is a sausage with a dab of mustard.Sometimes its a bowl of oatmeal, eaten with inihaw na pusit (dried squid), or sift with scrambled eggs and tuyo (dried fish). Some mornings it is pan de sal (roll) with cheese. Enrile is told this paper has referred to him and defense advise Serafin Cuevas as the superstars of the ongoing trial. He shrugs, I dont know what that infers. He likes to pore over his faux pass alone, he says, and tests the validity of the opinions of others against his own study of all the issues involved. I make my own trial brief, he adds.In the years when he was practicing law, he says, he would get-go check a case for any violations against the Constitution, and then study the laws that could apply, assumption the facts, the pleading or the complaint. I was fortunate to have met brilliant minds in and out of court, he recalls, much(prenominal) as Vicente Francisco, Jose W. Diokno, Alberto Jamil, Rod Jalandoni, Claudio Teehankee, among others. At 88, he can still let out his professors at the University of the Philippines College of Law where he received his law degree in 1953. Jose Espiritu for federation law, Emiliano Navarro for criminal law, Enrique Fernando for constitutional law, Peping Campos for negotiable instruments law, Norberto Quisumbing for trial technique, Bienvenido Ambion for torts and damages, Mrs. LaureaI sink her first name (its Norberta)for contract law and family relations, Juan T. Santos, who do us memorize the Rules o f Court from cover to cover, my goodness. He asks Sally for coffee and continues, My grudges were good, but I didnt become a shut off topnotcher.I answered the exam questions both ways, and for that I got minuses. Enrile placed 11th, with a rating of 91. 72 percent, in the 1954 bar scrutinys. If thats not impressive enough, consider this He got a unadulterated score in commercial law. An argument with professor Vicente Abad Santos caused him a 3 in civil law. I didnt know he was so sensitive. That was five units so bumaba ang average ko (that lowered my average grade), recalls the military man who would have graduated magna cum laude of the UP College of Law class of 1953 but had to settle for cum laude.When student and teacher met again, it was as secretary of the section of Justice and head of the Board of Pardons and Parole, respectively. I gave you a low grade even if you deserved a higher one because you so pissed off me, Enrile recollects Abad Santos telling him. Never mind, I am now your boss, he recalls answering. We then became friends. All his teachers, he says, were good to him, including the ones at Harvard University where, on full scholarship, he earned his Master of Laws with specialization in taxation and corporate reorganization. 9 a. m. I do not wish them to mark me absent at the legislative session, he says, so he leaves home earlier than most people would expect since the impeachment trial doesnt start until well after lunch. After taking some time to read the briefs and course of instruction vitae of two ambassadors scheduled to pay him a courtesy visit this day, he come acrosss his silence. I never expected to amount to anything. For a caminero (laborer) like him who do 75 centavos a day smashing rocks on the road from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. , to be able to fix a good study was nothing short of a miracle, he says. At the Harvard Law School, studies attered to him more than anything else. Again, Enrile is able to recall his grad uate school professors Paul Freund for constitutional law and conflict of laws (one of the brightest professors ever at Harvard), Milton Katz for international law (he became the director of the Economic Cooperation Administration or the US Marshall aim in Europe), law school dean Erwin Griswold for basic courses in income taxation, Stanley Surrey for international taxation (he became US Treasury assistant secretary). For corporate reorganization I had Ernest Brown. I could not understand a thing he was saying in class, recalls Enrile. My God, I did not know account at all So I forthrightly admitted I had a problem following him. The professor lent him two books and told him to come screening provided after he had read the books. I did exactly that, and only then did everything sink in, Enrile says. That was when I learned what corporate reorganization really entailed. While at Harvard, the Ilocano scholar received a monthly alteration of $170. He managed to have $700 in savin gs by the end of his stay. I didnt go out much, except for few times with Paeng Salas, bother Reyes and sometimes Beniting Legarda, he says.At the time, too, his romance with a girl from Iloilo had just ended. Her letter simply stopped, he says. I presumed she had run aground someone. I presumed wrong. I would see to it out she never married and that, shortly in the beginning she died, she motiveed to see me. He didnt have to nurse a broken kernel for long. While in Massachusetts he met a girl from costa Rica and, shortly thereafter, coupling was existence discussed. Her condition was for us to live in her country, where her family had sizable land memorys, recalls Enrile. I said no. I had just met my founder. He was as happy as I was to meet him.How could I agree to live in Costa Rica? 920 a. m. Enrile swings by the legislative session in the same hall where he is to preside later and is marked point. Senate President Pro Tempore Jose Jinggoy Estrada is presiding over a mathematical group that includes Vicente Sotto III, Franklin Drilon, Gregorio Honasan, Ralph Recto, Joker Arroyo, Ramon Revilla Jr. , Antonio Trillanes IV, Manuel Villar, Manuel Lapid, Alan Peter and Pia Cayetano, Teofisto Guingona III, and Francis Escudero. Out of their robes the senators are well recognizable. Senator-judge Juan Ponce Enrile as presiding officer at the Corona impeachment trial.INQUIRER file impression A short aerodynamic lift ride takes Enrile to the Office of the Senate President, which has been his since the 14th congress started in November 2008. He responds to morning salutations from employees not by merely cernuous but by verbalizing a hearty magandang umaga rin In his office, there is time for chitchat before the diplomat guests arrive. He knows exactly where he is in the conversation, so much so that one has to interrupt him and ask how he keeps his focus. He seems taken aback by the question, as if wondering wherefore his focus is a concern. He answers nonetheless. Even before I sleep, I anticipate what is to come, what Im to encounter. I make up my mind about certain decisions, the direction Im going to take, and thats itunless someone can persuade me to the contrary. But I do not close my mind. I am not against hearing other positions. I need to be sure I am not making an error in judgment when I arrive at my present position. 1045 a. m. The diplomats arrive, and Enrile receives them in the conference room adjacent to his cliquish quarters. After an hour, he returns with a brisk stride that says so much about his morning exercises and calisthenics. I sometimes dance, even by myself, while watching a dance DVD. I sweat and I get to stretch, he says. Every now and then I drop by the 365 Club at the Hotel Intercon. Its no longer what it was in the days of Ka Doroy then dean of newspapermen Teodoro ValenciaEd. and Mesiong Yabut former mayor of MakatiEd. , but I still have friends there. My sister Armida is also a membe r. The relationship with Armida Siguion-Reyna has an interesting back story. The male child who was given his mother Petras family name, Furraganan, found out who his make was while he was getting ready to joint the guerrillas in the last World War. Anakka iti ruar. Ponce ti nagan ti tatang mo. Maysa nga abogado. Awan ditoy, adda didiay Manila, his mother had confessed to him in Ilocano. (You are my child out of wedlock. Ponce is your fathers name. He is a lawyer. He is not here, he is in Manila. ) From that day on, Juanito went by the nom-de-guerre Valentin Ponce, the first after his day of birth, which is Feb. 14, and the second, in honor of his father. Juanito had two older brothers Eduardo and Eligio, sons of his mother by her first husband Martin Paddayuman, who died early.He also has five younger siblings from his mothers marriage to Macario Rapada of Ilocos Sur. They were Marciana, Melanio, Luisa, Juliana and Ireneo. The family tree gets more complicated. One day he was i nvited to the home of Vicente Alvarado, his fathers neighbor in Aparri. There I was introduced, without any warning, to Nena, Teresing, Edeng, and Carmeling, says Enrile. The girls, it move out, were his fathers children by Rosario Martinez of Cagayan, along with a son named Mario, whose ride had been torpedoed by the Japanese on his way back to Manila to follow his girl.So there before him were four more Ponce-Enriles. Soon he would view out about Nancy, another half-sibling from their fathers liaison with maria Balisi of Aparri. As far as he knew then, he had seven half-siblings by his mother and six by his father, whom he had never met. 1150 a. m. Executive Assistant Tala Maralit walks in with Majority Floor Leader Tito Sotto. Enrile waves the senator in and they huddle. Senator Trillanes comes in next, with a procedural question. Its a short, quite social exchange. 12 noon The Senate President is not one to lunch alone.Four others join him for a Chinese meal of clear soup, s teamed garoupa, steamed shrimps, manoeuver with black-bean sauce and bok choy sprinkled with garlic. He continues with his recollection. So I had met some paternal siblings. posthumous in August of 1945, Alvarado returned from Manila, with a message for Juanito. My father wished to see me, and I was to go with him to Manila at once, recalls Enrile. In the city, he was brought to a nursing home in Sta. Mesa. After a week, he still had not comprehend from the father who he had been told wanted so badly to meet him.He would short discover that one of his roommates, William Balisi, was a full brother of the same Nancy whom he met in Aparri. William was therefore also his half brother. William whispered to the young probinsyano that he had disappointed their father, which was why he was doing errands in that household, in addition to holding a day job at the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office. acceptt be like me, Enrile recalls William telling him. You study hard. William then apprised his younger half-brother that there had been a misunderstanding of sorts and it didnt impression like the Sta.Mesa Ponce-Enriles were going to introduce Johnny to their father. Johnny would have to go see the old man on his own, but how? He only knew his way around town. Listen carefully now, this is the way to Papas office, William instructed him. From Sta. Mesa, all the way to Legarda, to Azcarraga (Recto Avenue), to R. Hidalgo, to Quezon Boulevard, Enrile found himself in Quiapo where he was struck with a baton by an American sentry. I had no idea what jaywalking was, he recalls. He then walked straight to Carriedo, crossed Avenida Rizal, passed the Ideal theater, walked towards the Sta.Cruz bridge, walked around lieu Sta. Cruz, found Dasmarinas Street, turned left around the corner and went on until he reached Plaza Cervantes. And there it was, the Edificio Soriano. I entered the building from Plaza Cervantes. I maxim people standing in look of a door on the righ t side of the corridor. I stopped and watched. William told me to go to the seventh root of the building. As I stood there, I noticed people rushing out of the door as it opened, and people outside rushing in before the door closed. It was my first time to see something like that. I was mysophobic I would not get out from there alive.No one had told the boy from Cagayan about the wonderful contraption called the elevator. On the wall facing the elevator door on the seventh floor were the words Dewitt, Perkins, and Ponce-Enrile Law Offices. Juanito approached capital of Chile Gampued, the telephone operator stool a desk in the lobby, and introduced himself. I want to see attorney Alfonso Ponce Enrile. I am Juanito Furraganan. He was made to write his name on a small piece of paper and told to wait. Gampued returned shortly and motioned him to a narrow hallway that ended in front of a polished wooden door on the northeast corner.Seated behind a large desk cluttered with piles of paper was a man Castilian in appearancelight complexion, bushy eyebrows, hair almost all white, thick eyeglasses over his high-bridged nose. The man stood up upon seeing him. He was of medium built and as tall as I was, recalls Enrile. Id have thought him urbane, if I knew the word then. And imposing. Although his face was somewhat haggard and marked with lines, Enrile thought him good looking. He walked towards me, I met him halfway, recalls Enrile. He stepped forward, raised his arms, put them around me, held me tightly and said, I am sorry, my son. 145 p. m. Gumban has walked in and out of the office twice, perhaps to remind his boss of the time. He sees what he sees and backs out. The Senate President is crying. He apologizes, but is unabashed. I break down every time I recall the first time I met Papa. In October of 1944, he says, he was being beaten up by the Kempetei almost every day, and had no way of knowing if he was going to live or die. Now, September of 1945, I find myself being hugged by the father I had only much recently found out about, and hes telling me Im not going back to Sta. Mesa. Im to ride with him to Malabon.He is driving a black, three-seater Chevrolet convertible sports car, says Enrile. The car stopped in front of the steel admission of a large compound that held a two story semi-concrete house a few meters away. They get off. They are met by a braggy woman, two girls and two boys much younger than Johnny. (Raquel, the oldest girl, happened to be with their maternal grandparents in Pinaglabanan. ) Papa goes Papa goes He removes his glasses, wipes the tears off the lenses and, half-laughing, half-crying, says, Papa said, Mama, Mida, Nene, Junior, Totithis is Juanito.He is my son. From now on he will live with us. Enrile was 21 when he was enrolled a high school junior at St. James Academy in Malabon. After his senior year, he had to take a validating examination for all high school subjects from first year to the first semest er of trio year as his academic records were incomplete. After high school, Juanito was accepted at Ateneo de Manila for his two-year pre-law studies, and graduated cum laude, despite having to work as an assistant librarian in his fathers office.By this time, so numerous shovels and picks away from his caminero days, he was getting paid P120 a month. The library turn up to be most memorable for the advice that came from his fathers senior first mate Clyde A. Dewitt, a former Thomasite If you aspire to be a trial lawyer, assure the rules of evidence. Gain the habit of knowing thoroughly the facts of every case you handle. domain the case from the viewpoint of the other side as much as you study your side. Learn the technique of cross-examination by heart.You acquire that skill, not from reading books, but from actual practice in the courtroom. To be a corporation lawyer, you must have a thorough knowledge of corporation law, a familiarity with business practices and a working knowledge of accounting. Before Enrile entered the UP College of Law, his father instructed Mariano Carbonell, a senior lawyer in the same office, to file a petition to judicially change his surname. 214 p. m. The Presiding Officer, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, calls the Impeachment Trial of Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato C. Corona to order.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Chapter 5 Martin Outline
Chapter 5 Martin Walker The Cold War Pages 112-135 Spies in the Skies Sputnik to U-2 1. Link among Hungarian crackdown and Soviet relations with Poland and Yugoslavia 2. Examples of Soviet economic boom of the 50s and 60s 3. U. S. Reactions to Sputniks launch 4. Gaither Report a. Its findings b. Its recommendations c. Eisenhowers reactions 5. National Defense Act of 1958 and its results 6. Anglo-American relations warm sults tSoviet relations with Poland and Yugoslaviaand turn up agreements 7. French intransigence following the Suez humiliation 8. De Gaulle . Algeria and the 4th Republic e. contact with General Norstad f. Consequences g. ICBM worries 9. Dulles, Adenauer and France 10. French and British begin divesting their countries of empires 11. Iraq presents a task in 1958 and how the U. S. and British dealt with it 12. British hardballing in the Middle East 13. root of the growing British-French mistrust 14. Coup against Khrushchev and the aftermath 15. China h. Growing di scontent with Russia i. monoamine oxidases West vs. East wind speech j. Maos Nuclear war stance k. Hundred Flowers Campaign l. smashing Leap Forward m.Soviet response to Chinese appeal for nuclear guardianship against the U. S. 16. Examples of brinkmanship by both the Soviet and the U. S. 17. Why the need to display brinkmanship 18. Maintaining a nuclear balance and the unpredictable weights 19. Berlin n. Khrushchevs proposal o. Why the U. S. set it difficult to agree to p. Khrushchev Adenauer meeting 20. U-2 planes and their capabilities 21. Sino-Soviet split as reason for Soviet intransigence following the Paris Summit 22. Khrushchev, Soviet conventional gird forces, and the Strategic Rocket Forces 23. Cuba, sugar, and the Soviets
Beauty: Wish and Carla
This funny witty story truelove by Jane Martin is more or less two girls who argue about the facets each one has. Carla is the definition of beauty, and Beth whatever who is the inverse carries something Carla wishes she had brains, personality, and a college degree. The play relies mostly on wit and wordplay with and two characters and a genie lamp. Both Carla and Bethany envy one some other wishing they had each others bearings or persona.When Bethany has the power to change over what she has and get what she has always wanted the writer uses Carla to show that Bethany will be disappointed with the set of dialogue they use back and forth. Carla is clearly not happy with herself and her insecurities meanwhile so is Bethany, discovering that everyone has different problems no matter what they look like. Everyone is envious of someone for something not realizing they ware problems they wont understand.Because Beauty is a play, Martin introduces the characters through dialogue. The first character, Carla, is first seen talking on the think with a random suitor that she met at a bar and she cannot be to remember. This is evidence that Carla has some type of beauty that attracts male attention, even without any actual interaction. Later in the play, Carla references the fact that she has a modeling clash with Ralph Lauren, reiterating the fact that she is physically beautiful.The second character, Bethany, is Carlas friend, and obviously a levelheaded friend because she does not mind interrupting Carla on the phone regardless of how many times Carla asks her to be quiet. Bethany has a demanding job as a overt accountant, and decides to take a break to go to the beach. While there, she finds a lamp with a magic genie inside. The magic genie grants Bethany three wishes, three chances to have something she would not normally get in her life. Martin uses the genie to unmask Bethanys hidden desires and discontent in her life.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Performance management & Performance appraisal Essay
Nowadays, every company has their homophile resources plane section that plays a striking part of an memorial tablets and a key to affect business succeeds or not. on that point be devil core threads of gentlemans gentleman resources department be individual and arrangemental learning, individual and organizational writ of execution. serviceman resource perplexity should possess a good vigilance systems and framework crack human ability is all wontd to get hold of organization goals. Include strategic human resources precaution, equal employment opportunity, staffing, talent focus and study, total rewards, gamble centering and worker protection, employee and labor relations.The best organizations understand that managing human resources efficaciously involves more than focusing only on current employees. It requires a semipermanent perspective that is responsive to the concerns of current employees potential future employees and recent employees no longer work for. At the same time, the organizations strive to manage employees effectually, view to many challenges, for instance manning teams, the multicultural workforce, globalization, ethics and corporate social tariff and metros. Human resources department responsible to provide effectual death penalty counseling and system to assist the company is going smooth. Per variationance circumspectionThe mathematical function of surgical procedure heed is one of the most crucial and positive developments, acquisition of high exercise by the organization, managing the business. This is the handle of localiseing, measuring, managing and developing the exertion in an organization. There are dispositioning how well employees perform and finally alter mathematical operation level. The further explain that create strategic, integrated process, develop a culture of constantly success to organizations by improving the performance of the multitude who work in them and by developing th e capabilities of individual contributors and teams (Cardy & Leonard , 2011).The development of individuals with competence and commitment, working towards to shared meaningful objectives within an organization that supports the acquisition. When the direction is in good order, performance way is a systematic analysis and measurement of workers performance. Also it is a critical and necessary component for individual and organizational effectiveness. When manage a group of workers or others, report the feedback to boss. It must bea process needed for improvement to clear. In performance management, it is getting the right workers into the takings line or suitable staff into the system in a very central part of the overall process (Bergstedt, 2010). doing assessmentPerformance judgement are part of a performance management system, it is ongoing process of evaluating and reviews of employee performance over time. Provide an opportunity for form-only(prenominal) communicatio n betwixt management and the employees, concerning each employee what performing on organization. acquire two-way interaction between mess. It is a good opportunity and allow employee express what their comment to bosses is. Open lines of communication byout the year supporter to switch effective working relationships.Allow management to make decisions well-nigh employees within the organization from this communication. Appraisals to make evaluative decisions concerning the workforce including pay raises, promotions, demotions, rearing, and development and so on. It dirty dogs measures skills and realization with reasonable accuracy and uniformity. The management can view on this reliable information for making strategic planning, whitethorn sharpen productivity for the firm as well. It provides a way to help identify areas for performance enhancement and to help promote professional growth. Each employee is empower to a thoughtful and careful approximation (Harzing, Pi nnington, 2011, p.20-28).The success of the process dep oddments on the supervisors leaveingness to complete a constructive and objective judgment and on the employees volitioningness to respond to constructive suggestions and to work with the supervisor to pee-pee future goals. Difference between performance management and performance appraisal Performance management focus is on performance management, identifies measures, manages, and develops the performance of people in the organization. It is designed to improve worker performance over time. ferocity is on performance improvements of individuals, teams and the organization.It will continue process with periodical performance review discussions and then performance planning, analysis, review, development and improvements. Defining and setting performance standards are an integral part and designed by the human resources department but monitored under the each departments. Developmental needs are set in the beginning of the year on the basis of the competency requirements for the approach year. There is review via mechanisms. However performance appraisal focus is on performance appraisal and valuations. It is just a part of the performance management process. Identifies measures, estimates the employees performance, and then discusses that performance with the employee. Normally it is an annual exercise though periodic evaluations are made.The main functions are on ratings and evaluation. The most important component is rewards and recognition of good performance of staff. Designed and monitored by the human resource department. Developmental needs are identified at the end of the year on the basis of the appraisal of competency gaps. There are review mechanisms to fasten objectivity in ratings. (Fraser, 2007) Characteristics of an empty-handed performance management system Normally, the good performance possesses ability, motivation and opportunity.It should make use of employee skills and mak e water adequate incentives to urge them willingness to do the communication channel. Provide work in an environs with support and way for expression. Unfortunately, driven by the just about situational constraints including physical environment, working conditions, use of outcome of appraisal complexity of job, interdependence and lack of financial or human resources to make performance management system be an stillborn (Armstrong & Baron, 2005, p. 78-85). Causes of Failure of a performance management system attain legislation affirmative action, lack of raters, less train, rating inflation or deflation, unclear purpose, without or ignore feedback, un decent reward system, appraisal instruments, performance Standards, rating accuracy, accountability of raters, management Commitment, no trust and participation and acceptance. ( Luecke & Hall,2006, p.93-98)Characteristics of a successful performance management system Successful performance management system can manage performa nce over time to ensure that remain productive, and hopefully become even more capable, as gird in their careers. Designing an effective performance management system should including mirror the corporate culture, clear definition and communications of what good performance ensure all senior management support and understand the level of performance. It may train managers in this performance management. To set a clear foreboding for employee, acknowledging that people are doing a good job and recognizing them for a job well done. To set a clear manifest that performance in the company is differentiated and that differences in performance are recognized through the reward system.Differentiate performance fairly and effectively through actions to show poor performance is being address, high performance will convey a great rewards. Set an expectations or employee development, adjust the system if needed. unconstipated compete performance management have a well strategic, developme ntal and administrative, also need line managers and senior management behave in a same way and support. That would be accomplished to achieve the organization goals. (Roberts Alan, 2012)An unsuccessful versus a successful performance management system When an unsuccessful compare a successful performance management system, if under unsuccessful performance management system. Without any clear objective, goals and fair rules in this organization. The total company will face to employee leave, low morale and not proceed to the company. Without employee support and the bad relationship between company. The business must be going worst. On the contrary, if company has a good performance management system with a clear fairly and effectively goals, the employee and management will all support and try the best to achieve goals. The business will be getting break off for each part under a pleased environment. (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p.47-52) Some common errors and eliminatedThe common err ors including distributional errors occur in three forms, badness or strictness, central tendency and leniency. There are ground on a standard normal distribution. In severity or strictness error, the rater approximates everyone or nearly everyone. Similarity error occurs when raters evaluate subordinates that judge or consider more interchangeable as better employees. All have a tendency to feel more well-situated with people who feel are more similar. The relation is based on demographic characteristics such as race. Allow this feeling of comfort with similar individuals to be reflected in the performance appraisal process.It can avoid similarity error by embracing diversity and objectively evaluating individual employees based on their actual performance. Contrast error is the rater compares and contrasts performance between two employees, rather than using absolute measures of performance to measure each employee. For vitrine, the rater may contrast a good performer with an outstanding performer, and as a result of the significant contrast. This would be a contrast error. It can avoid contrast error by objectively evaluating individual employees based on actual performance. Management must use the ranking method correctly each individual based on the items on the assessment form then rank the individuals based on their assessments.Halo and horn occurs when the judge has a generally positive or negative impression of an individual, and the judge then artificially extends that general impression to many individual categories of performance to create an overall evaluation of the individual that is either positive or negative In other words, if employees are judged by their supervisor to be generally good employees, and the supervisor then evaluates each of the areas of their performance as good, regardless of any behaviors or results to the contrary, the supervisor is guilty of halo error. It can avoid halo error by remembering that employees are lo ts strong in some areas and weaker in others, and need to objectively evaluate individual employees based on actual performance for each and every item of assessment.Appraisal politics is refers to evaluators purposefully contorting a rating to achieve personal or organization goals. Factors other than performance affect the performance appraisal. These factors are internal in the appraisal system and the organization system. It is occur when raters are accountable to the employee and rated, it appear competing rating goals and direct linking current between performance appraisal and most desirable rewards. In order to decrease this matter, managers should keep in mind and pay attention a fair appraisal system. Central tendency error occurs when raters evaluate everyone under the concur as average nobody is either really good or really bad.Proximity error states that similar marks may be given to items that are near each other on the performance appraisal form, regardless of differ ences in performance on those measures. Regency error occurs when raters use only the last few weeks or month of a rating period as evidence of their ratings of others. Attribution error. In simplified terms, attribution is a process where an individual assumes reasons or motivations such as attitudes, values, or beliefs for an observed behavior. Reducing rater errors is offer reeducating rating errors. Rater training undertaken to make managers alive(predicate) of rating errors and helps develop strategies for minimizing those errors. This is consisting of the participants view vignettes designed to elicit rating errors, for example contrast.Rater Error Training called frame-of-reference training as well, emphasize the multidimensional nature of performance and raters with the actual content of various performance dimensions. Moreover, accuracy training seems can increasing accuracy and provided the training allows raters to practice making ratings and training feedback.Create a fair system should include train raters on the appropriate use of the process as discussed previously, build top management support for the appraisal system and actively discourage distortion, give raters some latitude to customer performance objectives and criteria for their rates, recognize employee accomplishments that are not self-promoted, make sure constraints for example a budget. Also make sure that appraisal processes are consistent across the company and foster a temper of openness to encourage employees to be honest the weakness. (Salaman, Storey & Billsberry, 2005, p.19-27) ConclusionIn conclusion, this essay is proving that good performance management is one of the most important positions in the company. Seeing that it can help employee and management together to achievement the goals under high performance. At the same time, human resources department is a very chief role to develop perfect performance management system and need to avoid some common error. Thus, tha ts wherefore human resources are a big part in the organization and influence the whole company. Word count 2013ReferenceArmstrong Michael & Baron Angela (2005) Managing Performance Performance Management in Action, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, CIPD set up London, p. 78-85Bergstedt Martin, (2010) online Available at http// Accessed October 27, 2012.Bhattacharyya Dipak Kumar, (2011) Performance Management Systems and Strategies, Dorling Kindersley India Pvt Ltd, licensees of Pearson Education in southeasterly Asia p.47-52Cardy Robert L & Leonard Brian, (2011) Performance Management Concepts, Skills, and Exercises Second Edition, M.E.Sharpe, Inc New York, p.134-156Fraser Ross, (2007) online Available at Accessed July 5 2007. Harzing Anne-Wil, Pinnington Ashly, (2011) International Human Resources Management Third Edition, SAGE Publications As ia-Pacific Ltd capital of Singapore p.20-28Luecke Richard, Hall Brian J, (2006) Performance Management Measure and Improve the Effectiveness of Your Employees, Harvard blood line School Press p.93-98Roberts Alan, (2012) online Available at Accessed June 25, 2012.Salaman Graeme, Storey John, Billsberry Jon, (2005) Strategic Human Resource Management Theory and Practice Second Edition, Published in association with The Open University p.19-27
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